Super Finding App

Chapter 1233: Threat

"Xiao Zhou, what is the situation with you? I don't know what disputes you have with them, but now that we have paid for these raw ore, you should be responsible for transporting this raw ore out, and It's not blocked here, otherwise we would ask for a return! "

"Yes, yes, what is going on? Xiaozhou, what is going on? You have to give us an account of this matter, otherwise we will ask for a return."

"What the **** is going on? What is going on with Xiao Zhou? Who are they?"

"You are the residents here, you must know why they are? Why are you blocking the road here, don't tell you that you don't know what's going on here, this is simply impossible."

"To be clear, what exactly is going on here?"

Many bosses, you say a word to me, and chatter.

Being able to be bosses, they are naturally not a stupid person, just look at the words of these foolish leaders and understand.

After working for a long time, they are definitely looking for trouble, and naturally they are not the trouble of some of them who came here to be unfamiliar with their lives just to buy goods.

If you think so.

The only trouble they were looking for was the owner of this far mining area, and now it is Xiao Zhou who is responsible for the escort.

Drinking one by one around Xiao Zhouzhen, his face became quite displeased.

After all, not all people can't ship the ore after buying it, which is troublesome.

The ore that cannot be transported out of the mining area is not much different from a pile of scrap iron.

"Calm down, calm down, I'll talk to them, I'll talk to them, nothing will happen"

Xiao Zhou was so pale that his face was terribly pale, his legs were snoring, and he looked at the twenty-thirty mixed-yawning gritted teeth, but there was nothing he could do.

"What are you trying to do? We haven't solicited any customers in the jade street in Nanyu City. They bought them directly in the mining area. Couldn't it be so?"

"Okay, go your ghost!"

The leading man struck Xiao Zhou's body abdomen instantly and knocked him directly to the ground. The severe pain caused Xiao Zhou's entire body to shrink, like shrimp.

Then the hair was directly taken up by people, and the eyes were a man with a face

"I said that you have a lack of roots in your brain or something. Did n’t I tell you clearly? All the ore in Nanyu City can only be sold to our jade gang, no one can sell it. Also, no one can buy it. If you do n’t want to, then it does n’t matter. Then you take the ore out one by one. It ’s impossible to transport by car! ”

"You are bullying, you are bullying. I am going to sue you. I am going to sue you."

Xiao Zhou gritted his teeth and his face showed a hateful light.

He and his concubine drove the mining area, and the business was well done, but the group of people in front of them was doing a mess in this mining area because of their existence, and they were in a daze.

They can only be sold to them at extremely low prices, otherwise they would not be able to sell them at all.

Although Xiaozhou and the boss also went to the Jade Street Wholesale Market to seek other merchants to buy directly, but those merchants have long been scared by the people of the Jade Gang, and no one dare to buy their ore.

There is no way to smash their ore into the hands after they have been dug out. As a last resort, Xiao Zhou and Yan have come up with this trick.

But now the people of the Jade Gang actually come directly to contain them!

"Tell us?"

The boss of the jade gang laughed as if he heard something from heaven and earth, and showed a smirk expression.

"Ah, you sue me, what do you sue, sue us for robbery?"

"No, how can we rob? We're just tired, just rest here. As for how long the rest is, it can be two days a day, two years a year, or two months a month. Who is this, right? Right? "

"What's more, if you feel dissatisfied blocking your way, it doesn't matter, you can go elsewhere, rest assured, we will not bar you"

Go somewhere else?

Where to go?

Nowhere to go!

Xiao Zhou gritted his teeth. He knew very well that there was only one road in this mining area. The other roads were simply hills and the truck couldn't drive past.

This is also the case. The talents of the Jade Gang will control the entire road, and everyone here must obey their orders.

Otherwise, the ore within the mine cannot be transported at all. The ore that was excavated and could not be shipped did not have much area with a waste mine.

"You are unreasonable, you are unreasonable."

Xiao Zhou gritted his teeth, but there was no way.

From a legal point of view, they really haven't done anything, they just blocked the road.

Even if there is a police officer, it is mediation at most, but it will take at least a long time.

And these bosses will never find the same mine next time after going through this incident.

After all, the boss is a rich man. Since you can't even transport your own cargo, what can you expect from the mining area?

Even if the goods in this mining area are cheap, it is useless. The mine that cannot be transported is a garbage!

"Do you understand? Today is a small punishment for you. I tell you that you will never be able to pull out the goods. Otherwise, you must drive the car for free, but you are free, but the dead are responsible. After all, now But in a legal society, everyone has to talk about the law, and they have to make money with it, right? "

The boss of the Jade Gang showed a contemptuous smile. This year, I am not afraid that the bad guys will martial arts, but that they will be cultured.

The law also protects people, but in many cases, some promiscuity will find holes in the law and use the law to protect their illegal interests.

After all, sometimes the cost of breaking the law is too low, which means that many criminals have a variety of incidents.

After all, for them, the cost of breaking the law is not as good as the benefits, then they will definitely take the risk.

As the capitalist puts it well, everything is for the benefit.

The boss of the Jade Gang smiled lightly, stood up, and tossed Xiao Zhou aside, he didn't even care, then turned slowly and walked in front of many bosses, picking the corner of his mouth

"Hello everyone, I know you don't know anything about this, so I don't blame you for anything, just make a deal with you here, that is, you sell the raw ore you bought at this price Give us, then the result is naturally hello, hello, everyone, hello! "

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