Super Finding App

Chapter 1234: Intimidate


Selling ore to you at such a price?

Many bosses looked at each other, they were not idiots, and instantly understood what the jade was saying to the boss.

Talking one after another

"There is no problem selling jade ore to you. Anyway, where we sell this ore, we do not all sell it. I don't know what price you are offering."

"Yes, if the price is fair, this jade mine is nothing to sell to you, at least it saves us some of the cost of ore transportation."

After a lot of discussion, the bosses came to understand.

This group of people is the so-called jade to help them completely monopolize the city of Nanyu.

No wonder the owner of this mining area will take them to the mining area to purchase ore. It seems that the current situation is very difficult to take the ore completely intact.

In this case, it ’s better to sell jade gangs, at least you can make a fortune, and you ca n’t be too bad.

"Haha, don't worry, don't worry. Of course, what we pay attention to when we do business is children's bullying? Well, there won't be any strong buying and selling. There is a way to make money and make money together.

The boss of the jade gang showed a bright smile, it seemed that he didn't have any mind and look, and then the men next to him walked over and stretched out his hand to compare the price.

Suddenly, many bosses shouted in dissatisfaction, and there was a lot of discussion, and their faces were displeased.

"No, no, I said your price is too low, even our purchase price is not at least 20% lower than our purchase price. If I sell it to you at this price, then I can It's a loss "

"Yes, yes, this price is too low, it is impossible to sell at all, you cannot let us do a loss-making sale, if it is a loss-making sale, we don't do it."

"That's right, that's right, it's really a loss-making business, who would be willing to do it, not to mention that I'm pulling out this mine, I don't believe it, can you still seal this way?"

"For such a long time, we will call the police at that time, even if I don't believe the police are here, your way will not be allowed ..."

"No, no, absolutely no, this price is too low"

What a joke, even if Cheng Yiping doesn't know much about business experience, but he also knows that two yuan of goods must be sold for at least two and five.

But now the other party is going to take it back?

That is definitely a loss-making transaction, and a loss-making transaction cannot be done!

"Do n’t be noisy, do n’t be noisy, what are you guys arguing with me about here? What ’s so noisy, please, the price I give you is already higher than that of other acquired mines. Blame yourself that you did not buy goods in the wholesale market in Yushi Street, Nanyu City, but when you come to this mine, what do you care about?

"In short, this is the price. You have to sell it, and you have to sell it if you don't ..."

The boss of the jade gang said coldly, since how could he be a genius when he became the boss of the gang, and how could he tell the integrity of others?

He has no idea how many times he has done things like buying and selling like this.

"Abominable, abominable, you absolutely cannot do this. If you want so much, we will call the police, we will call the police!"

"It's a big deal that we will leave the goods here and not ship them out. I don't believe you can block the road every day."

Holding a briefcase, the big-bellied boss and the two bald bosses gritted their teeth and said with fierce eyes.

"You are wrong about this, it is hard to say elsewhere, but in this jade street in Nanyu City, my jade gang wants to seal the road and tell you that it is all right"

"Alarm, what is your normal alarm? How can it be alarmed? Unless you will never come here again to buy jade mines in the jade street of Nanyu City, otherwise my jade will help you to kill you, and as for you It ’s okay to leave the ore here and not take it away, it ’s all right. ”

"It's just one thing to tell you, it's not too safe here today. If it's abrupt, one day the goods are lost and stolen. I hope you can get them back by then!"

Intimidation, threat!

Intimidation, threat!

This is definitely a threat of intimidation!

If others are talking, many bosses will still have some doubts, but Xiao Zhou, who is in charge of delivering the goods, looks at the decisive words of the boss of the jade gang in front of him, but is scared to tremble, and dare not say too many words The phrase can tell that what they say is really true.

In other words, the boss of this jade gang can really do such a thing!

For a moment, many bosses were hesitant.

The police can indeed solve the problem, but if the power of this jade gang is really so huge, the police can't help it.

Unless these bosses really don't buy raw ore in this jade street in the future, otherwise, the other party has a way to play them dead.

As for leaving the goods here is nonsense, how long can the goods be left here?

Two days a day or three days?

It doesn't matter if you leave it for a long time, but if you can get the goods back, then the problem is if it is true if the Jade Gang said that they really stole the goods at that time, then it will be troublesome.

Even if the goods solved by the police in the end can be retrieved, there are two claims.

In short everything is quite troublesome and overwhelming.

That's it.

This is really a strong buy strong sell.

Cheng Yiping narrowed his eyes. After listening for a while, he understood it completely.

Sure enough, people have no money, no horses have no nightgrass, and the boss of this jade gang is relying on intimidation and threats to monopolize the original ore purchase channel of the jade street in Nanyu City.

Therefore, they can get the raw ore at a very low price and then sell it to the wholesalers in the jade street of Nanyu City, or even change their hands within retail to make money.

And one thing is absolutely certain that behind this huge profiteering benefit is not something that only a gang can do.

In other words, I am afraid there are so-called big tigers behind this.

Otherwise, relying on the huge profiteering of jade, a small gang can completely monopolize the mining area and the original ore acquisition of Yushi Street in Nanyu City?

This is simply impossible!

After all, even this excavated mining area is not something that ordinary people can contract, it is all people who are on it.

Even in this case, it was eaten by the jade gang in Nanyu City. It can be seen that there is definitely power behind this jade gang to be so careless and unscrupulous.

Sure enough, there are policies and countermeasures. Even the perfect legal system needs someone to implement them. If people get out of control, any law is nonsense.

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