Super Finding App

Chapter 1215: Driver (2)

"Master, I naturally know that modern people's living standards are improving and life is stressful, but driving can't drive fatigue, it's easy to accident!"

Cheng Yiping calmly tightened his seat belt tightly, swallowed droolily, and said kindly

"Haha, I know, I know, I certainly know that the current traffic police are very strict about drinking and driving, so we do n’t drink and do n’t drive, we know this, but you have to say that fatigue driving is actually because of driving It varies from person to person, but do n’t worry, I ’m eating this bowl of rice. If I ca n’t eat it, I ’ve already gone home and rested, and nothing will happen, let alone I have a secret weapon. ”

The driver driving the taxi laughed with an awkward smile on his face.

Obviously, he also knows his state at the moment, and it seems that there is some loss of spirit, which really makes it difficult to feel relieved.

Spiritual weapon?

What does it mean?

Is there anything else in the world that can resolve fatigue?

Cheng Yiping froze, shook his head and said

"What does the secret weapon mean? Want me to say that even with the best spiritual weapon, there is no reply to sleep. Sometimes when I go to work one night without sleeping, the whole person feels weak, no matter whether it is Studying or doing anything can't lift any spirit at all, but as long as you sleep well, it will be completely different, so it is best for people to ensure adequate sleep. "

Cheng Yiping opened his mouth and said.

In his opinion, the main thing is to sleep. Only by ensuring sufficient sleep can you be refreshed.

And I'm afraid there are some claims in the sky.

The taxi driver nodded and smiled.

"Yes, yes, of course, you need to ensure adequate sleep, but in addition to sleep, there are a lot of things now that can make people feel quick. Sometimes I ca n’t take it anymore. I just drink it. Just fine, this is the latest one, which can remind people and relieve fatigue. I have tried it and the result is quite good. "

Between words

The taxi driver took out a drink from the side and sipped a few mouthfuls, and his spirit immediately became shaken.

Cheng Yiping hesitated

What kind of drink is this?

How could there be such a magical effect? Isn't it? What kind of drink is this?

Is it so fast?

Wouldn't it be some contraband?

"No, no, how could it be a contraband? This is a special drink that is sporty, but it is just on the market, so you don't know the name of the drink, White Bull!"

White cow!

In an instant,

Cheng Yiping's whole person's nerves suddenly tense up, and a horrible feeling rushes from the back to the forehead.

Take a deep breath and say with a quick voice

"Driver, what do you say is the white cow you drink? Why have I never heard of it?"

"Oh, of course you haven't heard of it, but this is the latest drink that has just come out on the market. I can only buy it with my friends. This drink is quite good, even if tired, Just take a sip and you'll feel refreshed. "

The taxi driver chuckled.

The white bull bottle in his hand was handed to Cheng Yiping, who was sitting in the front passenger seat.

Exactly the same.

Exactly the same.

Cheng Yiping's pupils flashed a look of astonishment. The white cow given by the taxi driver was exactly the same as the bottle of white cow drunk by Zhang Dajian.

how is this possible?

How is this possible?

Why is this bottle exactly the same?

If this white bull is really exactly the same, wouldn't it mean that the taxi driver in front of him would also die of heart disease after drinking this white bull?

Cheng Yiping's face suddenly became tense, a little sweat flowing on his face, took a deep breath, and asked calmly.

"Is this white cow real? Isn't it a contraband? Don't you feel uncomfortable when you drink it?"

"Contraband ?, I know, I know what you want to say is contraband that can be used by sports athletes, right? Rest assured, no, this white bull has been an experimental report, and the recent white bull ads It has also been listed. This is a formal legal process, but it has not yet been sold on our side, right. Do you think this is the advertisement of White Bull?

The taxi driver froze and suddenly pointed at the advertisement that was being placed on the huge LCD screen on the side of the street and laughed.



Ghosts ran ads?

Is White Bull a qualified regular sports drink product catalog?

how can that be possible?

Could it be wrong to find the cause of Zhang Daguan's death using the belief-finding of the super-finding app?

This is impossible

How could the Super Hidden Object app fail?

The haze in Cheng Yiping's eyes became deeper.

He would never believe that the Super Hidden App Hidden Object is wrong.

So the question is, if the Super Hidden Object app is correct, it is indeed that White Bull is the culprit who caused Zhang Dajian to die.

But why did the taxi driver take no effect after taking it?

Will there be any negative effects?

And it still has passed legal procedures and has legal channels?

How is this possible?

Cheng Yiping's expression was low, and he followed the taxi driver's gaze.

On the night view screen of the high-rise building not far away, there are several young and wonderful young stars are advertising, and among them, they are white cow drinks!

What exactly is going on?

What exactly is going on?

Is there really a white cow drink?

If so, is it my fault that the Super Hidden App is looking for someone?

The cause of Zhang Daquan's death was not White Bull Drink?

How is this possible?

Super finder app will never fail

If the Super Hidden Object app didn't fail, it means that this white girl drink really has a reason.

But if there is a problem, why can it be openly and publicly sold?

It even became a so-called sports drink, and everything was legal.

What exactly is going on?

Cheng Yiping rubbed his temples with a headache.

The conscience of heaven and earth, in Jiangzhen City, Wang Yuting, Murphy, and Zhao Weiquan and Qian Sen of Binzhou, Beizhou, are looking for the source of the white cow beverage.

If they knew that liquor drink turned out to be a sports drink.

And is it still legal and open?

Even advertised.

Don't know what they think

What exactly is going on?

Theoretically, if this white cow drink really looks like some contraband, shouldn't it be traded secretly?

But how can the hall be advertised?

energy drink?

A sports drink that reduces fatigue after drinking?

What exactly is going on?

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