Super Finding App

Chapter 1285: Jade Face Raksha (2)

Boss Qian entered the hospital anxiously, anxiously, with an uneasy and overwhelmed expression on his face.

"God bless, do n’t be troubled, Master Wang, but I was able to get online, it ’s hard to do anything, do n’t be troubled, all my efforts will be lost."

Boss Qian anxiously sat in the elevator in the hospital and came to the hospital bed.

With the opening of the elevator door, Qian boss hurried in with fruit.

This is the third son of Master Wang.

Wang Long Wang Hu and Wang Bao, Master Wang lay on the hospital bed.

As soon as Mr. Qian's heart was cold, his face changed, with a humble smile, he put the fruit in his hand on the bed, and wanted to see these three familiar and strange people asking.

"What's wrong with Master Wang?"

"Relax, Mr. Qian, my father has nothing to do. After the operation, he has now been rescued, but now he has become a vegetative."

Wang Long lifted his eyes and looked at Mr. Qian, the light in his eyes flashed, and said lightly, but when he talked about his father, there seemed to be some complaining breath.


No way?

Master Wang turned out to be a vegetative.

How is this possible How can he become a vegetative?

If once Master Wang became a vegetative, wouldn't it mean that he would no longer be able to carry out jade carving, and I would no longer be able to obtain jade carving works from him?

How is this possible? This is harder to accept than death!

"Mr. Wang, are you joking? Master Wang's body is so tough, even if he falls, he will not fall into a vegetative, are you kidding me?"

Boss Qian opened his mouth and looked at Master Wang who seemed to fall asleep on the bed, saying unbelievably.

"Boss Qian, don't think we're joking. Do you think we will make fun of you with things like father? This time we called you just to hope to tell us, did you know our father made his work jade Where is Rakshasa?

Master Wang's second son, Wang Hu, said impatiently, showing fierce gaze in his eyes.

For him, now that Master Wang has been paralyzed in bed, what can it do?

It doesn't make any sense at all!

If you can find your father's jade-faced Rakshasa for auction, the money is definitely worth a lot.



Turned out to be true.

Did Master Wang really become a vegetative?

How could there be such a thing:

Doesn't that mean that my relationship with Master Wang has been completely useless? Why is this happening? Why is this happening?

Boss Qian wanted to cry without tears, and his heart was dripping with blood. He finally reached an agreement with Master Wang and was able to get carved jade works with him, even if there was only one work in a few months.

But he was quite satisfied with Mr. Qian, and now everything is gone. He looked up at Master Wang ’s three sons and opened his mouth.

"Yumeng Luosha, did you say that Master Wang is your favorite Jadeface Luosha? I heard Master Wang talk about this work, but even when I was with me, Master Wang did not use Jadeface Luosha Show it to me, so I do n’t know where Master Wang ’s jade-faced Luo Fan is. ”

Looking at the actions of Master Wang's three sons in front of his eyes, Boss Qian understood it instantly, and at the same time felt a pity for Master Wang who was lying on the bed to become a vegetable.

Unexpectedly, Master Wang has just become a plant, and his three sons have already begun to think of a family property. After all, Master Wang has not died.

"Boss Qian, don't get me wrong, we called to ask you about the news of Yumian Rosa, not because we need to sell it, but because Yumian Luo is the most proud work of his father. The meaning is extraordinary. I believe that Boss Qian is just like me. I hope my father can be awake. Think about it, Boss, do you know or did you hear my father talk about him? Where is it downstairs? "

Wang Bao ’s three sons, Wang Bao, said that although the words were quite gentle, the central meaning did not change.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I haven't heard of Yumian Raksha talked about where, but just heard him say that Yumian Raksha is the most proud masterpiece of Teacher Wang, and also his most precious work. I wanted to see Fang Rong, but Mr. Wang never took it out. "

Boss Qian opened his mouth and sighed. Although he was quite dissatisfied with the three sons named Master Wang in front of him, this was after all the housework of the other party, and too much was just involved in the housework of others.

"Really, I said what's the use of calling this money boss, he's just a businessman, selling jade works. How can I know where my father's jade face Rosa is?"

"Calm down, calm down, big brother, it's a good thing to ask one more question. After all, although you are taking care of your father, you haven't communicated with your father for many years. Otherwise, if you have a good relationship with your father, Then, my father told you where the jade surface fell, how can we know nothing until now and can only turn to outsiders? "

"Big brother, after all, you are too careless. If my father lives with me, my father will give it to me."

Second son Wang Hu sneered

"Boss, what you said is really ugly. Didn't I ask for a caregiver? Didn't I take care of my father? It was just a review of my unwillingness. What an accident today, since you do n’t believe in Brother If so, what about father taking care of you from today? "

Boss Wang Long said directly to the pole, but before his voice fell, he sneered between the two king tigers.

"Don't, don't, boss, your wishful thinking is really loud. Before your father is in good health, you have to keep your father by your life and death. Now that your father has an accident, you will He kicked away, you were too careful, I'm sorry, we had an agreement with the three of us long ago, the father will take care of you, whether now or in the future, even if it is a funeral, it is your eldest son It's impossible to push her to us! "

"Boss, since your father gave you most of the jade, you have to take responsibility. Of course, we ca n’t say no matter how other jade. But you must not swallow the jade carvings of the jade face. You must not take it alone. People assigned! "

"Huh, what's the use of saying? It's still necessary to find out the jade face rasa jade first, otherwise we won't be able to say much."

"Brother is right. Since my father likes Jade Noodles so much, then Jade Noodles must be in the family!"

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