Super Finding App

Chapter 1287: Tentative (2)

Qian Hongming looked anxiously for his brother Qian Hongguang in the hospital, and searched the hospital up and down, left, right, and right, but he did not see his brother Qian Hongguang in the hospital.

This is impossible.

This is simply impossible, my brother's hands are already disabled, and surgery is needed to connect them. Under such circumstances, how could my brother run away? What exactly is going on?

Where are you, brother?

The 10,000 yuan obtained from the sale of this jade pendant in the arms was anxiously running in the hospital. The performance nurses coming and going in the hospital were endless, but for most people, Qian Hongming was just ordinary Just one patient.

Doctors and nurses in hospitals have long been accustomed to life and death. It is a painful farewell for people, but for doctors and nurses, this is only part of their work.

You can say they are indifferent, you can also say that they have long been used to life and death.

"Brother, brother, where are you exactly? Brother, where are you?"

Qian Hongming, who did not find his brother, shrank in the corner with tears streaming down, even though he was so strong, even if they thought they could support him for this family instead of his brother, but he was only a dozen It's just a year old child.

He was afraid he was lonely, he was at a loss, he wanted to seek someone, but he didn't know who could help himself.

Some people in this world always like to speculate on others based on their own experience and experience, but they do n’t know that you are not someone else, and you do n’t know the pain of others, just as the ancient emperor said that stupid 10,000 years of words.

Why do n’t you eat meat when there is no food?

Qian Hongming wanted to seek help from others, but was at a loss.

The only thing he could do was shrink to cry in the corner of the hospital, and this cry attracted many people's attention.

But for most of the patients and their families, the relatives in their own family can't take care of them, so can they take care of this little child again?

Even if doctors and nurses come to ask a few words, they can only say a few words. They have work as well, and they are extremely busy.

Can only leave Qian Hongming sobbing alone

"You are Qian Hongming, you are not Qin Hongguang's brother, why are you crying here?"

Boss Qian came to Qian Hongming with a doubtful expression, and frowned.

He is also a little familiar with Qian Hongming. After all, Qian Hongguang can be regarded as a jade carving artist in a line of jade in Jiangzhen City.

And today, what happened to the second child of Ma, so Mr. Qian remembers Qin Hongming quite well.

It's just that Qian Hongming is suddenly crying here?

This is indeed something beyond what people expected.

"Can't find it, can't find it, my brother is missing, my brother is missing"

Qian Hongming burst into tears and burst into tears. For him, he didn't know what he should do now.

After all, he is just a teenager, and he does n’t have as many ideas and methods as an adult. In despair and helplessness, there is no other way than crying him.

"Why, your brother is gone? Did you look around in the hospital? Maybe where did he go? You can also understand that your brother is not easy, with both hands working. There was an accident at that time. Even if it can be cured, it can still be difficult to carry out jade carving again. If you are in a bad mood, you can understand if you walk around. "

Boss Qian sighed sighing, no matter how in front of this money Hong Ming and he can be regarded as a family.

For Qian Hongguang, the boss of Qian also had a training mind before, after all, Qian Hongguang's carving skills are still quite good.

But there is a way to make people better, but they don't know that Qian Hongguang and Qian Hongming will fall to such a point.

Although he has also heard of some reasons, but let the money boss to pay his own money to support Qian Hongguang and Qian Hongming, the money boss can never do:

Of course, it's no problem to help him find out and do something within his power.

On this basis, as for the others, that's goodbye

After all, the boss of Qian is very clear that he and he are not intimate with each other, and they do not spend money to support these two irrelevant people. Although they are relatively poor, there are many poor people in the world Yes, boss Qian doesn't think he wants to raise them all one by one.

He is not one of those philanthropists.

"I've searched, I've searched, I've searched all, but there really isn't, really no, I've searched the entire hospital, and I can't find where my brother is? ?This is how to do?"

Qian Hongming burst into tears, tears streaming down, listening to Qian Hongming's words and suddenly the eyes of the boss suddenly brightened.

He thought of a brilliant idea and coughed in two voices.

"You can't find that because your brother doesn't know where to go, but it doesn't matter. We can find someone to look for. I remember someone whose main job is to help people find things. I think if you go to him, he should be able to help you find out where your brother is. "

There was a flash of light in Mr. Qian's eyes, and he thought of someone.

At this moment, Qian Hongming no longer knows what to do. He immediately nodded his head with an excited look on his face. Now as long as he can help people find his brother, he will be willing to do whatever it is. of

"Cheng Yiping, you know, that is to help you make a siege on the street of Yushi, Jiangzhen City, and at the same time, buy Cheng Yiping from your jade pendant, you go to him, he is specifically to help people find things, I believe as long as He helps you, and he can help you find your brother. "

Cheng Yiping!

The moment when Qian Hongming's head met Cheng Yiping for the first time in a jade street in Jiangzhen City suddenly appeared.

It was Cheng Yiping who bought 10,000 yuan of jade made by his elder brother and raised medical expenses for him. Could it be said that this city Yiping who helped him can help people find things?

Can he help find his brother?

Is this true?

At this moment, Qian Hongming has no idea, as long as he can really help himself to find his brother, even if it is the hope of the front line, he will go.

"Okay, okay, I'm going to find my brother now, I'm going to find Cheng Yiping now. If Cheng Yiping can really help me find my brother, I will not hesitate to pay any price."

Qian Hongming said anxiously.

Looking at the look of Qian Hongming rushing out, the corner of Boss Qian's mouth slightly tilted, showing a gloomy smile

"Cheng Yiping, don't you say you can help people find someone? I'll introduce you to a business today!"

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