Super Finding App

Chapter 1235: Heads-up or group fight (1)

"How? Have you considered it clearly? Don't say that we can help buy and sell jade, this is impossible."

"Everyone is now a legal society. Of course, our jade help is also obeying the rules of the law and the principle of voluntariness. If you volunteer, there will be raw ore sold to me, everyone is polite, even if you want It does n’t matter if you buy raw ore again. You can buy it at the wholesale market in Yushi Street, Nanyu City. For your knowledge, you can get a discount at that time. ”

The boss of the Jade Gang raised his eyebrows, took out a cigarette from his arms, and the little brother on the side immediately walked over and gave the boss a cigarette

The two smoke dragons spit out from the jade's nose, and looked at the bosses in front of them with contempt, showing a sarcastic smile.

"Of course, if you do n’t want to, it ’s okay, then continue to consume it here. Anyway, I do n’t have much help from jade, that is, there are many people, is it just to find a few people to squat here? It does not matter Yes, but it ’s your bosses. I have the time. I do n’t know if you have time to spend here. After all, the boss ’s business is all about getting money. If the time is too long, I do n’t know. How will it affect your boss's business? "

The boss of the Jade Gang with a sarcastic smile.

He was not worried at all that these bosses would refuse.

There is a way to be bare-footed and not afraid to wear shoes. These bosses come to this mine to find ore after all to make money. Who wants to make money with it?

What's more, you can find some small messes to block the road directly, and it's no problem to block for ten days and a half months.

But the question is, do these business owners have time to do here?

absolutely not!

For these bosses, it is time that they do business with.

If time is too long, it is simply not worth the money for them.

Therefore, no matter from which perspective, as long as the boss of the jade gang can directly block this road so that the goods cannot be shipped out, the owners of these buyers' raw ore must surrender their weapons and surrender their wealth.

In such a situation, the boss of the Jade Gang has not known how many times he has done it. He is familiar with the road, and the corners of his mouth are slightly raised.

"You guys are gang collusion. You guys are collusion. Buying and selling. I tell you, if I go to the police, you will all be arrested."

The boss in a suit with a briefcase gritted his teeth.

The reason they were able to work hard to come to this mining area to make a bid, to put it plainly, is because the price given by this mining area is cheaper than in a street in Yushi, Nanyu City.

After the ore is shipped out, it can be unraveled and polished, and it can earn a lot of money.

But now, the emergence of this jade gang undoubtedly broke the boss's wishful thinking, one by one hating his teeth.

There is a way to block people's money, like killing parents

"Do n’t, do n’t. As the saying goes, rice can be eaten randomly, but you ca n’t say it arbitrarily. Do n’t say that we are buying and selling. There is no such thing. We just ca n’t walk and just rest here. Why? ? Couldn't rest be possible? "

"I think I can only detain it for a day or two at the police station, but if you want to transport the goods out of the jade street in Nanyu City, I'm afraid it's not simple. It ’s over, after all, for such a long road, if there will be some unexpected situations, then I do n’t know. ”

The boss of the Jade Gang has a bit of a dead pig model that is not afraid of boiling water.

The meaning of the words tell you all that in this jade street in Nanyu City, they want to kill a whole person, want to freeze the goods, it is a breeze.

"Speaking of which, being a boss is a way of making money, not to mention that you do n’t lose too much. Even if you lose, it ’s a lesson to buy. Of course, you still have to go to a regular store to buy things. Yes, do n’t be greedy for some small bargains, otherwise you will lose more than you pay, not to mention that sometimes it is a good thing to spend money and dispel disasters. I think as a boss, should I be right? ”

Spending the fortunes and disaster relief, the boss of the Jade Gang has aggravated his tone in these four words.

Many of the bosses present were not idiots and faced with such obvious hints that they all became silent and gritted their teeth.

They knew very well that the jade gang in front of them was obstructing the road to prevent them from passing through.

Now there are only two options for the boss. The first is to refuse, then everyone just wastes it and then reports the alarm. As for the result after the alarm, it is unknown.

The second is to sell the raw ore of the jade at the price of the jade boss according to the conditions of the jade boss. Although it will be a little loss, but at least it will be able to withdraw some funds.

Doing harm to each other is the least

"Okay, it's ok, I understand, it can be sold to you, but I want to cash, don't tell me what the transfer and check are, I can't believe you"

"Yes, yes, it can be sold to you, but you must trade in cash. As for the lost money, I will pay the tuition."

"Sell, sell. Now that you are willing, I will sell it. Save the annoyance after seeing this raw ore. If you can't ship it here, I will be out of luck ..."

"Sell it, sell it, sell it, just when you break the fortunes and dispel the disaster, this time it is really a big loss."

Many bosses sighed without any help in the face of the threat of jade help bosses and intimidating threats.

After careful calculations, if they continue to stay here, the loss will be the entire jade mine, and the owner of the jade gang will lose at least 80 ~ 90% of the funds, although they say they lost a little. Can be returned.

At that time, when I go to the jade street in Nanyu City to buy raw ore, I can earn a little bit, but it is very little compared to the previous one.

One side is a little profitable, and the other is to completely smash the raw ore into your hand.

It is self-evident what choices the bosses can make for these two choices.

There is a saying, King Huang is so good, the little ghost is hard to get rid of

The boss who buys raw ore now undoubtedly meets a little ghost, and it is the kind of kid who knows the law ...

"Hahaha, wise choice, wise choice, ladies and gentlemen, this is your wise choice, rest assured, of course, my jade help business is always childlike, and you will pay with one hand and deliver with one hand. After we finish the transaction, any item you like can also be bought at Yushi Street, Nanyu City. I can sell it to you again. Of course, the price must be a little higher than the purchase. After all, we do business with us. Can't lose money is not. "

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