Super Finding App

Chapter 1242: Runaway (2)

"Kill him, kill him, kill me quickly, kill him quickly"

"Kill him, kill him, kill me quickly!"

The old jade gang growled loudly, as if he could only say this sentence.

With the growing dignity and highlighting of the blue tendon above his forehead, the whole person became abnormally stingy!

Then with a roaring heartbreaking sound, the jade banged the blue veins on the forehead of the boss ...

If it was at the usual time, the boss of the jade gang was blown open.

More than 20 jade gangsters will definitely be frightened, and quickly go to check the situation of their boss.

But what is really weird at the scene today is that the mix of more than 20 jade gangs didn't care whether their boss was dead or alive, and how their boss was.

One by one, the blue tendons above his forehead stood out against Cheng Yiping's desperate attack.

It seems that their ultimate goal is only to kill the one in front of them, and it doesn't matter if their boss is alive or dead.

Weird, weird, this is really weird.

Cheng Yiping gets stranger the more he fights.

The whole body is like a ball. The movements of both hands are abnormally slow, but they slowly move fast. With an unusual charm, Taiji's ability is exerted to the extreme. Facing the fists coming from all directions, grasp. Their wrists turned around, twisted their waists, and used their own power to hit themselves, screaming at the same time.

"Your boss has an accident, your boss has an accident, you are not quick to see, you are not quick to see"

"Your boss has an accident. Don't you want to watch your boss die without asking?"

No effect!

Cheng Yiping shouted loudly, there was no effect for the more than 20 **** in front of him, as if they had almost become paranoid with bloodshot eyes.

"It seems that the **** of these more than 20 jade gangs don't care if their boss is alive or dead!"

Just panting hard, the prominent blue tendons on his forehead continued to burst, then burst like a signal.

With the first blue veins on the forehead exploded, the blue veins on the balance head also exploded and fell to the ground one by one.

Is this over?

What's going on with these gangsters and bosses?

Cheng Yiping opened his mouth and looked at the boss of the Jade Gang who was constantly falling on the ground.

The blue veins on each forehead of these bumbles exploded, and the blood flowed to the ground.

what happened?

What's going on

Why are these **** bleeding on their heads?

What happened?

The bosses in suits with briefcases and big stomachs peeped at each other, at this time they dared to walk over and kicked the jade gang dumbs on the ground with their feet stunned.

One of them still held out his hand and stroked it with a few scares. They found that they were still alive and breathing, and they were relieved.

Although they are very annoying, but if they die, it will definitely make people creepy.

Living and dead are two completely different concepts.

"What's wrong with them? Why all of them suddenly fell to the ground and blood was on their foreheads?"

"How do I know, but it seems that they can't stop the road, maybe they are really not fit, I think we should send them to the hospital as soon as possible, and report a police incident."

Cheng Yiping shrugged and said, the haze in his eyes flashed

Although Cheng Yiping didn't know what was going on, he could also perceive the boss of this jade gang and more than 20 punks with a slump on the ground, with blood on his head, and the white cow they took absolutely. Drink related!

Maybe people through this jade gang can know what is going on with this white cow drink?

"Okay, okay, okay, let ’s go, let ’s go, no matter what happens, at least for now we are safe, or we will deliver the goods earlier, and this jade gang cannot be placed here Report it to the police and take it to the police. "

Xiao Zhou gritted his teeth and said that he came to the boss of the Jade Gang in two or three steps, stretched out his foot and stabbed him a few times. It can be said that he really hated the boss of the Jade Gang.

If it wasn't for nothing, he really wanted to kill the boss of Jade.

But after all, he has no courage to kill. "

"Boy, I really can't see it. It turns out that you are still a trainer, no wonder you are so fearless, but I think you should leave here a little bit faster, and leave this place after you have disposed of the goods. After all, you offend, but Jade Gang "

"This jade gang has been in Nanyu City for such a long time. Even the police are not afraid. From this we can see that they must have a certain influence. You must lose by yourself when you are alone. Let ’s go after we ’re done. At that time, we will say that we do n’t know them at all. They fell down by themselves. As long as you are not in their sphere of influence, even if you want to find trouble, it is quite difficult. Even the people on the facade, I dare not go too far. "

The boss in a suit and a briefcase said

Although some of the words didn't sound good, Cheng Yiping knew that it was really for his sake. He touched his chin, and the phone ringing on his body just sounded.

Cheng Yiping frowned slightly, who would find himself at this time?

Take out the mobile phone and look at it, it shows Wang Yuting.

It really is a little bit clever.

Why did Wang Yuting suddenly call and find herself? Could it be that something happened?

Cheng Yiping answered the call, and Wang Yuting's crisp voice came from inside.

"Cheng Yiping, I need your help, I need you to help me find someone who might be a provider of white cow drinks"

As soon as Cheng Yiping answered the phone, Wang Yuting couldn't wait to hear the voice inside.

"No rush, no rush. I happen to have something to tell you, if you are free, it's best to come to Nanyu City now, because I found the white cow drink here. It may be possible here. Find a provider of White Bull Drink! "

"What, you sure, you're not kidding me?"

"Please Wang Yuting, no matter how mixed I am, do you think I will make fun of you with this matter? But you better come faster, if the time is too slow, I am not sure what will happen"

"What do you mean?"

"Because they are a bunch of gangsters, I guess they'll still be in trouble when they wake up, that is to say, if you don't come here soon, you may never see me again ..."

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