Super Finding App

Chapter 1299: The boss (2)

Bai Qianwen casually threw this cooperation plan on the table, chuckling

"Jiangzhen City TV Station needs to hold an annual celebration. This time, we want to cooperate with our entertainment studio to give us the naming rights, but at the same time we do not need to pay any money. Instead, we need to arrange and negotiate a first- and second-line big Stars participate in the celebration. As guests, increase the ratings and exposure. This kind of cooperation is actually not very difficult. We can invite invitations, but the problem is that Jiangzhen City TV Station can only invite one three or four streams at most. It ’s just impossible for them to invite first- and second-tier stars. "

Bai Qianwen smiled and said, and shook her head slightly while talking.

Bai Qianwen is very clear that the entertainment industry is about a human society, but the entertainment industry is also very realistic. What kind of celebrity you want to hire must have a certain price.

Otherwise, unless the relationship is already very strong, or if there is an exchange of interests, otherwise it is absolutely impossible. If you want to invite the first-tier stars at the price of third-tier or fourth-tier stars, unless it is beneficial Exchange, otherwise it would be as difficult as ever.

"Yes, Manager Bai. In that case, I'll go and reject them now."

The assistant wearing the secretary's service nodded and said that although it is a celebration in Jiangzhen City, it is now known as today ’s entertainment studio, and this celebration is not just to say that it is necessary to participate. , Xun Entertainment Studio also needs to be measured.

The income from participating in the annual celebration of Jiangzhen City is directly proportional to the remuneration they need to pay.

Is it possible to get paid, is it the most suitable for the entertainment studio?

And for Bai Qianwen now, the annual celebration of Jiangzhen City is not directly proportional to the benefits they have to pay.

Ding Dong.

Just as Bai Qianwen and his assistant were making a decision on the celebration of Jiangzhen City, a knock on the door of the direct office came.

After a while, the lady at the front desk turned flushed, and took a careful look at Bai Qianwen, with an excited look on her face.

For her now, Bai Qianwen is her idol.

"What's wrong? Is something wrong?" Bai Qianwen smiled mildly.

In the eyes of outsiders, she is a decisive killer, but Bai Jingwen is quite gentle to the staff of Xun Entertainment Studio.

She is clear. Using brute force is sometimes not convincing to work for.

"Manager Bai, Manager Bai, the boss is here, the boss is here"

The lady at the front desk of Peugeot looked open and stammered.

Heaven and earth conscience

This is the second time she met the boss, although this group of entertainment studios has always been established by Bai Qianwen in the eyes of many people, and it is also ruled by Bai Qianwen.

But the lady at the front desk knew very well that in this entertainment studio, there is also a boss behind manager Bai.

Although he does not often come to these entertainment studios, Manager Bai has great respect for the boss.

The lady at the front desk didn't dare to delay and think wildly, so she rushed in to report on the matter.

"Why, the boss is here. It's really a rare customer. Please invite the boss in soon ..."

Bai Qianwen immediately stood up and said, he was very clear, don't look at her now mixing up the entertainment studio, the owner of the entertainment studio is not her after all.

Although she also owns this share, it is undeniable that it is precisely because of the large number of songs, TV series and film and television drama resources provided by the boss Cheng Yiping that the development of Xun Entertainment Studio can be described as rapid development.

"It's a rare customer. I didn't expect the boss would come to this group of entertainment studios. Why, do you know that this company is yours? I really thought that you really became a shopkeeper."

Inside the office of the Xun Entertainment Studio, Bai Qianwen, who was graceful in shape, stood up and poured Cheng Yiping a cup of coffee, chuckling slightly, her eyes shrinking slightly.

If at this moment someone would really be stunned when they saw it, after all, no one would have thought that Bai Qianwen would give a young man under 30 years old a cup of coffee, with an unusually gentle attitude.

And the owner of this entertainment studio turned out to be such a very ordinary person.

"Bai Qianwen, I can't say that. This shows that I am a good boss. I have 100% trust in you, not to mention that you also have a stake in this entertainment studio. You can also count as working for yourself. We can only Call it cooperation "

Cheng Yiping smiled and took the coffee in Bai Qianwen's hand, and his lips rose slightly.

"Well, don't say these grandiose words, what's going on today? What's wrong? I'll let you come to this studio in search of entertainment, I'm afraid something must happen."

Bai Qianwen shook her head with a funny look and saw Cheng Yiping's purpose.

"No, isn't there something wrong with me coming here? It's impossible because I've passed here, just happen to take a look at you?"

Cheng Yiping touched his nose and smiled awkwardly.

"Forget it, how is this possible? If you really come here to come and see me, it would have been long since, let alone, I know very well that you have a girlfriend, although as a person in the entertainment industry It doesn't make much difference whether you have a girlfriend or not, but I don't think you would do that, otherwise you would have done it already. "

Bai Qianwen chuckled slightly, her mouth slightly tilted, and Cheng Yiping quickly reached out and made a gesture of surrender.

If a woman is more turbid than a man once, she can't help it, she coughs twice and looks up at Bai Qianwen.

"Well, this time to come and talk about business, Bai Qianwen, have you received the celebration cooperation plan of Jiangzhen TV Station?"

Cooperation plan for Jiangzhen TV station celebration?

Bai Qianwen frowned slightly, nodded, turned around and came to the desk, took the document, and handed it to Cheng Yiping.

"Yes, how did you know? This is the plan for the celebration of Jiangzhen City that I just received today. I have rejected it. It is simply a bargain."

"I know, I know, from the standpoint of businessmen, to participate in the celebration of Jiangzhen City TV Station this time requires a front-line or second-line star to come to the celebration as a guest, but the amount of money from the Jiangzhen-style TV station It ca n’t be achieved at all. If you agree with the month, you will need to find resources of the entertainment studio. There are some unreasonable, but Bai Qianwen I hope you can continue. "

"Even if it is a loss, it will not cost resources to take over the cooperation plan for the celebration of Jiangzhen TV Station."

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