Super Finding App

Chapter 1205: My daughter-in-law is pretty (2)

"No, no, no, no, no. How is this possible? I remember when I came out I gave the address in my bag, how could I not find it? Did I forget it? Anymore? "

"Impossible, impossible, what can I do, if I really forgot my son's address, wouldn't it be vain for my trip?"

"No, no, I'll look again, I'm looking, maybe I misplaced, I'll look again"

The middle-aged woman with a smile on her face was full of self-confidence, and her face was full of anxiety. The sweat on her forehead was flowing.

Even the powder on her face was blurred.

"What's wrong with your elder sister? Did you misplace it, or should you look for it again?"

How is this going?

Does this middle-aged elder sister forget her son's home address in Nanyu City?

how is this possible?

Maybe not.

Generally speaking, if parents have a bad memory, they will write the address on the paper.

Some of them even remember in their minds more clearly than their sons remember. How could it be forgotten?

Wouldn't that happen

Cheng Yiping opened his mouth and looked at the middle-aged woman who was sitting next to her and rummaging through the baggage, comforting him.

"What to do, what to do, no, no, really no more, all blame me, it must be that when I came out, I just took care to bring some special products and gifts to my son and future daughter-in-law. I forgot, what can I do? Do I have to go back now? It took me more than five hours to get there ... "

Middle-aged woman wants to cry without tears, her eyes are full of tears

not easy.

not easy.

She felt that it was not easy for her, although parents said that they really wanted their children to stay with them and be in the same city.

But this is not the case. Not all cities are developed.

Not all cities are coastal areas, which can provide children with space to grow.

After many children enter college, they will find a job in the local bustling city to take root, and they are far away from their parents.

Maybe a lot of people will say why do n’t you go back to your hometown because it ’s so hard outside?

But then again, if the hometown is really good, who would be willing to travel mountains and rivers as a family of North Drifting?

Everything is just a dream for me to survive better.

It is never easy to survive in a foreign country with your own dreams.

In addition to the high rents and pressures of life, parents in the distant world will also bring their anxiety and worry.

One way is to worry about the mother.

Poor parents

"Get off, get off. I want to get off the bus. I have to get off the bus quickly, and then take the earliest class to go home and fight, and then come over!"

The middle-aged woman wanted to cry without tears, and her face was full of anxiety.

After five or six hours of long-distance coach travelling to the city where my son was, he forgot to remember his son's home address. As a result, he could only take five or six hours to go back, and then come here again?

That's a full day wasted.

"Calm down, calm down, elder sister, it's better to look for it better, maybe your paper is really thrown away in the other place in the parcel, or else you think about it, your son told you about him Where is the address? If you can think of it, you do n’t have to travel back and forth in a five-hour car ride ... ”

This is really a very unlucky thing ...

Cheng Yiping sighed quietly.

This middle-aged woman is also considered unlucky.

If she finds out before making a long-distance coach, she can still go home and get it.

But now that he has been sitting for more than five hours, he will soon arrive in Nanyu City and find out that his son ’s home address has been lost by him?

This is really a very painful thing.

"I can't find it, I can't find it, I really can't find it. Look at my head. Memory is getting worse and worse. How can I forget my son's address?"

The middle-aged woman sighed and sighed. The eyes that were originally full of spirits were filled with anxiety and uneasiness at this moment:

Why did she want to go back home again and waste more than five hours, but what if she didn't know her son's address?

"Calm down, calm down, big sister, it doesn't matter if you don't know the address, do you always have your son's phone number? Can you just call him directly and ask him to come over the address? At most it is You can't make a surprise attack, but it's better than taking it for another five hours by car. "

After thinking for a while, Cheng gave an idea to the eldest sister.

"Yeah, yeah, I can call my son, I can call my son!"

When the middle-aged woman heard this, she nodded hurriedly and took out her cell phone from her arms.

Although she said she had forgotten her son's home address and was unable to make a surprise attack on her son, as long as she had a phone call, she could know her son's home address, and it would be nice to have her son come to pick her up.

At least you can see how your son and future daughter-in-law are doing?

This older sister is still trendy

Cheng Yiping nodded slightly, watching the elder sister took out the latest mobile phone from her arms and slightly raised her eyes, rolling her eyes.

Who said that today's high-tech mobile phones can only be used by young talents?

Now the aunts are quite open one by one. As long as the mobile phone is taught a little bit, it is more slippery than young people.

Fortunately, long-distance bus drivers can make phone calls. The elder sister immediately took out her mobile phone, turned up her son's phone number, and dialed out.

[Hello, the call you dialed is off ... sorry ...]

[Hello, the call you dialed is off ... sorry ...]

[Hello, the call you dialed is off ... sorry ...]

The middle-aged woman full of excitement turned pale in an instant, turning her head like a robot, weeping her face, and the sound of the phone you dialed turned off in the mobile phone she held.

The phone is off.

The phone is off.

Do you want to be so coincident?

This is not writing a novel!

Cheng Yiping twitched slightly at the corner of his mouth and rolled his eyes.

This is a coincidence too.

I can only say that the luck of this middle-aged woman is too bad!

After working hard for more than five hours on a long-distance coach to Nanyu City, I suddenly realized that I had forgotten my son's home address!

The paper recording his son's home address was also lost. He called his son to pick it up, but found that the phone was turned off.

What words can you use to describe this other than the unlucky word?

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