Super Finding App

Chapter 1253: sketch

"Frankly, I confess, this was given to me by a person named Fan Qiang, and he told me that this White Bull Beverage is an internal product belonging to the White Bull Group Company. People quickly reduce fatigue and aging, and they are not addicted. All of what I said is true. I absolutely did not lie to you. I really did n’t sell drugs. I really did n’t sell drugs. ”

Inside the Nanyu City Nightclub, the drunken Li Xiaoxuan who had been drinking at this moment had already been soberly awakened by police inquiries, and was so trembling that his body was shaking.

"This Li Xiaoxuan doesn't look so deep-hearted as expected, after all, it's just an ordinary person."

The cold light flashed in the eyes of Zhao Weiquan in Beika Dobinka City.

As a criminal policeman, his vision was extremely unique, and he could see through Li Xiaoxuan in an instant.

This is just an upstart after suddenly making money.

And to say that let him traffic drugs, there is absolutely no such ability.

But if what Li Xiaoxuan said is true. That is to say, he does not know who the so-called Fan Qiang is at all?

So who is this Fan Qiang?

"Li Xiaoxuan, even if I said that what you said is true, then who is Fan Qiang? Where can I find him?

"Don't tell me, you don't have his contact"

Wang Yuting in the sixth group of Jiangzhen City's serious case showed a hint of light in his eyes.

Regardless of whether Li Xiaoxuan is true or false, as long as the so-called Fan Qiang is found out, everything will be revealed.

"Okay, okay, okay, I'm calling now, I'm calling now, that Fan Qiang is so abominable, and after a long day of trouble, it turned out that he was cheating me, telling me that the drink was not poisonous at all, It turned out that it was smuggling and drug trafficking for a long time. If I knew that the white cow drink was drug, I would definitely not sell it, I would definitely not sell it! "

Li Xiaoxuan shuddered in fright, took out her mobile phone and dialed the number.

After a while

His face was cold and terrified, and an expression that was uglier than crying

"No, the phone is empty, the phone is empty ..."

"I said Li Xiaoxuan, you are deceiving people. You say to Fan Qiang that he provided you with this white cow drink, and it is still a long-term cooperation. Now you tell me it is empty? Even if you lie and trouble Wouldn't it be better if you compiled it? "

Zhao Weiquan in Binka, Beizhou, flashed a cold light in his eyes, stood up sharply, patted his hands on the table, made a crackling noise, and said with a low expression.

Li Xiaoxuan's whole body was terrified, and a bitter smile appeared, and she was all scared to cry.

"What I said is true, please believe me, please believe me, everything I say is true, how do I know why his mobile phone is empty, this is simply impossible, I said Is true "

At this moment, Li Xiaoxuan's defense line had been completely broken, with a look of panic on his face.

"Okay, Li Xiaoxuan, if what you said is true, even if the phone doesn't work, you should know what he looks like. You go back to the police station with us now, and I will arrange a sketch of the police station. When you negotiate, you will draw the detailed appearance of Fan Qiang to me. If there is such a person, then we believe that you are true, but if you ca n’t find it, Li Xiaoxuan, I will doubt you. Are you telling the truth or the truth ... I hope you can cooperate with our investigation ... "

Wang Yuting of Jiangzhen City hesitated for a moment, and raised his eyes word by word.

"I must cooperate, I must cooperate, please rest assured that I will cooperate, I am only an intermediary, I really did not smuggle and traffic in drugs, I really did not smuggle and traffic in drugs."

Li Xiaoxuan shuddered in shock, as long as he could be charged with the responsibility of smuggling and drug trafficking, he could do anything.

Nanyu Police Station

"What do you think about this? Is this Li Xiaoxuan's true or false?"

Wang Yuting of Neijiang Town, Nanyu Police Station, stood by the glass window, and looked at Li Xiaoxuan, who was sketching with the sketch policeman, and frowned slightly. The development of things always felt strange.

"If I didn't guess wrong, Li Xiaoxuan should be telling the truth. In the final analysis, he is just a small chess piece being pushed out."

"If Li Xiaoxuan didn't say anything good, I'm afraid that Fan Qiang is the most important person. It is possible that Fan Qiang is just an ordinary scapegoat above."

Zhao Weiquan, from Binzhou, Beizhou, touched his chin and said with a solemn expression

"I understand what you mean. You mean that someone must have given this white cow drink to Fan Qiang, and Fan Qiang gave it to Li Xiaoxuan, and what we have to do is to find out whether this white cow drink is a drug or not. ? "

"Until now, we don't know. Even the case of Zhang Daqian in Jiangzhen City can be stopped by cardiac arrest. As for the death of your two girlfriends from Weizhou Beizhou, it is really weird, but I really want one. White Bull Beverage is related. If it is only based on Cheng Yiping's Super Find App, I am afraid it is still not very weak. "

Wang Yuting analyzes

"Yes, that's right, but this white cow drink is really weird. If it is just ordinary drugs, even if it is really circulating, as long as it is handed over to the anti-drug section, it can be arrested sooner or later"

"But the problem is that Bai Niu Beverage is now on sale in the market. You can see that there are very many people who drink White Niu Beverage in the bathrooms of Nanyu City. Wei Fang, Binka, is like two girlfriends. One heart burned and died, the other froze and died. If so many people take white cow drinks, the consequences would be unimaginable. "

Zhao Weiquan from Beizhou Dobinka City took a breath and said

This is where he is most worried

"No, this situation is unlikely to happen, after all, it is too horrible. If this can really happen, would n’t Tang ’s safety and health institutions eat **** on that day? Is it all Do n’t do anything? It ’s too scary. ”

"Unclear, unclear, all of this is just my guess, but you should also know that although we have a food safety inspection agency in Tangtang Kingdom. But there are still some unknowns about whether we can achieve food safety. So now we need to figure out whether this white cow drink is really just a qualified drink, or is there something in this white cow drink that we do n’t know, and be careful to sail the ship forever. ”

"Yes, so the most important thing for us now is to find the source of this case. This Li Xiaoxuan is the best breakthrough for our door. Shun Teng Mo Gu will find out all the people here!"

"Yes, but even if there is no way out, we still have someone to look for ..."

Zhao Weiquan, from Binzhou, Beizhou, touched his chin and said

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