Super Finding App

Chapter 1204: My daughter-in-law is pretty (1)

Sure enough, this year is still really like the Internet says that the richer the richer, the poorer the poorer.

Sitting on the coach, Cheng Yiping put his phone away, revealing a bit of bitter smile.

Although I can still be considered a rich person now, with some assets, I can more and more feel that the current society is really rich, the richer, the poorer the poorer.

Because you have money, you can invest and you can make money, even if it fails

Just because you are poor, you dare not invest and do n’t dare to spend money, because you know that once you fail once, you are waiting for the abyss. Behind you, and your parents, your child needs to be supported, one point. Money is spent in half.

In many cases, once you miss the opportunity and the opportunity, it is quite difficult to make money again.

I am lucky.

Fortunately, I have the Super Hidden App. If I do n’t have the Super Hidden App, maybe I will become exactly the same as before, there is no chance of getting rich, I am afraid that I will only go to work and make money like an ordinary person.

Cheng Yiping exhaled a long breath, looked up, and the streets along the street were bustling. Everyone seemed to have a mobile phone in their hands, and some people were talking fiercely.

Although I now upload the backup system of the Super Hidden Object app to the network, so that the entire Mercury Star and even the people of the Tang Dynasty have the Super Hidden Object App, but the number of faith points required has increased:

Therefore, it is possible to make money by using the super finder app, but it is quite difficult to get rich overnight.

After all, belief points are not likely to be fake for a super finder app.

Maybe someone can cheat in other aspects of the super finder app faith belief finder, but the belief point can't fake it.

Because of this.

So there are a lot of people who really want to make a fortune using the Super Hidden App in the entire Aqua Blue Star.

But there are only a handful of people who can really make a fortune. After all, only by becoming the most devout believer of the super finder app can you get a lot of faith points, and you can support the finder of the finder app.

For most people holding a night of riches, their belief in the Super Hidden App can only be called a believer.

It basically takes a few months to be able to get it once.

And the greater the amount of money for the item sought, the more faith points are required.

In fact, some people can not save enough times to use the Super Hidden App to find things.

However, it is undeniable that the backup system of the Super Hidden Object app has gradually changed the fate of many people after being uploaded to the entire Aqua Blue Star.

"Boy, what the **** are you doing here in Nanyu City? Want to buy jade? Or do you want to buy ore or travel?"

The air on the coach has become extremely dull, and some people are drowsy along with the long journey, but it is also the best time for communication between guests in this coach.

After all, everyone is from the north and the south. As long as there is some goodwill, others will pick it up.

It doesn't.

Sitting on the flat side is a smile on the face of an old woman about 50 years old:

It can be seen from her carrying big bags that she is definitely a type of visiting relatives.

At this moment he turned around and looked at Cheng Yiping.

"Sister, yes, I heard that Nanyu City is the place where we produced the most jade in Tiantang Kingdom. I opened a jade shop myself, so I wanted to find some jade to buy. When I came here for the first time, I heard what the sister said. This city of Nanyu knows very well, so it's better for me to help me. "

Cheng Yiping froze for a moment, then echoed

Although it is said that a lot of data can be viewed through computers today, quite a few computers have the feeling I have in the world:

However, after all, the computer is a real object, and some of the information found from it may not be true. If there is a local person as a guide, it can take a lot of detours.

After all, there is the existence of a sailor on the network. Wherever these sailors go, there is no grass, and fake ones can be said to be true ...

"Hehe, man, you are wrong. I am not from Nanyu City, but my son works in Nanyu City. I heard that he is still an executive in a company and he is doing quite well. Today I am Come and see him "

"My son is so good. Look at the young people who are busy at work and they wo n’t find anybody. It ’s frowning to find them. My parents are desperate to die, but my son But it ’s all good. Not only does he work well, but the subject is also beautiful. I went to see my daughter-in-law this time. ”

The middle-aged woman raised her face when she mentioned her son, it was a proud light

"Really? That's really great. Then, the whole Tang Dynasty can be said to have more men and fewer girls. Finding targets has become a first-class event. Sometimes I find it strange that you say the poor can't find it. There is a reason for the target, and those rich and high-quality men and women cannot find the target. It is strange to think about it. "

Once you mention the search, this is definitely a gossip, Cheng Yiping is free, and continues to say

"Yes, that's right, don't you say it now? The girls nowadays all find it extremely difficult to find a target. Where is it like when I was in school, then my son came with the target every day. At that time we still Forbid him to fall in love early, but now it's okay, all begging his son to talk about the subject quickly, but it's still my son, he has found the subject, that is, every time he wants to take him home, he lives Unwilling to say that it is busy with work. Today I will go and see what my daughter-in-law looks like. "

"Oh, are you? You are a sudden attack. You are not afraid that your son-in-law's daughter-in-law is not satisfied with your satisfaction. What can you do?"

Cheng Yiping was suddenly worried about the son of a middle-aged woman.

These years, parents' surprise attacks are accompanied by surprises.

I just don't know, is it joy or fright for the middle-aged woman's son?

"Of course I ca n’t tell. If I tell, my son will definitely say that his daughter-in-law is not at home, or that they are busy, and they wo n’t let us come at all. This time I was a surprise attack, but do n’t worry, even if I do n’t tell them , But I remember my son ’s home address clearly, I used paper and notes. ”

The middle-aged woman righteously said that it seemed a normal thing for the parents to assault, or that the middle-aged woman wanted to sneak up on his son for a long time, otherwise why did he even copy the address? Is it?

Cheng Yiping couldn't help but rolled his eyes, and saw the middle-aged woman opened her bag and looked for it, but the smile on her face was gradually anxious.

"No, no, no, I forgot my son's address ..."

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