Super Finding App

Chapter 1241: Runaway (1)

How is this going?

Are you kidding me?

Am I dreaming?

Are they really drinking white cow drinks, qualified sports drinks, not messy things like stimulants?

It's too exaggerated.

Although I didn't kill them, my strength was still quite clear. At least I could make them lie in bed for ten days and a half months and couldn't get out of bed.

But now it's so easy to recover?

And one by one, full of energy, it looks like they are taking stimulants. What the **** is this white cow drink?

Cheng Yiping narrowed his eyes and felt quite uncomfortable and strange and confused.

This white cow drink is no longer an unseen thing for Cheng Yiping, but what makes him most strange is that this white cow drink had a strange death event on Beizhou Road, and even Even in Jiangzhen City, Zhang Dadian died of cardiac arrest.

Although the medical report found that it was only because it received too many stimuli, there is no statement about whether it is related to the white cow drink or it has not been determined so far.

What makes Cheng Yiping feel very interesting is that even in this jade city, white cow drinks are being sold blatantly, and even advertisements have been printed. This undoubtedly illustrates a problem.

This white cow drink is a qualified product!

But since it is a qualified product, even sports drinks can't cause this effect.

Immediately after drinking, it was as energetic as eating Dabu Wan, full of energy and strength?

What a joke!

It doesn't look like the effect of a normal sports drink.

What exactly is going on?

"When I drink this sports drink, I feel that my strength is growing vigorously. This feeling is really wonderful. Brothers give me, I want to kill him completely. Let him know what the price is for offending our jade gang? "

The boss of the Jade Gang exhaled a breath, with an excited look on his face.

For him, every time he took a white cow drink, he was exceptionally refreshing, he could get his injury back up very quickly, and his power would become extremely powerful.

This is also the case. The entire jade gang of this white cow drink has served as a weapon.

After all, some products like normal will still be banned, but White Bull Drink will not.

It can be said that if you want to, you can take White Bull Drink to refresh yourself and increase your strength. This White Bull Drink is simply a necessary recipe for their home.


The jade who drank the white cow drink was so excited that Yangtian screamed and rushed up.

this is………….

Cheng Yiping's pupils shrank fiercely. If the jade helped the **** to be ordinary people's range at the beginning, now the **** of this **** are far more powerful than ordinary people. Faster, let Cheng Yiping have some tentacles, and quickly backed away.

What the **** is this white cow drink?

Does it have the effect of increasing physical fitness?

Strange, weird, this is really weird!

Cheng Yiping narrowed his eyes and quickly resisted the attack of the Jade Gang. While backing away, there was no way out for the scumming of more than 20 jade gangs.

Cheng Yiping quickly turned his fist into a fist that was too polarized and led the jade to gangly attack. He used his strength to turn them around.



This white cow drink is really very strange. It can enable people in Jade Group to take this white cow drink to recover from injury, and it can also become abnormally excited!

Let me have a look then.

How effective is this liquor drink

How long can you bear it?

"Up, up, give me up, he can't do it anymore, he can't do it anymore, he can only passively defend, give me up, give me the frustration of him"

"Don't kill him, don't kill him, interrupt me with both his legs and feet. I want to make him crippled, and then throw him into this waste mine, and tell everyone to offend us. The end of the Jade Gang is to die! "

The boss of the jade gang turned unusually red, blue veins appeared on his forehead, and his face became abnormally haggard. He watched more than 20 of his men be surrounded by a flat group, and beat back.

Although he did not defeat Cheng Yiping directly, he was easily defeated compared to the previous time.

Cheng Yiping at this moment is more passive defense, but Jiu Shou must lose. Occasionally, he will be attacked by the **** and punched on him. The boss of the jade gang is proud of himself.

"Hurry up, left, left, what are you waiting for? On the left, hit me, hit me, and right leg, right leg, kick his lower body, poke his eyes, don't tell me anything Jiang Hu morally, killed him directly, to tell everyone, if anyone dares to offend our jade gang, our jade gang told him to frustrate his ashes, and hurry up. Hurry up!

The boss of the Jade Gang became more and more excited and shouted louder and louder.

With the excitement of his voice, the blue veins on his forehead became abnormally deep, and his face was even heavier.

The boss with the briefcase is watching tears and worrying. For them, although they want to help level up, but watching this group of wolf-like tigers, it feels like a crazy jade gang. We dare not take any action at all.

If they dare to work hard with the jade people before taking the white cow, now they dare not look at these jade people.

One by one, just like neuropathy, there is no scruples at all.

It's just like crazy!

Who dares to fight with him like this?

There is a way to be barefoot and not afraid to wear shoes.

The scariest people these years are not barefoot but deadly lunatics!

Don't you know?

There is a very magical thing in this world called mental illness!

Once you have a mental illness, you don't even take responsibility for killing people!

"Kill me, kill him, what are you waiting for? Kill me quickly and kill me. I want to tell everyone whoever they are, if they dare to do something wrong with our jade gang, That's death! "

"You must die, let him die, let him die!"

The emotion of the boss of the jade gang is extremely exciting. With every excitement, the blue tendon on the forehead is deeper. Not only him, but also the **** of the entire jade gang are accompanied by constant beatings, and the whole person is in extreme excitement. status.



This is so wrong!

Cheng Yiping's complexion became low, and while watching carefully, he watched more than 20 gangsters in front of the jade gang.

Their madness at this moment was not like a normal state at all.

It feels like the whole person is in a frenzy ...

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