Super Finding App

Chapter 1252: You are framed

Is this white cow drink effective or ineffective?

Is it really an ordinary sports drink or does it really have a strange effect?

If these white cow drinks really have strange effects like Jiangzhen City and Weizhou Fang's girlfriends, the consequences are simply unthinkable.

In an instant.

Chen Fan's face showed a terrified look. He seemed to have seen these ordinary people who were buying this white cow drink happily playing the moment before, and the next moment he was lying on the ground and screaming with heartbreak.

The internal organs are either frozen by the ice, or they are completely burnt to death by the fire.

Where is this sports drink? This is simply poison.

I wish I was thinking about it myself.

I wish I was thinking about it myself.

Thinking too much, it should not, the food safety of Tiantang Kingdom will not be so bad.

Hope is really like what Wang Yuting and others think.

This white cow drink should have a second product that is completely different from the first

Is it true that someone is doing some other business under the brand of White Bull Drink?

After Cheng Yiping thought for a moment, he suddenly patted his head and laughed.

"Really, what do I want to do? This is the case that Wang Yuting is responsible for. If they can't find anyone, they will call me then."

"Now things have been dealt with here, should I return to Jiangzhen earlier? I still miss Zhang Xiaona. I don't know how she works there. Will I have to work overtime again today?"

"Will you go to Zhang Xiaona for dinner when you return to Jiangzhen?"

In a luxurious nightclub in Nanyu City at night, Li Xiaoxuan laughed and was proud of himself in the box. Around him, surrounded by beautiful women, tall, thin, thin and various.

"Hey, here it is, as long as you kill me this glass of wine, reward 100 yuan"

Li Xiaoxuan was drunk and looked at the beautiful woman in front of her. She laughed, and pulled out a stack of tens of thousands of tickets from her arms and smashed them on the table. Then, under each wine glass, a hundred dollar bill was smirked

The beauties around looked at it, their eyes were shining, their favorite was such a sumptuous guest, one by one eager to drink and laugh.

"Boss, I'm here, I'm here. I drink the best"

"No, I'm the best drinker."

"Let me come. Let me come, my alcohol is the best. Let me come and let me come ..."

"No rush, no rush, both. All, as long as you dare to drink, money is not a problem"

Li Xiaoxuan smiled proudly, raised her lips slightly, drank a glass of beer, and looked at the beauty who was vying for a drink, showing a sarcastic smile.

I thought that when I was still poor, these beautiful beauties did not say that they rushed to drink in front of her, just to say a few more words to him, as if they were all gifts from the sky.

The sarcastic and contemptuous look Li Xiaoxuan can never forget until now.

Sure enough.

In this world, it is true that people have no wealth and no hair, and horses have no nightgrass and no fat.

How could I become so developed if I did n’t meet that person

Beauty who didn't dare to look at it before can now grab a drink in front of her.

Li Xiaoxuan believes that as long as he slightly twitches his fingers, all the beautiful women present will be willing to spend the night with him, not to mention that it is entirely possible to have a sleep together.

This is the best time, but also the worst

Just when Li Xiaoxuan was proud to follow the many happy women in the nightclub, the doors were suddenly pushed open.

The heroic Wang Yuting came in, and Li Xiaoxuan's eyes lit up suddenly, revealing a soft smile.

"Yes, yes, is this a cosplay policeman? Haha, it ’s interesting and really decent. To be honest, I have played so many beauties. I have n’t really played the police yet. Come, come or not, talk Otherwise, you alone are worthy of a high score. Come and have a drink with Grandpa. "

"Big brother has money here?"

Li Xiaoxuan grinned, her pupils were polished, and Wang Yuting looked up and down.

I have to say that Wang Yuting's handsome appearance is so refreshing, it really makes her eyes suddenly bright.

This is definitely a beauty.

Wang Yuting watched Li Xiaoxuan's extended hand suddenly move like lightning and grabbed Li Xiaoxuan's arm. He immediately dropped Li Xiaoxuan to the ground and made a painful wailing sound.

The beauties who were desperately drinking shivered at the sight, and hurriedly came to stop them. Zhao Weiquan, Doumka, Beizhou, Qian Sen, and Murphy, already in Jiangzhen, were behind him.

The three people who walked in instantly calmed the drunken beauties who drunk.

"What are you doing, what are you doing? The security guard is here. I am drinking here. What are these people doing here? Why did they come to me?"

"Do you want to make any more money?"

"Shut up, we are the police. Now we suspect you are involved in smuggling and drug trafficking, please cooperate with the investigation."


Smuggling and trafficking?


The short words scared Li Xiaoxuan, who was just struggling, and was frightened, while the beauties who were angry because their gold master was bullied were trembling with fear.

Just kidding.

They are just beautiful women with wine.

If it is a fight, they are not afraid. They can shake their flags on the side. It may involve police suspected of smuggling and trafficking in drugs. One by one, they behave like birdies and dare not take any action at all.

Just kidding, this is going to jail!

"Framed, framed, I am not drug dealer, I am not drug dealer"

Li Xiaoxuan struggled and shouted.


Meals can be eaten indiscriminately, but words must not be spoken indiscriminately.

"Whether it is true or false, Li Xiaoxuan now asks you to assist in the investigation."

"I cooperate, I cooperate, I assist the investigation, I must assist the investigation"

At this moment, Li Xiaoxuan had already been scared that the three souls had lost seven souls. After all, he was just a timid ordinary person.

Where dare to compete with the police, immediately obedient like a good baby, nodded and praised

Also in the box, the original beauties had already been kicked out at this moment. Although they lost some money, they did not care.

Compared to being spotted by the police before, losing the gold master is only a small trouble.

"Police, please be sure to investigate. I am not a drug trafficker. I have absolutely no drug trafficking. It is a crime to commit new drug trafficking. How can I do such a thing?"

Li Xiaoxuan said with a low eyebrow.

The original drunkenness has been shocked completely by the appearance of the police.


You say he can do other things, and that he sells drugs?

How is this possible?

Li Xiaoxuan vowed to give him ten guts that he would not dare to smuggle and traffic in drugs. He would be jailed if he was caught.

This Li Xiaoxuan does not seem to be so difficult to imagine.

Does he really not know that White Bull Drink is not going to work?

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