Super Finding App

Chapter 1213: Cry without tears

The middle-aged woman is crying without tears

She never thought that her son's so-called girlfriend turned out to be an inflatable doll!

Although she is also very trendy and often goes online, she also sees a lot of people on the Internet saying that men nowadays increasingly do not want to talk about objects, and more and more like inflatable dolls.

But she really did not expect her son He Jiakang to be one of them.

Is this inflatable doll so good?

Can this inflatable doll help you to have children or can you get married and have children?

Nothing can be done at all!

What makes middle-aged women feel depressed and angry most is that their son lied to her!

She's been lying to her all the time!

This made her extremely angry, and wanted to cry without tears.

I want to see, think about it, if let her friends and relatives know that her son likes an inflatable doll?

This is almost a creepy thing, I'm afraid the face of this life will be lost.

The middle-aged woman looked at her son He Jiakang with mixed feelings. She wanted to cry without tears and hate iron and steel. She grabbed the inflatable doll lying on the bed and slammed her son hard.

"What's wrong with you, what's wrong with you? You even fell in love with the inflatable doll. You still lied to me. No wonder you never brought your girlfriend home. After engaging in it for a long time, you never talked to you. "What the **** are you doing? If you want to say it out, do you still give me this old face?"

The middle-aged woman burst into tears, watching her baby son He Jiakang reasonably hate iron.

To be honest, she really thought that her son had been very good outside.

And there is a good object.

Go to the hall and get a good girlfriend in the kitchen.


It can be said that it has been quite good for middle-aged women to have his son mix outside.

She is also full of face!

But the reality tells her that all this is fake?

His son's so-called girlfriend turned out to be this inflatable doll?

This is simply a thunderbolt on a sunny day!

"No, no, mom, listen to me, you hear me say that's not the case, listen to me explain it"

He Jiakang wanted to cry without tears, he was anxious to explain, but the more he said, the more he felt that there was no silver in the place.

[Three points of faith for finding things]

Three o'clock?

Three o'clock?

There are only three points!

Can you be any less?

The sale was indeed a loss.

In comparison, He Jiakang was anxiously explaining to his mother.

Cheng Yiping aside rubbed his temple in pain.

When this middle-aged woman came to He Jiakang's bedroom, Cheng Yiping's mind had already emerged a sign of the success of the super-hunting app faith.

And there are only three points of faith?

Cheng Yiping looked at the three-pointed belief in his mind, his mouth twitching constantly.

Although he was mentally prepared to estimate that his belief point would not be too high this time, he never expected it to be so small.

There are only three points you might as well not have

Cheng Yiping, who was extremely depressed, sighed, raised his eyes and looked at the anxious He Jiakang suddenly felt that he had only three points of faith.

This poor middle-aged elder sister said along the way how good and how good her son and girlfriend were, but it turned out that it was not so!

God knows when Cheng Yiping uses the Super Hidden App to find things.

Cheng Yiping in the state of the soul was in the mood when he saw the inflatable doll on the bed.

It really feels like a dog.

But if you think about it carefully, I feel that He Jiakang is absolutely right.

His girlfriend will not be noisy

Inflatable dolls are indeed noisy and noisy.

His girlfriend will not be unreasonable, nor will he buy or buy.

Inflatable dolls really do not make trouble unreasonably, and absolutely never let people buy this and buy that.

Go up to the hall to your girlfriend and go to the kitchen

Absolutely true!

This inflatable doll looks extremely sexy, no matter if you can go to the hall or whatever, but just get into the kitchen, it seems that it is a bit unlikely ...

But overall.

If you think about it, it seems that what He Jiakang said is not false, but why is it so weird that everyone listens?

Inflatable doll ...

It's really because of what he wants!

Cheng Yiping looked at He Jiakang with infinite compassion, and could imagine what this middle-aged woman would feel when he heard this.

"No, no, mother, you listen to me, you listen to me, in fact, I have a girlfriend and she is really at work. If you do n’t believe me, I ’ll call and call her over, I ’m now Just call and call her over, this inflatable doll is just a little hobby of mine "

"Mom, I know it's wrong. I really know it's wrong. Do you really have daughters-in-law and daughters-in-law?"

He Jiakang cried loudly without tears, tears would flow down.

You can think about it, if you don't handle the matter properly and wait until he returns home, it is definitely a dad's meal.

Think of one of your grandfathers coming in to play with inflatable dolls. This is unacceptable, unbearable, uncle.

"You still want to lie to me, look at this inflatable doll is exactly the same as the picture you sent me. You even said that you have a girlfriend. When do you want to lie to me, what do you think? It really irritates me. "

Middle-aged woman gritted her teeth and said that she hated iron and steel,

The more I looked, the more I felt that this inflatable doll was annoying.

God knows who invented this thing, it's just a representative of the funeral!

"Mom, I sent it wrong, that was my photo sent wrong, I really have a girlfriend, I will call now, I will call now"

He Jiakang hurriedly pulled out his mobile phone and dialed the phone, even tears flowed down, and the cold sweat on his forehead was rushing with DC.

He knew that if his mother didn't get it, he would probably be dead in his life.

The middle-aged woman looked at her son and made a phone call with a puzzled look. Does it mean that her son really has a girlfriend?

"Mum, let me tell you the truth. I really have a girlfriend. This inflatable doll is just a hobby of mine. I don't want to let my girlfriend know. Otherwise, she will definitely think that I am weird. Mom, when she comes over, don't tell me about the inflatable doll. "

He Jiakang said quickly, wiping the sweat on his forehead and putting down the phone.

Cheng Yiping on the one side frowned slightly, watching He Jiakang as a middle-aged woman with a hint of doubt.

Could it be that he and others have really wronged He Jiakang?

Does he really have a girlfriend?

This inflatable doll is really just his personal hobby?

But then again.

Why play inflatable dolls now that you have a girlfriend?

Can't inflatable dolls be more fun than real people?

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