Super Finding App

Chapter 1300: Poor graph (a)

"What, the cooperation plan promised by Jiangzhen City TV Station celebration, even if it is a loss, is completely irrelevant?"

What does it mean?

Full of strong female spirit, Bai Qianwen's eyes narrowed sharply, the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, and she turned slowly to sit on the sofa opposite to a flat surface, exuding the breath of the strong body, raising her eyes and saying a word

"Boss, although you are the owner of Xun Entertainment Studio, I naturally listen to you as a part-time worker, but since I am the manager of Xun Entertainment Studio, I must tell you clearly that this is a loss-making business, Jiang The cooperation plan faxed by the TV station is basically a white glove with empty gloves. Just hoping to use a naming right, we need to invite Tiantang's first- and second-tier stars to participate in the celebration. "

"You should also know that the price of first- and second-tier stars is so high. If you really want to invite them over without money, in addition to spending money, you must exchange benefits. I do n’t think there is such a thing in Jiangzhen TV Qualifications allow us to find entertainment studios to spend a lot of money and invite great stars from the first and second tiers. This is a loss-making business. I hope you can give me a correct answer. "


Looking at Bai Qianwen, who looked like a business woman in front of him, Cheng Yiping was almost oppressed by his momentum. He reached out and touched his nose.

"Maybe you don't know that the general plan for the Jiangzhen TV Festival is called Zhang Xiaona, and she is my girlfriend."


Bai Qianwen almost choked to death, her eyes staring wide into a fair path

"Boss, you didn't say to tease me? How could that be?"

"Children are not bullying. If it didn't happen, do you think I would ask you to buy and sell at a loss? When do you think I got involved in the entertainment studio you manage?"

"Okay, I see. After a long day of trouble, it turns out that your boss is a kind of love. In that case, the boss told me to do it naturally, but the front-line stars do n’t have to think about it, it is even impossible. Hiring some second-tier stars is my bottom line. Even if the boss is for your girlfriend, it is impossible to ignore the interests of the entertainment studio, which I absolutely do not allow. "

"Okay, okay, okay, second-tier stars are second-tier stars. You have the final say. Really, people who don't know really think you are the boss of this entertainment studio."

Cheng Yiping couldn't help but rolled his eyes and said something.

But then again, saying that Bai Qianwen is the owner of this Xun entertainment studio, and it is completely justified. After all, Cheng Yiping is basically a stocking state for this Xun entertainment studio, and it still belongs to the shopkeeper.

Bai Qianwen's development of the Xun Entertainment Studio has been so large, but it has not been swallowed by the Xun Entertainment Studio in some way, which is already considered to have considerable professional ethics.

"Boss, that means you know how to use it."

Bai Qianwen smiled lightly

"Forget it, don't give me such a big high hat, I can't afford it."

Cheng Yiping could not help but rolled his eyes and drank the coffee on the table.

"That's it, I'll leave it to you ..."

"no problem."

Bai Qianwen nodded slightly, he knew very well that now that the boss had spoken, she would naturally obey the order.

After all, Cheng Yiping is the boss of this entertainment studio.

Looking at Cheng Yiping in front of her, Bai Qianwen really felt that the world was impermanent. At the time, she accepted the invitation of a friend and came to Jiangzhen City to take over the entertainment studio. She thought it was the trough of her career, but did not expect to enter the highest point of her career.

Even Bai Qianwen didn't know what the entertainment studio he joined could spread throughout the Tang Dynasty. What was it?

Perhaps for others, Xun Entertainment Studios has been able to spread across the country because of her careful training and the opening up of various relationships.

But Bai Qianwen is very clear that the reason why the entertainment studio can fly Huang Tengda, the reason why it can suddenly hold its footing in the whole Tang Dynasty, the most important thing is that she had songs, TV shows and movies that other people said no at the beginning!

Do not underestimate these resources, and it is precisely these resources that make Xun Entertainment Studio become more and more powerful under the training of Bai Qianwen.

No matter whether they are famous or unknown stars, if they want to become famous in the first world war, they want to find entertainment studio resources and find entertainment studio songs to make themselves more famous.

"This is, Yang Juaner?"

Cheng Yiping stood up and suddenly found a simple document on Bai Qianwen's table, which recorded in detail how much the stars of Tang Dynasty are today.

It can be seen that Bai Qianwen is not just talking casually, but really has done a detailed investigation. Among them, the last person on the top star is a name that makes Cheng Yiping feel familiar and unfamiliar.

"Yes, that's Yang Juaner. Yang Juaner is one of the most powerful young stars in recent times. Since she debuted, she has been widely praised, and she could only be regarded as a second- and third-tier star, but because Her songs are so good, she is very famous and has already faintly become a star, so she put her name in the ranks of some stars. "

Bai Qianwen froze slightly and said

"So it is, Yang Juan?"

Cheng Yiping nodded, he understood that as an entertainment industry, there would really be a situation where a song became famous like today.

After all, the entertainment industry is really a blame society.

"Bai Qianwen, if you can, please invite Yang Juaner here first. After all, Yang Juaner is also a front-line star, and Jiangzhen is her hometown."

"Yang Juaner? I'm afraid that's not possible. She is also a first-line star of the new generation anyway, and a star like her who is on fire is very particular about playing. It seems very afraid that if the grade is too low, The price will be the same, more elusive than some established stars, she does not necessarily agree "

Bai Qianwen opened her mouth, thought for a moment and said

"Don't worry, it's all right, if she doesn't want to, you just have to mention my name"

Cheng Yiping smiled slightly and shook his head.

"If nothing unexpected happens, Yang Juaner will agree. Of course, it would be useless to mention my name, and she wouldn't agree if she did not agree. There is a strong twist in melon ..."

"Okay, ok, since that's the case, I know, then I'll try it"

What does it mean to mention your name?

Is there anything else the boss did not know between him and Yang Juaner?

Say so

"This boss is really amazing ..."

For the first time, Bai Qianwen felt a touch of interest in Chen Yiping. Previously, it felt like Cheng Yiping's songs. The TV script and movie dramas are very good. Now it seems that Cheng Yiping is not as simple as what he sees right now. .

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