Super Finding App

Chapter 1239: Knife

The boss of the Jade Gang thinks he has gone through countless storms.

Even if the official on the bright side is found as a protective umbrella, but with the dark and underworld facing the huge and huge benefits of jade, it can be said that the challengers come in endlessly.

Once upon a time, the boss of the jade gang used a machete to fight desperately with the enemy in the dark.

He has also been chopped all over.

I used to take my brother to chop someone into a mutilation

It can be said that the boss of the jade gang has so far allowed the entire jade gang to monopolize the ore in the street of jade in Nanyu City.

And in his jade gang, these twenty brothers led by his own guard were all able to fight and kill key brothers willing to buy his life.

It's totally different from those hooligans to fight, and it's definitely a practice.

Many people have practiced various martial arts such as Muay Thai, Jeet Kune Do, Sanda, and so on. They are more powerful than ordinary junkies, and they also catch them.

And today

The boss of the Jade Gang was aggressive.

Jeet Kune Do!

Tai Chi!

Taking Jeet Kune Do as the offense, the Ethereum was extremely defending, and the two legs kicked out quickly like a tiger entering a flock, his hands turned round, and he borrowed one after another of the Huayuan, although the other party had more than twenty cruel hands However, none of them can get into Cheng Yiping's side.

After a while, he was defeated and fled by Cheng Yiping, and he fell to the ground and made a painful wailing sound.



Are you kidding me?

How could this happen?

Are you really watching a movie?

Playing ten?

what the hell?

How could this happen?

Are these people acting?

The boss in a suit and briefcase met with a wide open mouth.

He can also be regarded as a well-informed person who has traveled from north to south, and has also seen an uncle who has three and five players, but now there are more than twenty people in the other party!

In front of him, this one put them down in front of more than twenty people?

This is too strange, right?

Could it be that this is a farce arranged in advance?

The owner of the big-bellied **** with a briefcase here even started to look around. Is there a camera on the side to hide them?

This is too exaggerated

"Yes, I've told you all. You just obey the way, then there will be nothing. Then you have to do it. I said that we are all civilized people. Now we are all in a legal society. Do n’t you know that you are fighting? Bad behavior? ... "

Cheng Yiping lifted a long sigh, looked up at the sky at 45 degrees, and looked like a compassionate man. The corners of the people around him twitched continually.

Are you saying this is not plain?

If it was someone else who said it, you can just drop all these twenty or so lumps on the ground.

Then it's bad behavior to say a fight?

Do you think it's persuasive to say this?

Is there no persuasion at all?

"you you……"

Jade helped the boss to grit his teeth and reveal his fierce light, but he had no idea that more than twenty people, his jade-like brother, had all been brought down by the person in front of him.

This is simply impossible.

He never even thought about it.

But the twenty or so men who wailed in front of the ground made it clear to him that what was happening was indeed true.

"you wanna die……"

Jade helped the boss suddenly become embarrassed and angry. He was very clear that as the boss at this time, he must not be counseled!

Otherwise, how can you lead your men in the future?

Is it really like the TV said, once something goes wrong, the boss will hide in the end, or else it is just counselling?

Then he justified himself to his subordinates, and his subordinates showed their admiration one by one. That was a movie. It was a brain drama!

In reality, if the boss is really soft and unable to convince the public, the following jumbled men may replace the boss at any time!

Underworld is always underworld and does not pay attention to any kind of gangs at all.

If in the past, the so-called brotherhood and righteousness were also paid attention to, but now the underworld pays attention to money, and pays attention to money!

What is so-called righteousness, what so-called boss is nonsense, giving him money is the boss, not giving money is garbage.

The boss of the jade gang is very clear. If he can't solve the **** one in front of him at this time, I am afraid that those gangsters who are pushed down by him within the jade gang may repeatedly.

After all, since it is a gangster, then naturally they want to get ahead, they want to be superior!

Without this guts, without this ambition, go to work obediently!

"You're looking for death ..."

Jade helped the boss grit his teeth and immediately took a dagger out of his arms and held it in his hand.

The icy dagger was eerie and terrifying with its radiant light.

Fighting empty-handed and holding a stick weapon are completely different. It feels the same. If the enemy has a sharp knife in their hands, it will feel completely different. After all, the stick will not die on the body, and the knife, once pinched , That may be death!

"Not good, bad, move the knife, move the knife, hell, even move the knife, be careful, be careful"

"Everyone has something to say, everyone has something to say, don't move the knife, don't move the knife"

"Calm down, calm down, don't move the knife, don't move the knife, that's killing, killing is going to jail."

The boss wearing a suit with a briefcase and a big belly, and Xiao Zhou showed panic and fear, and took a few steps back.

For them, even selling this jade ore to this jade gang is no problem, at least it can help their lives

"As the saying goes, Qianglong does not suppress the ground snake. If you obediently sell this jade mine and obey the orders of our jade gang, everyone is hello, okay, good together, but you dare to start with our jade gang Then you are looking for death. Within the boundaries of this jade gang, there are many mining areas. At that time, even if you are stabbed and thrown into an abandoned mine in the wilderness, who can find you? "

Jade helped the boss, said with a dagger and gnashing his teeth. The knife exuded a silvery cold light.

"Have you heard of a word?"


"Do not bb if you can do it"

Uh ...

Between the jade help boss hesitated into a flat body and turned into a ghost and quickly rushed past. A triple kick of Jeet Kune Do kicked the jade help boss' dagger in an instant and passed through several circles in the air. To the sand on the side.


The boss of the Jade Gang directly threatened.

How is this going?

The conscience of heaven and earth, every time he takes out the knife, the other party is already scared and trembled, even if it is not so trembling, he will be very vigilant to find things to confront him. Rushed over?

Isn't he afraid of hitting them with a knife?

Is this man a neuropathy?

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