Super Finding App

Chapter 1211: Boom

If you have one who can get into the hall and get into the kitchen, you won't cry or make trouble, what will happen to your girlfriend with all your heart?

I'm afraid there are only two options.

The first kind will be carried around every day, making people envious.

The second is that Jinya Zangjiao hides at home, for fear that such a good girlfriend will be snatched away by other people.

But whichever it is.

If my mother comes, I will definitely bring my girlfriend to my mother to watch.

But He Jiakang in front of him was not at all this feeling.

At this moment, he was cold all over, the sweat on his forehead was flowing, swallowing a few mouthfuls of saliva, and laughing at the simple mother who looked at the dusty face.

"Mom, my girlfriend, she is at work today and she has not been off work yet. Wait until next time, shall we meet you again after her next work? Okay? Now she really has no time and no air"

"No, at what time is he still absent? I said what happened to you? Don't lie to your mother!"

"I told you several times. I asked you to pick up your girlfriend. You just do n’t want to live or die. Now your mother, I ran over by myself, but I sat for five hours on the coach, and now I ’m not here anymore. What's going on? You won't lie to your mother on purpose? "

Mom frowned, and said with an unhappy look.

I finally took a car for nearly five hours before I ran here. I just wanted to make a sudden attack.

Look at your son and future daughter-in-law, the legendary good daughter-in-law who got on the hall and got off the kitchen.

But now he said he didn't see it?

Still working?

So coincident?

"It's true, it's true, mother, I didn't lie to you, it really wasn't here, so, next time, next time, I'll take her home and show it to you, OK? She's really not here "

He Jiakang looked depressed, his eyes involuntarily glanced at his bedroom, and swallowed a few saliva.

He Jiakang, can you be sure?

Is your girlfriend absent or your girlfriend out of sight?

Standing aside and not talking, Yi Ping looked at He Jiakang with a long, sigh of breath with infinite pity.

He was very clear, lying on the bed in He Jiakang's bedroom was a beautiful young woman.

At this moment, in the state of soul, he is still waiting for He Jiakang's mother, a middle-aged woman, to check it out.

After all, this is a belief-seeking thing that a middle-aged woman finds.

He Jiakang Although I sympathize with you very much, I can't help it.

After all, today's Super Hidden App wants credit.

Once it fails, it is quite troublesome, so there is no way, don't blame me

Cheng Yiping remained calm, 唧 唧 唧 唧 His mouth looked at the middle-aged woman who seemed to have been moved by his son He Jiakang, showing a bright smile, said.

"Oh, sorry, I accidentally entered the bedroom when I came over just now. I found someone lying down lying in it. I was really embarrassed. Help me apologize to your girlfriend. , Treat me as a bad person, that would be bad. "

murderous look.

murderous look.

This is naked murderous

If eyes can kill people, then Cheng Yiping believes that at this moment I'm afraid He Jiakang has already used the eyes to kill the branch countless times.

He could only swallow a few drools with an awkward smile

"Did you read it wrong?"

On the one hand, He Jiakang's mother blazed her eyes, and said with disgust.

"What the **** is going on? Don't you say, girlfriend, my future daughter-in-law isn't home at the moment? Why is it in the room? What the **** is it? Don't you want me to see me? Future daughter-in-law will not succeed "

"Still you don't want your mother to see your girlfriend, so why don't you see me as your mother?"

The middle-aged woman suddenly got angry, and there was tears in her face, so hard that she took this car for more than five hours and came to this Nanyu city?

In order not to be able to see his son and his girlfriend.

But what about now?

His son's girlfriend and future daughter-in-law will not see themselves even if they are at home and hiding in the room!

This is no less than a sunny thunderbolt for middle-aged women, which is painful.

"No, no, mother, don't get me wrong, it's not what it means, it's not what it means"

He Jiakang was really depressed and confused, trying to argue with his mother.

However, no matter how many words were spoken at this moment, they were all pale and weak, and looked at Cheng Yiping's teeth.

If his gaze can really kill someone, he may really kill him.

You said that since you are an outsider, then you can stay in the room safely and sit and feed you or drink it?

What are you talking about?

What nonsense.

Now, let's make it happen.

"That embarrassing, sorry, if it wasn't because I read it wrong, there is no one in your room, yes, you, there must be no one in the room."

Cheng Yiping seemed to be frightened by He Jiakang's gaze, swallowed his saliva, and quickly hit the round.

But there is a way to say this or not, at first there was a feeling that there was no silver in the place.

In an instant.

The middle-aged woman understood it instantly, stood up violently, and went to He Jiakang's bedroom room, gritted her teeth and said.

"I'm going to see if she really can't wait to see me. I took a hard five-hour car ride to Nanyu City just to see her."

"Is she hiding at home, not even seeing me in the room, if that's the case, then you should talk to her and see what is going on?"

"Was she reluctant to recognize me as a shabby lady? Or did she get into the hall and the kitchen like you said?"

Middle-aged woman gritted her teeth coldly.

Since ancient times, the relationship between mother-in-law and mother-in-law has definitely been a huge difficult thing in the Tang Dynasty.

think about it.

I haven't waited until we met formally.

If you really meet in the future, you won't be bullied to death by your daughter-in-law?

This is absolutely intolerable!

After that.

The middle-aged woman stood up angrily and was about to leave for He Jiakang's bedroom. The scared He Jiakang ran to the mother in a hurry, blocking the door of her room and anxiously

"Mom, mom, don't get me wrong, don't get me wrong, no, she's really not at home, she's really not at home"

The middle-aged woman's mother raised her eyebrows and looked coldly at her son He Jiakang, who was flustered and said coldly

"Give me away, son, don't forget you, but I raised it. As soon as your **** is slumped, the old lady will know what **** you are pulling. Do you think you're lying?

"Now give me up. I'd like to see what your girlfriend looks like, isn't she waiting to see me like this?"

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