Super Finding App

Chapter 1284: Jade Face Raksha (1)

"What do you family members do? Obviously know that the old man is old, and the bones are not as hard as the young ones. He also left him to run alone, and now he has fallen. The injury is very serious, I am afraid to support It won't be long! "

On the aisle outside the operating room of the hospital, the righteous scolder of the doctor in a white coat was in front of him seven or eight men in suits and leather shoes and women in expensive clothes talking to each other. With an anxious look on his face.

"Really, why are you so ignorant of your father, knowing that his father's body is not as good as before, and he even let his dad run outside, now it's okay, he fell down while climbing the stairs, and is now seriously ill, What do you say? "

"Blame me, blame me, do you blame me? Don't look at your fathers when they are good, every time the sculptured works are sold, they are not given to you. When did you come to take care of your father? Now something happened One by one came out, accusing me of being ridiculous, are you willing to be me? "

"Calm down, calm down, do n’t be noisy, do n’t be noisy, big brother and big brother, I do n’t think the big brother is intentional either. Now it seems certain that you, the father, are very stubborn, and once he recognizes It ’s an accident that even ten cows ca n’t pull it back. This is an accident. This is an accident. I believe my father ’s health will be good and my father ’s health will recover. ”

Master Wang has three sons. Since the death of his wife when he was young, Master Wang has used jade carving to earn living expenses and tuition for the children. He **** and pissed, thus pulling the three sons up.

These three sons did not live up to the expectations of Master Wang. Even if they graduated from universities of different brands, they also became college students. Coupled with their own small plans, they all have their own careers after starting a family. development of.

But again, their development and life are inseparable from Master Wang ’s funding. After all, Master Wang ’s jade carvings can be sold without hundreds of thousands and can reach 70,000 to 80,000. It can be said that it is the most profitable of the three sons. of.

Because of this, the three sons respect their father, and their daughter-in-law is even more so.

"Wang Bao, you do n’t want to say some false things that have nothing to do with you. Who knows that your father gave you the golden dragon and jade carvings carved by him the day before. It is this way that you can afford a villa, and now you say such a bland language, is your conscience eaten by dogs? "

The old man with glasses, Wang Long turned his head and looked at his third brother. The angry light shot out of his eyes.

"Brother, what you said is wrong, indeed my father gave me one of his jade carvings, but if I remember correctly, brother, father took care of you, and my father did not have major general His jade carvings are for you. This year comes down one after another. Who knows how many jade carvings I and your second brother gave you, otherwise, the big brother will use your salary, family house, car and How can the child ’s living expenses be affordable? Taking care of your father is your responsibility. Now you are injured and injured under your negligent care. You do n’t want to treat your father. You are still here to calculate these old accounts with us. Good abacus "

The three sons of Master Wang, named, Wang Long, Wang Hu, and Wang Bao, are called Dragon Tiger Panther.

Master Wang also hoped that his son could be as savvy as a dragon, tiger, and panther. Obviously, the three dragons and tigers did not develop, and they directly grew into three large insects and were still vampires.

"The third brother is absolutely right. Brother, if I remember correctly, my father's most proud jade noodle, Rocha, has not been sold till now, and it is also treasured by my father. I think if my father is this time, The jade face Luo statue will be taken out. "

Jade face Luosha!

Listening to the second brother Wang Hu's words, the boss Wang Long's face changed instantly. They all knew that the jade face Rosa was the most proud production of his father, Master Wang, and the most classic work.

It is said that this work was only a flash in the pan, causing turmoil in all sectors of the industry, and was sealed as a boutique, but then his father completely sealed the jade face Rosa.

The three brothers did not know where his father hid this jade noodles, but it is undeniable that the more things that are not available, the more precious they are. On the market, the price of jade noodles has reached 1,000. ten thousand

For the three brothers, this is definitely a huge profit.

This is exactly the same. As soon as he heard that his father had fallen over, the three brothers rushed over with his daughter-in-law and children.

On the bright side, it depends on his father, but they are all vigilant whether the father ’s most important jade noodle, Rakshasa, will be taken away by other brothers.

That ’s 10 million, real 10 million, not 1,000

"My second and third child, you two are so unconscionable. Father, it ’s unknown in the operating room if you are still alive or dead. You come to remember your father ’s jade-faced Rakshasa. This is simply too cruel. They only have money in their eyes, and they will definitely scold you for being filial. "

The burly boss Wang Long shouted loudly

"Brother, do n’t say that in the clouds and fog, these grandiose words, your father was taken care of by you, and you let your father suddenly walk around by himself, but now he fell down to the hospital for treatment. This is your business. You It ’s wrong, I just want to know, so many works that my father sculpts every year, you have several hundreds of thousands of sales, is it impossible to ask a caregiver or two? Your daughter-in-law will take care of your father Isn't it possible? It's really ridiculous, and now we have to rake! "

Second brother Wang Hu said sarcastically.

"In short, I don't care about my father. If the father really has three strengths or two weaknesses, as a father and son, I must ask for equal sharing. Brother, don't think about it alone."

"Enough. Enough. Do n’t say that again. Your father may not be in trouble. If your father is going to be fine, will everything be gone? Not to mention you do n’t forget your father ’s jade noodles. Chak Kok, only the father knows where to put it. If the father really has an accident, who of you can find the jade noodles?

Wang Bao said anxiously, the meaning in the discourse was to worry about his father, but then he fell on the jade surface Luozao jade carving while talking.

In an instant

The boss Wang Long and the foreigner Wang Hu, who were just now arguing fiercely, were stunned and slammed their heads like guns that were extinguished.

Yes, they discussed here for a long time, but they did n’t even know where their father ’s jade-faced rasa was hiding.

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