Super Finding App

Chapter 1286: Tentative (1)

As for the intrigue between Master Wang's three children, Mr. Qian didn't even care, and even made some scorn.

This may be the so-called sadness of some people. There are three sons all of a sudden. When they are young, they are definitely envious. But who can think of the three boys growing up, let alone giving care of the elderly, but fighting for power is the same. Mastery, I have to say that this is a tragedy.

However, the light of Boss Qian's eyes shone with the so-called jade-faced rasa, and he also knew that this was the most proud work of Master Wang.

It is said that when the jade noodles were carved successfully, someone directly quoted 5 million to buy them, but unfortunately, Master Wang refused, and never saw the jade noodles in the market.

Jade Raksha became a legendary jade carving.

Jade face Luo sold on the black market for nearly ten million prices.

Boss Qian was originally quite dissatisfied with being called by Master Wang's children, but now all the dissatisfaction of course is gone, and he coughed for two channels.

"Three, three, listen to me. The jade-faced Rakshasa carved by Mr. Wang's jade can now be sold for tens of millions of dollars. The price is quite high. If you three can really find the jade-jade Rakshasa, And if you want to sell, you can contact me, rest assured, the price is absolutely fair, I am in the antique industry, but it is quite famous, and I charge a small fee, I think it is completely fine. "

The money boss's eyes are golden, if the price of jade noodles is absolutely tens of millions, then the salary increase is enough to reach hundreds of thousands. Such a good business money boss will never miss.

And he is not afraid. The sons of the three master Wang now know that there are quite a lot of fake and shoddy products on the market.

If there is no person as a guarantee, as a person who can perceive this jade face rasa is real, it may be completely false.

Once it is fake, it is worthless and cannot be sold at a price, especially for this prestigious jade rosa, if an acquaintance sells it, it will naturally rise.

"You do see stitches, don't worry, if we do find them, it's okay to sell them to you. It's okay!"

Before Wang Long's words were finished, Mr. Qian immediately showed a humble smile.

"Xiao Long Bao, of course, the price must be fair, and the price will definitely satisfy you."

Boss Qian left with satisfaction. Although this time Master Wang has become a vegetative person, he will never be able to obtain jade works there again. This is indeed very bad news.

But if you can really get the jade noodles and sell them, you can make up for the losses.

At that time, it will not be called three years without opening. It will take three years to open and eat. I am afraid that it will not open for ten years. It is also completely possible to open and eat for ten years.

"I must do this very quickly. Master Wang's reputation is also well-known in the jade carving industry. Once everyone is really informed of the death of Master Wang, then someone will soon follow. The excuse for worshipping Master Wang and Master Three's three sons contacted each other, and it would be possible to **** food at that time, which is not impossible. "

Boss Qian left Master Wang's ward and walked along the hospital aisle in a good mood. However, as a deep-thinking generation, he considered more things, and his face became more dignified.

"What's more, due to the nature of these three sons of Master Wang, I am afraid that if anyone gives them more money at that time, they will immediately sell the jade noodles, so I must be careful Keep in touch with them at all times, and definitely not let others **** food from the tiger's mouth, otherwise I'm afraid even crying is useless "

Boss Qian knows that this is not his pride. In reality, this kind of thing that steals food often happens.

What's more, the three sons of Boss Wang and himself are just verbal appointments. There is no legal efficiency at all.

If the other party kicks him away after using up, the money boss has no way at all.

This is also the thing that money bosses, antique play people often do, take back antiques from other people's homes at low prices, and sell them at high prices.

To deceive the other party, even if you regret it, there is no real evidence. In the case of a contract without legal provisions, there is no way at all.

You can only blame your eyesight, there is no other way.

"But I think too much of this now. First of all, you must let Master Wang's three sons find Master Wang's jade face Rakshasa. If you ca n’t find everything, rest, or if there are other people. Helping the three sons of Master Wang find the so-called Jade-faced Luosha carvings, I'm afraid I won't be able to do that anymore. I will help the three sons of Master Wang to find the Jade-faced Luosha before others.

Boss Qian considered it very clearly. He knew that this was not a business of 10,000 or 20,000. If he really bought Yumeno Raksha, he could earn hundreds of thousands to millions if he only speculated and sold it. It's worth the money

"Looking for Jade Face Rakshasa, or should I let Cheng Yiping try it?"

When mentioning searching for things, Boss Qian's mind instantly appeared in the newly opened store as Cheng Yiping. He shook his head funnyly, with a sarcastic smile.

"I'm really a demon. What Cheng Yiping said was just an ordinary polite phrase. How could I take it seriously? Jade carving is a part-time job, and finding people and things is my job. How can this be possible? You can sculpt master-level works, so those of us who study jade carving simply jumped off the building, he must be lying. "

When Boss Qian thought of what Cheng Yiping said, he was so angry that his fat body was trembling slightly, and the light in his eyes was flashing.

"Now Master Wang has become a vegetative person, and it is impossible to bring me top-grade jade carvings. My goal is on Cheng Yiping. If you can find the master who carved these jade works from Cheng Yiping? Then I can be considered a blessing because of misfortune. I must do both things. "

"The first is to maintain close ties with Master Wang's three sons, and even help them find jade-faced Rakshasa jade carvings. As long as you get them, you can earn hundreds of thousands or even millions. The second is to Cheng Yiping had a good relationship and found the jade carving master behind him to grab it! "

Just when the money boss is thinking hard. Suddenly a cry came to my ears

"Brother, brother, where are you? Brother, where are you? Where are you, my brother?"

Qian Hongming was crying in search of his brother in the same hospital, but found nothing, crouching in the corner and crying

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