Super Finding App

Chapter 1201: Absurd (1)

That's right!

That's right!

I remember now.

I remember it well now.

In this big belly, there is a drink in the hands of a large Zhang in the Mediterranean who is the sports drink that the boss who made the advertisement heard on the aisle of Jiangzhen City TV station when he received Zhang Xiaona.

This is the white bull!

But this is completely wrong.

If this is really just a sports drink, how could it cause Zhang Dadian's sudden cardiac death?

Is it because it's too exciting?



If Zhang Dajian really died because he was too excited, then he should emit a red light.

Faith-seeking in the super-seeking app will tell me that he is absolutely excited and died.

And now it's not the potbelly **** that exudes a red light, but a large cow in the Mediterranean, but this white cow drink in the hands of Zhang.

in other words

Let this potbelly poop, it is the other people or the drink in this hand that has died in the Mediterranean.

White Bull Drink ...

Cheng Yiping in the state of soul felt puzzled.

He thought that there would be millions of possibilities. It could be anxiety or vengeance, or emotional killing, or Wei Fang lying.

But I never expected that the final result would be just a death case caused by a bottle of white cow drink!

How can an ordinary bottle of sports drink cause cardiac arrest?

What's more, even this big money was caused by a sudden cardiac arrest after drinking a sports white cow drink.

So what happened to the death of the two young girls in Dominka, Beizhou?

It is not a normal case to think of a viscera burning to death and a frozen ice to die.

If you let it go, God knows what will happen.

Still, the key to these murders is in Wei Fang, and perhaps the key to solving the case is in Wei Fang!

Cheng Yiping frowned under the state of soul, thinking about it.

In front of his eyes, Zhang Dajian, who had a big belly, and Wei Fang, a wonderful young girl, hugged me and kissed me. A live spring palace picture was staged on the big bed in the room. The state of soul beside them is a flat, watching them quietly

"Baby baby, you are my baby, come and kiss me, let me kiss"

Zhang Dadian, who had a big belly and a stool in the Mediterranean, held Wei Fang in her arms and felt her mature youthful and energetic body. It seemed that even his whole body became excited, the monkey anxiously said


Zhang Da, who was holding the wonderful young girl Wei Fang in her intimate and affectionate belly, suddenly and painfully mourned.

A fragile young girl Wei Fang kept rolling on the bed, and the expensive soft mat bed became rotten under the bald-headed, large-skinned, large-sized poop, and then the whole person fell and fell. Foaming on the ground

"What's wrong? What's wrong? What the **** is going on? What the **** is it? ..."

The wonderful young girl Wei Fang ran away and made a panic yelling.

Even so, she didn't notice the empty bottle of the white cow drink that had fallen from the ground.

what happened?

what happened?

Is this over?

Is Zhang Dadian dead like this?

So, according to what I have seen, isn't it that it is the white cow sports drink that killed Zhang Dajian?

Are you kidding me?

Who would believe this when they say that?

No one would believe it, okay?

The avatar in the state of the soul becomes a level. The entire body slowly turns into a smoke and disappears. All the information has been gathered into the body of the level.

Late in the night, Jiangzhen City's Sixth Division Office opened his eyes slowly, his face showing an extremely weird look.

Beside him, the bright-eyed Wang Yuting's pupils shined brightly, and when they saw Cheng Yiping opened her eyes and said urgently.

"Did you find Cheng Yiping? Did the Super Hidden App tell you exactly how this big money died, was the murderer Wei Fang?"

Cheng Yiping's face was extremely weird. He opened his mouth and looked at Wang Yuting and Beizhou Road, who were both naked in front of his eyes. Zhao Weiquan and Qian Sen from Binka hesitated.

"I've found it, the Super Hidden App has indeed told me how this big money died ..."


Cheng Yiping's voice had not come to an end, and when he saw the excitement, the bright-eyed Wang Yuting's eyes were full of light, and he said urgently.

"Did I really tell you? Who is it, who is it? Who killed Zhang Dajin?"

Zhao Weiquan and Qian Sen from Beizhou Dobinka City also came violently, revealing the look of inquiry in their eyes.

They came to Jiangzhen City in order to find the killer.

Although it is not clear so far, what are the main culprits in killing two young girls, one burning their internal organs and one freezing their ice?

But if we can know how Zhang Dadian died.

Maybe you can find the killer by the touch of the vine, or the killer is the same person!

"The Super Hidden Object app has told me that the culprit who kills the big belly poop, which is a bit of the Mediterranean, is the drink!"


Killing potbelly poop, are some of the big culprits in the Mediterranean's big money turned out to be drinks?

Are you kidding me?

What exactly does this mean?

Wang Yuting of the sixth group of Jiangzhen City's serious case was directly stunned by what Cheng Yiping said.

Half a pat patted his head

"Cheng Yiping, I understand, I understand, do you mean the murderer who killed this big belly with a big belly, nicknamed the drinker?

The nickname is drink?

Indeed, the nicknames that some criminals can afford are all strange and weird, even if someone has a nickname called Beverage.

"Is the nickname drink? Sure enough, it was someone who killed Zhang Dadian, but if it was someone, why did Wei Fang who was with Zhang Dadian know the truth?"

"Did the murderer named drink know Wei Fang?"

Zhang Weiquan and Mr. Qian Sen, two policemen in Binka, Beizhou, frowned, and began a careful discussion.

Cheng Yiping's face became more and more weird. He coughed two or three times, raised his eyes, and looked at Wang Yuting, who was talking so loudly, and two policemen in Binka.

"You are wrong. The drink I am talking about does not refer to people, but the ordinary drink. The big belly with big belly is not killed by people, but because it is suddenly after drinking a drink. Died of sudden cardiac arrest "

"Although I say this, you may not understand and find it incredible, but this is how the Super Hidden App tells me!"

"In other words, this big money was poisoned by drinks!"

"This large sum was frothed after drinking a drink called White Bull."

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