Super Finding App

Chapter 1200: White Bull (2)

Wei Fang, a wonderful girl in her 20s, showed a sweet smile.

The color of disgust flashed through the beautiful eyes of such a big belly **** in the Mediterranean, but it quickly disappeared.

Because she touched the valuable jade on her neck.

This is the big-bellied poop, and the large jade from the Mediterranean bought her the jade.

"Okay, okay, okay, I'm going to wash now, I'm going to wash now, I remember you tell me, did you bring that over today? The effect of that thing is simply amazing"

On the belly, there were some large Zhang Zhangs in the Mediterranean stumbled up from the sofa, and reluctantly released the wonderful young girl Wei Fang.

"Of course, I know you like it, so I'm going to come here with some of my friends. This effect is really great. You will be very comfortable tonight."

Wei Fang's face was red, with a sense of coyness.

"Okay, that's really great. Thank you friends someday. Please prepare more. I find this thing is really good ..."

Pot-bellied poop, some of the Mediterranean's big models laughed, then stumbled to the shower room of the villa to wash.

Wei Fang aside a helpless smile

good stuff?

How is this going?

Could it be that this good thing is what killed Zhang Dadian?

Are they taking drugs, are they in K powder?

Under the state of his soul, Cheng Yiping listened to the words in front of him, and his eyes narrowed sharply.

He was very clear that what Wei Fang said was like drug use.

If you are really taking drugs, people will be extremely excited, maybe this big money is because of this sudden cardiac death.

Do not!



This is absolutely impossible!

If it is really drug abuse, the autopsy report of the police station can definitely be found out.

However, after investigating and understanding the death report of Zhang Daqian learned by the police, no toxin appeared.

In other words, Zhang Dadian did not take drugs.

If there is no drug use.

So what exactly is a good thing?

Under the state of soul, Cheng Yiping became more and more curious and strange.

What is happening now is completely beyond the scope of Cheng Yiping's thought, and I feel more and more confused.

How does the big belly with a big belly in the Mediterranean die?

It was neither his own suicide nor being killed, let alone any k powder who died of excitement.

It ’s not a robbery in the room. Then there is a big belly in front of you. How did the big money in the Mediterranean die?

Under the state of soul, Cheng Yiping frowned, and felt strange about what happened in front of him.

No wonder Wang Yuting from the police station will come to find his help and need the help of the Super Hidden Object App. Now this case seems simple, but it is really very weird.

All right.

All right.

Just keep reading and that's the truth.

This man with a big belly and a little baldness couldn't have died inexplicably.

Not to mention that the Super Hidden App has never failed and failed.

In a state of soul, Cheng Yi passed straight inside the villa.

Came across the wall into the room.

At this moment, the wonderful young girl Wei Fang has gradually taken off the clothes on her body one by one, showing her graceful figure.

If you change to a normal person, I'm afraid I have already felt very shy, but I don't mind any flatness under all these soul states, but I look at it carefully and touch my chin, Look at some comments.

I have to say that Wei Fang now has proud capital.

It looks like he's only in his twenties, but he's quite good. I'm afraid that's why the big money now likes to find college students.

Having said that, if the body looks bad, how can you make a big money?

"Baby, baby, baby, I am here, baby, I am here ..."

The door of the bath in the villa room was pushed open, and Zhang Daquan, who was only surrounded by a big belly with a bath towel, rushed over, holding Wei Fang who had stripped off his underwear, Some monkeys are anxious.

"Don't worry, don't worry, take your time, take your time. I'm all yours. See what you're so anxious about?"

The wonderful young girl Wei Fang showed a shameful look, stretched out her fingers and nodded her wide cheeks, feeling quite a bit of flirtation.

"Aren't I excited? Aren't I excited? Come, come, take out the good stuff, and take out the good stuff soon ..."

Big-bellied poop, some bald Zhang Daan hurriedly said

"This thing introduced by your friend is really great. I have also drank a lot of drinks. There is really no drink like your friend's. Honestly, I really think there will be anything in it. Bad things, deliberately went to test, but found that this is really just a sports drink ... "

The big-bellied pooping eyes opened up, watching Wei Fang take out a drink from a pink designer bag, and couldn't wait to pick it up.


Sports drinks?

how can that be!

Under the state of soul, Cheng Yiping's pupils suddenly lighted up ...

He clearly saw the red light radiating from Wei Fang's pink bag before his eyes.

This shows what?

This shows that it was not the others who killed Zhang Da, who had bald heads and had bald heads, but this bottle of drink in Wei Fang's hands?

Are you kidding me?

How is this possible?

The culprit who killed the big belly and bald and opened a large amount of money was Wei Fang's drink from the pink bag?

how can that be…

Under the state of soul, Cheng Yiping really felt very strange, moved his footsteps, and went straight to the front of Zhang Daqian and Wei Fang who were bald and bald.

At this moment, Zhang Dajian and Wei Fang did not see Cheng Yiping's avatar in the slightest.

this is

In the state of soul separation, Cheng Yiping looked at the bottle of sports drink in Wei Fang's hands and felt abnormal doubts and strangeness ...

Because this sports drink in Wei Fang's hand made Cheng Yiping's soul feel a touch of familiarity.

Why is this drink so familiar?

Cheng Yiping under the state of soul frowned, thinking.

He always felt as if he had seen the drink somewhere.

"This drink is really great. As long as I drink it, I immediately feel energetic and have no fatigue. Even if I do that thing, it will be very brave ..."

On the big belly, there were some bald open eyes with bright eyes. He took the drink in Wei Fang's hand, opened it and drank it, and the original drunken face suddenly glowed red.


So effective?

I remembered.

Isn't this sports drink the white bull that is being advertised on Jiangzhen TV?

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