Super Finding App

Chapter 1210: He Jiakang

He Jiakang yawned for a long time, woke up from sleep, rubbed his temples.

I worked late last night and stayed up until four or five o'clock in the morning to go home. This sleep was very good.

After He Jiakang got up, watching his girlfriend in a smart dress on the bed showed a knowing smile, reaching out and gently stroking his girlfriend's towering back, starting with a silky silky texture, this feeling made him Fascinated

It's really nice to have a girlfriend yourself.

Can't cry or make trouble.

Even if she has been entertaining outside for a long time, she will obediently wait for herself at home.

I don't want to buy this and buy that myself.

He Jiakang now feels that his girlfriend is really very good. Compared with those girlfriends he talked about before, he is really good.

Think of those girlfriends who used to call them every day, remember their hobbies, anniversaries, and coax them. They will quarrel with you and break up if they are not careful.

Buying this and buying that is unreasonable at times, and sometimes I have to work overtime until I go home late at night and have to kneel and wash the clothesboard, which is simply terrible.

Where is the same as now, my girlfriend is waiting at home obediently every day, no matter how late or tired he is, he will always wait, no reason to make trouble, or ask to buy this and that.

The main thing is, no matter what you want to do to her.

She will have no complaints

It's just a good woman out of print!

After He Jiakang got up, he took off his slippers and came to the bathroom, starting to wash and brush his teeth.


There was a loud knock at the door, which frowned He Jiakang. As someone who just woke up, the most annoying thing was someone to disturb.

The main thing is how can anyone bother you at this time?

Is there anything wrong with the company?


If something really happened, why didn't the company make a call?

Oh, by the way, I turned off the phone.

He Jiakang patted his head, and then came over.

I turned off my phone 100% before going to bed.

Otherwise, once someone calls you, you may not even sleep.

It seems something really happened

While brushing his teeth, He Jiakang came to the door, opened the door and was dumbfounded and dumbfounded. I saw two people in front of the door. One was an old middle-aged woman, and the other was a man with a strange face.

But He Jiakang's eyes were instantly attracted by this middle-aged woman, and his mouth opened wide before he said halfway.

"Mom, why are you here?"

found it.

found it.

I really found it!

This super finder app is really useful!

This young guy's super finder app really helped me find where my son lives!

It's amazing.

The middle-aged woman smiled excitedly, hugged her son and patted him physically.

"Isn't my son very surprised, my mother came to see you specially, to see if I brought some local souvenirs"

The middle-aged woman walked straight to the house while she was talking. He Jiakang looked so aggressive that he didn't even stop him, and his mouth was so surprised that he was so surprised.

Cheng Yiping followed behind the middle-aged woman, walked in slowly, raised his eyes and looked at He Jiakang, who was aggressive, and the hand he just stretched out slaps twice on his shoulder.

"Take care ..."

Take care?

What does it mean?

And who is this person?

I do n’t even know it?

How come with my mother?

What the **** is going on?

He Jiakang's aggression and doubts were puzzled, but since his mother had already come, of course it was impossible to turn his mother away from the door. After two or three rushes, he brushed his toothbrush. Came to the living room.

I saw that the mother had already brought the presents and packages on the table, and opened them all with a lot of food and food.

"Mom, why did you come to me? Why didn't you make a call before coming? I'd better pick you up."

He Jiakang opened his mouth and said

"Of course, I did n’t call you on purpose. I just wanted to give you a surprise. Every time I call you, you say that you are very busy with work. You ca n’t find time. Come home, you are busy with work and you do n’t have time. Mom, I can only come here to find you now, and I will be able to find you once, but it ’s really thanks to this young man. ”

The middle-aged woman showed a bright smile, and the fatigue that could see her son He Jiakang seemed to disappear all the way.

Pointing at Cheng Yiping, said intently

"Your mother and me, my memory is really bad now, I forgot to take away your home address, only to find it in Nanyu City, but fortunately the young man he met, he I found your address with the Super Hidden App before I could find it. Otherwise, I ca n’t find you if I want to find it. "

Using the super finder app?

He Jiakang reacted for a long time, and now the Super Hidden App has been uploaded to the entire Mercury Star, and He Jiakang, a white-collar worker, of course, is very clear:

He also has a super finder app on his phone, but he needs faith points every time he uses it, which is really a headache.

"Thank you, thank you so much. I think you have spent a lot of faith points. Thank you so much."

He Jiakang said gratefully, it was creepy to think that his mother had forgotten his home address.

If the mother encounters something bad on the road and an accident occurs, he will regret his death and complain.

"Mom, even if you forgot my home address, can't you call me? I got a call and I can pick you up."

"Mobile phone? Do you think I didn't call? Your phone is off, otherwise I would have called you already"

Middle-aged woman sighed and sighed


How can I forget that my phone is off!

He Jiakang took a moment to react and came over with a bitter smile. It seemed that all of this had come together.

"Okay, it's me wrong, it's me wrong ..."

He Jiakang said quickly, two steps forward to help his mother start to live

"By the way, what about your girlfriend? Bring it out and let me take a look at it. Every time you want your girlfriend to come back, why are you unwilling to do so, I will come here today, except to see Outside of you, I just want to see your girlfriend, my future daughter-in-law, and if she's not home, call her out to see. "

While packing, the middle-aged woman turned to her son and Jiakang and said that her eyes were shining.

She is really curious about her son's girlfriend and wants to see a real person.


He Jiakang was suddenly struck by lightning, and the muscles of the entire body tightened instantly, sweat appeared on the forehead ...

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