Super Finding App

Chapter 1240: Drink


One punch, two punches, three punches, one kick!

The boss of Jade Stone was beaten directly into a pig's head, and his body was knocked down heavily on the ground. Blood was flowing from his nose and mouth, and his face was full of stun and fright.

How is this going?

How is this going?

I didn't see his attack at all

Heaven and earth conscience!

Jade helped the boss think that pulling out a dagger can scare the leveling in front of him, but he never expected that this leveling would be as afraid of death as opening up, and kicked him with a thunderous thunder. Kicked his sword, and then knocked him to the ground with a combo.

A set of actions, like peers and flowing water, generally makes the boss of the Jade Gang invincible.

"It's true to take a knife. Is it very powerful to take it out? You all saw it, it was the knife he took first, so I'm a legitimate defense ..."

Cheng Yiping patted his palm, watching the mix of the jade gang who was beaten down on the ground by the pain and sorrow, and the boss of the jade gang said to the boss who was wearing a suit with a briefcase and a poop.

"Let's go, things have been resolved, find something to tie them up, and then twist them directly to the police station. Is Tang Dynasty a society without legal system on the same day? Don't say that they have a back office, even if their back office is more powerful, I Do n’t believe it, it ’s better than the law! ”

If it was a few decades ago, I am afraid that there is a saying that the so-called strong dragon does not suppress the snake.

Even if Cheng Yiping met the people of these jade gangs, after defeating them, he could only flee.

After all, technology was not developed at that time, and many things were suppressed by the local government and snobbish people.

But now is the era of networking. Anything published on the Internet, as long as there are hotspots, can be spread throughout the Kingdom of Tang Dynasty in an instant. It is difficult to hide it.

Now, like this jade, it has monopolized the jade purchase channel of the jade street in Nanyu City, even blocking the traffic and forcing the bosses to sell them to the jade at a low price, even using a knife!

No matter from which point it is definitely a hot spot.

Cheng Yiping believes that as long as it is reported, it will be difficult for those in power behind a jade gang in Nanyu City to suppress it.

As for so-called revenge, Cheng Yiping didn't care.

Don't forget that behind him, there are three princesses of the Tang Dynasty,

Brother is the father of the three princesses of heaven

When I think about Doudou, I really miss her, I do n’t know how she lived in the capital of the Tang Dynasty

Although I talked to Doudou after a video chat, and even Doudou also sent some letters, after all, they were n’t together every day. When I think about Doudou ’s recent situation, I really care about it.

Why don't you visit Doudou when you go to the Kingdom of Heaven?

Cheng Yiping thought with his chin

"Abominable, abominable, abominable, don't think you can defeat us in this way, and want to send us to the police station. Do you think you have this ability?"

The boss of the Jade Gang climbed up and touched the blood in the corner of his mouth. Even at this moment, he could still feel the painful pain in his body. The person in front of him was definitely not a general generation.

He is unfathomable.

"Get up, get up, get me up! How long will you lie to me on the ground? Lao Tzu has been up, do you still lie to me on the ground?"

Jade helped the boss grit his teeth and lay on the ground, touching his body's wound, crying and crying under his hands

Along with the jade's reprimand from the boss, his men climbed from the ground one by one, struggling one by one, touching the wound that he was attacked, and looking into a flat face with a look of panic.

There is a saying that the wicked need to be grinded by the wicked.

The **** of these jade gangs usually bully goodness and fear evil, and become accustomed to it.

Now suddenly I meet such a guy who is not afraid of them and urinates the farts they hit, with a look of panic on his face

"Did you still fight?"

Cheng Yiping raised an eyebrow, stretched out his hand, moved his body, his eyes were half-squint.

Thanks again for getting the Super Hidden App, and for having the inquiry help in the Super Hidden App.

It is only with the skills of finding objects to help learn Jeet Kune Do and Tai Chi, each of which belongs to the top martial arts in reality.

This is also the case, so that I can be more comfortable when facing the gang of jade gangs. Otherwise, I am afraid that I will really interrupt the teeth like the bosses wearing suits with briefcases and pooping Swallowing blood into his stomach.

Disaster relief?

Since they can beat them for a meal, they can also beat them for a second meal!

"Boy, you are forcing us. You do have some skills, but you do n’t forget to go with two pairs of fists and four hands. After all, you are only one person, and we have more than twenty people."

Jade helped the boss grit his teeth and said, turned and turned to one of the little hands to eat and drink

"What are you waiting for? Get the drinks out quickly, and everyone will drink a bottle by that time. I don't believe it, this person is really Bruce Lee!"


What the **** is this?

Are you a popeye sailor?

Powerful after eating spinach?

When Cheng Yiping was puzzled, he saw one of the jade men help the boss nodded and touched his waist, touching his own wound, and the fart ran to the woods not far away and dragged out a box.

Inside the box was opened a bottle after bottle of beverage, and then the beverage was carefully and quickly delivered to the boss of Jade and other mixed hands

"Boy, you forced us. You can be the first person to rest assured that we can force us to drink. I will definitely throw you into an abandoned mine to let you know that it offends our jade gang. End! "

The jade gang boss threatened and opened the drink while mumbling and drank it. Next to him, the gangsters of the jade gang also opened the drink and drank it bit by bit, with an excited look on his face.

this is…

White cow!

Drinking can defeat someone?

Can make you win, did you eat Dali Pill?

In the face of these jade gangs drinking drinks, Cheng Yiping shook his head funnyly.

But when his eyes instantly focused on the drink box they drank, the dark pupils shrank sharply.

White cow!

The bosses of these jade gangs and the punks turned out to be white cows who are sports drinks!

How is this going?

What exactly is going on?

In an instant

Cheng Yiping felt strange and confused ...


Just as Yiping felt puzzled, the boss of the Jade Gang and more than 20 punks murmured that he had drank all the bottles of liquor.

Then he threw the beverage bottles to the ground, raised his eyes, and shook his head one by one, grinning with red light and fangs, exuding a crazy look ...

"You are dead, my brothers will frustrate him ..."

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