Super Finding App

Chapter 1236: Heads-up or group fight (2)

You can't lose money when doing business, so must we lose money when doing business?

The bosses in suits and briefcases clenched their teeth and had no choice whatsoever. The boss of this jade gang in front of him was just too despicable.

First of all, this raw ore is blocked directly or purchased from them at a very low price in the form of road blocking.

When they bought it, they returned to the jade street in Nanyu City and sold the jade to the bosses in turn.

Of course, the price is definitely higher than what they sell. It can be said that this is simply the move of the empty glove White Wolf, and it is making money by changing hands!

But these bosses have nothing to do with them. After all, this jade gang directly monopolizes all the raw ore in the jade street of Nanyu City!

This is huge profits ...

This is a monopoly ...

Faced with the anger of many bosses and the complexion of their faces, the boss of Jade Gang didn't care.

For him, as long as he can make money, everything is acceptable.

What's more, like this strong buy and strong sell, the sale that can make money in one hand can be described as an empty glove white wolf, which makes them full of money.

The good-looking jade helped the boss turn around in two or three steps and came to Xiao Zhou, who was trembling with trembling, helped him up, patted the dust on his clothes, and laughed

"You see that everything is resolved now. This is a very good thing. To be honest, I really thank you. If we are not you and your uncle, call these bosses to the mining area and make them buy. How can I buy ore at such a low price? Thank you so much for your concubine. "

"The next time you can continue to do so, rest assured, I will not stop you ... but when these bosses will still be willing to come to your mine to buy mine, it is unknown ..."


Naked threat intimidation

Xiao Zhou trembled in shock, but at the same time angry, gritted his teeth and looked at the boss of the Jade Gang.

Other bosses come to the mine to buy raw ore?

How is this possible?

Have your group of jade blocks to block the road, and which boss dares to buy raw ore in this mine?

Even if the original ore is sold at a very low price, the boss of your jade gang will come over again to block the road and bring the original ore back to the acquisition at a lower price. Do n’t just do this once, the boss will definitely not Then come to the original mining area to purchase raw ore.

After all, the boss wants to make money, not to lose money.

"Do n’t be angry, do n’t be angry, what ’s so angry, I ’ve told your uncle long ago, let him sell all the raw ore to us. Jade helps this is his best. Now you still bring this to Your price is also the same as the original price. As long as you are willing, I can ignore the blame for adults. But at the same time, if your price is so ignorant of the current affairs, the price of the purchase will drop by 10%. It ’s time to think about it. Although the quality of your ore is OK, if you ca n’t sell it, it ’s a pile of waste stones. ”

The boss of the Jade Gang reached out his hand with a mockery, patted Xiao Zhou's shoulder heavily, and laughed.

Just a monopoly!

As long as all these goods are in his own hands, he can lie down and make money!

Although Xiao Zhou was very angry and depressed, he didn't have any way to go to the side obediently.

Seeing these bosses trading with Jade Gang, their hearts were bleeding.

He knew that the bosses would no longer come to the raw ore that he had bought.

And when these bosses broadcast the news, it is even more difficult for their own mining area to find a boss who can buy ore.

"How's it? Your ore is also sold, at this price ..."

Yaowu, the younger brother of the jade gang with sharp-nipped monkey cheeks, is trading with the bosses.

One of them came to Cheng Yiping, raised his eyebrows, and was slightly surprised at Cheng Yiping's youth.

But I do n’t mind at all, saying that I am the boss

"Not for sale"

Cheng Yiping yawned and said


Not for sale?

Did I hear it wrong?

How could this person say no?

Is there anything wrong?

The moment of being a short two-character word was like a thunder blast, and it exploded in the ears of many bosses and people of the jade gang.

One by one dumbfounded, dumbfounded

"I said, haven't you figured out the situation, if you don't sell this jade to our jade gang, do you think you drove it out? Your jade mine is a pile of waste stones, or do you want to call the police? "

The jade with a sharp-billed monkey cheek helped the younger brother for a moment, and then gave a smirk.

He reached out his hands and shook them into his fists, making a crackling sound, showing his own force.

Behind him, the gang of twenty or thirty jade gangs slowly stood up, walked over slowly, the meaning of the threat was clear at a glance.

"It's normal to ask the police if there is a problem. I'm a legal citizen of the Tang Dynasty, so I advise you to give way better."

Cheng Yiping raised his eyebrows, showing a harmless smile on humans and animals.

"Ha ha ha really is a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers, boy, you must be aware of current affairs, just like some other bosses, otherwise, be careful that you ca n’t eat it and walk around."

"Still do you really think you can break through alone? Call the police, and you report it to the police to try it out. Believe it or not, before the police came, you were unlucky?"

The boss of the Jade Gang raised his eyebrows and was surprised to find that there were even rebels in this group, sneer

"Yes, it's really remote here. It will take a while for the police to come, and it's quite troublesome. In this case, I might as well fix you before the police come."

Cheng Yiping touched his chin, thought for a moment, raised his eyes and said

"Arrogance, arrogance, get rid of it, please, you are just one person. There are twenty or thirty people here in our Jade Gang. Do you want to deal with us twenty or thirty people alone? Do you think you are a superman ? "

Jade helped the boss seem to hear something heaven and earth, haha ​​laughed

"No, no, wrong. I'm not Superman. I just want to get things done. Since you want to use force, then choose. Do you want to fight in groups or head to head?"

In the face of the irony of jade being the boss, Cheng Yiping didn't care at all, I said as if I didn't understand

"Single to head or group fight? Do you deserve it?"

Jade helped the boss show a sarcastic smile. In his opinion, this leveling is just a hairy guy who has not suffered a loss. If he gives a lesson, he will be trembling.

"No, no, I think you guys misunderstood"

Cheng Yi shakes his head like a rattle

"I mean, if it's heads-up, I'm heads-up all of you, if it's a group fight, you're a group fight with me alone ..."

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