Super Finding App

Chapter 1214: Driver (1)

He Jiakang wiped the sweat from his forehead and waited anxiously.

If my mother thinks she has that kind of hobby and deceives her, then the future will be really sad.

I swallowed a few saliva glances and looked at the side of Yiping gritted teeth.

Heaven and earth conscience.

Without this **** Cheng Yiping, I am afraid that today's things will not happen at all!

The other side of the middle-aged woman looked hesitant.

This is his son, after all.

She didn't want her son to become a pervert playing with inflatable dolls every day.

If you really have a girlfriend, that would be really great.

Nodded and said,

"Rest assured, son, if you really only have a girlfriend and did not lie to your mother, your mother will naturally not tell you what you like about inflatable dolls. Mom, you're welcome. I will tell your father about this, and let your father teach you well. "

When He Jiakang heard his mother's words, he suddenly took a nap.

Heaven and earth conscience.

If his mother is Wang Qingquan, then my dad is simply an volcanic eruption.

Once my dad knew it, it was definitely a heavy blow and nodded.

"Relax, Mom, rest assured, Mom, I really have a girlfriend, I didn't lie to you, you must trust your son."

"Of course I believe my former son, but is it now? Then I have to think about it."

The middle-aged woman looked deeply at her son He Jiakang's eyes full of doubt.

He Jiakang really wanted to cry without tears.

One word is a lie, and it takes a hundred lies to round it.

He Jiakang now fully understands

"Mom, mom, I'm calling now to remind you, rest assured, she will definitely come, she will let him come even if she asks for leave, I mean it, I really have a girlfriend, Mom, your son is not a pervert. "

He Jiakang wanted to cry without tears, and had no choice but to pull out his mobile phone again to urge his girlfriend to come over quickly

"Hello, if it's okay, I think I'll leave first. This is your family affair. I better not mix it up."

Cheng Yiping touched his nose aside, and felt that it was not a problem to stay here.

To put it bluntly, this is only a family affair between a middle-aged woman and He Jiakang.

There is such an outsider here, I am afraid they will feel very awkward and uncomfortable

You should have gone!

You should have gone!

When He Jiakang heard his eyes, he was all light.

Heaven and earth conscience.

If only her mother could do it, she knew she was playing with so-called inflatable dolls.

But if I let outsiders know, my face would lose my hair.

Although this face has been lost now.

But there is a way to be invisible.

He Jiakang's mother, middle-aged woman has the same idea, with an awkward look on her face.

"Then we won't give you away. Thank you so much this time. I'm really sorry."

"It's okay, everyone will have a hobby. Besides, I am also a man. I can understand that honestly this inflatable doll is not ordinary, but the solid silicone can definitely be sold on the Internet for thousands of thousands. I heard that the expensive ones are as real as they can reach hundreds of thousands, but not ordinary people can afford them. This shows that your son is indeed quite equivalent. "

Cheng Yiping looked deeply at the inflatable doll thrown to the ground


When I was a security guard before, I couldn't find my girlfriend and really had such an idea.

Although there are also cheap inflatable dolls, I feel uncomfortable.

But looking at the inflatable silicone dolls like real people, I heard that they are not much different from real people, and some can talk, but the problem is that they ca n’t afford it.


Is this a compliment?

Is this a compliment?

This should be considered a compliment?

He Jiakang and his mother's middle-aged woman were stunned by what Cheng Yiping said, and eventually showed an awkward smile, not knowing what to say.

"Sorry, I'm leaving ..."

Cheng Yiping touched his nose, feeling that what he said was really ill-conceived, regardless of the retention of middle-aged women and He Jiakang, and opened the door straight away.

He walked down the aisle of the dark staircase and came downstairs. He looked up at the building and showed a bitter smile and a funny smile.

I didn't expect He Jiakang's girlfriend would be an inflatable doll?

Although he said he must have a girlfriend, it doesn't matter much whether he is or not.

So Cheng Yiping didn't care so much.

It was just the expression when the middle-aged woman saw the inflatable doll.

Have to say one by one stunned.

Any mother who sees her son's girlfriend turned out to be the so-called inflatable doll, I'm afraid they will have the heart to kill!

Just as Yiping walked out of the building, she saw a tall, beautiful woman wearing professional clothes.

As I walked, I continued to make phone calls and kept talking.

"Okay, okay, don't rush anymore, I'm almost at your doorstep and tell you, this time He Jiakang can be regarded as a kind of favor you owe me, you must invite me to dinner, otherwise, I can Just tell your parents how old they are? I told you already. "

"Don't play with those inflatable dolls, they are all fake. What's so good, you usually don't listen. Now how to play with fire is here, and finally you have to come and ask me to help you lie."

"Relax, rest assured, absolutely no problem, I'm not the first time to do this simple thing, I'll be fine with you"

Cheng Yiping's mouth opened wide, and the beautiful girl of Miaoling wore a professional uniform and walked into the elevator.

Passed beside Cheng Yiping.

Cheng Yiping's mouth opened wide and seemed to understand something.

Nanyu City deserves to be a street of jewellery and jade. There are all kinds of jade everywhere, and the street shops.

The endless stream of jade stores can satisfy almost any condition of a person, whether you want high-end or low-end, or even valuable, as long as you want to buy without what you can't

After coming out of the eldest son He Jiakang's house, Cheng Yiping was flat and didn't say too much. He even took a car and drove to the street of Yushi.

I saw the taxi sitting was an uncle in his fifties

Even so, there is still some decadence.

It seems that I didn't sleep well last night and it looked like a frightful battle. There is a way to drink without driving or driving.

In addition, there is the most important sentence, which is that you must not drive fatigue, otherwise, it will be quite troublesome.

"So whether you are driving a private car or renting a car and want to live longer, don't drive tiredly!"

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