Super Finding App

Chapter 1309: force

"Zhang Xiaona, do you want to not admit it? But even if your agency is doing its best, it will end up in a bamboo basket to fetch water. Today, in front of so many colleagues of Jiangzhen City TV Station, I'm giving you face and letting you You can tell Zhou Hui herself, and everyone can still blame it, at most, it is a punishment in the stage, but if you really make things big, then Zhou Hui ’s story is a steal and it ’s a big deal. Just to be sentenced, do n’t blame me when Jiang Wenxin does n’t give you Zhang Xiaona ’s face. It ’s your own Zhang Xiaona. There is a way in heaven. You do n’t go. There is no way to hell. You come in by yourself. You will die for yourself and kill your companion. I was killed, I hope you can persuade her and make her come back to shore. "

When Jiang Wenxin opened her mouth, she was absolutely aggressive and said that Zhou Hui, Zhang Xiaona, Cheng Yiping, and the others were dumbfounded. There was something at a loss, and she didn't know what she meant by this.

But one thing everyone heard very clearly was stealing.

What does it mean?

Did Zhou Hui steal?

How is this possible?

Zhang Xiaona's face suddenly became ugly. If you were to say that Zhou Hui did other things, Zhang Xiaona might still believe it, but if it was stealing. This is absolutely impossible, take a deep breath and say righteously.

"Jiang Wenxin, as the saying goes, meals can be eaten indiscriminately, but they must not be spoken indiscriminately. It is absolutely impossible for anyone brought out by Zhang Xiaona to be a thief, and Zhou Hui will not steal anything."

As soon as Zhang Xiaona's words fell, Zhou Hui said anxiously

"Yes, yes, you lied, I never stole things, I never stole things, don't do me wrong, you do me wrong, this is framed, and I can sue you."

Jiang Wenxin looked at Zhang Xiaona, who didn't recognize her life and death, and Zhou Hui, who raised her mouth and sneered.

"Zhou Hui is saying that people are doing it. Heaven is watching. Do you think you can die without acknowledging it? Yes, there is no monitoring in the lounge. We can say that if you do not admit death, we Take the method you have absolutely no idea, but one thing you never thought was that in this period of time in the lounge, except for you, there was no second employee entering this lounge at all. In other words, only you can steal things in the lounge, that is, you stole Zhang Zhe's precious watch, but the world brand value is nearly one million, I advise you to return it obediently, otherwise it is near Once the million-dollar theft was found, Zhang Zhe called the police. What is waiting for you is the prison. "

What does it mean?

Zhou Hui stole Zhang Zhe's watch in the lounge?

It is also a watch of a major international brand. The value of this watch has reached nearly one million. Once this is a real alarm, waiting for Zhou Hui is definitely a prison disaster.

how can that be?

"You are bullshit, you are bullshit, you are planting the frame and you are planting the frame. I did n’t take Zhang Zhe ’s watch at all. I did n’t steal the watch at all. You just lied. It ’s a lie, she ’s a framer. ”

Zhou Hui said with a panic on her face, gritted her teeth and looked at Jiang Wenxin in front of her. If she could, she could not wait to rush to bite him. Why is this woman so bad?

"Jiang Wenxin is so disappointing to me. I have a relationship with you, so I promised you to come to Jiangzhen City TV Station to participate in this celebration. I thought that after arriving here, your Jiangzhen City TV station would treat me with warm hospitality. I didn't expect that there would be a thief even when I was on the TV station. I lost a watch here, but it was just a million dollars. In fact, it was not a loss. I just did n’t like the feeling that things were stolen. Now Even if I still die, I do n’t admit it. It seems that I want to seriously think about it, whether I really want to participate in the celebration of your TV station in Jiangzhen City. After all, what kind of staff there are, what kind of TV station, what will his quality, That really has to be considered "

A famous Zhang Zhe's face was abnormally cold and ugly at the moment. Anyone who found out that his million-dollar watch had been stolen, he would never show a bright smile, and felt abnormal anger. .

If the quality of the staff of Jiangzhen City TV Station is so poor, then he really has to seriously consider whether to sign a contract and cooperate with Jiangzhen City TV Station.

After all, a Jiangzhen TV station ghost who can even steal things knows if there will be any conspiracy or trickery after working with them.

"Mr. Zhang Zhe, please rest assured that the first thing our Jiangzhen TV station considers is the character of the employees. If someone really stole your stuff from Mr. Zhang Zhe, we will definitely investigate and give Mr. Zhang Zhe a Satisfactory explanation, we will never let anyone with a previous record on Jiangzhen City TV station to move and destroy our reputation of Jiangzhen City TV station, this is absolutely not allowed, Mr. Zhang Zhe, please Totally assured "

Between words

I saw the deputy director's face came ugly, originally he had heard Jiang Wenxin said that Zhang Ze was signing a contract with Jiangzhen City TV station, very happy, but never imagined that such a situation would occur.

Zhang Zhe's watch was stolen in the lounge. If it is an ordinary watch, it will be compensated at most, but it is a watch worth nearly one million. This is definitely not a simple one. Once the matter is resolved, once it is reported to the police, that is 100% of the major case. If the case is really stolen by an employee in your own TV station, I am afraid that other major newspapers will officially laugh the next day. Someone stole inside the TV station in Jiangzhen City, and the stolen watch was still the star?

Just thinking about it makes the deputy director shudder, so no matter how this happens, such a situation must never happen

So now the question comes

Is Zhou Hui the one who stole Zhang Zhe's watch?

This question is crucial

"I didn't steal it, I didn't steal it. You guys are framed, you guys are framed. Since you said in a word that I stole Zhang Zhe's watch, why should I steal it? It doesn't make sense at all."

Zhou Hui's face shuddered and shouted loudly, with a flustered look on her face.

"Do you still need to say this? I'm afraid you have two reasons for stealing your watch. First, this is because you are very angry. I snatched the position of Zhang Xiaonajiang Town TV Station's general planning ceremony. When the rest area gave me the documents, it happened that Zhang Zhe and I were outside and took Mr. Zhang to inquire about Jiangcheng TV Station, so you found the watch that Mr. Zhang had left in the lounge, and all of a sudden Greed stole it, maybe you do n’t know the price of Mr. Zhang ’s watch, but you must be very angry and resentful, because if it was n’t for Mr. Zhang ’s promise to come to Jiangzhen City TV station to attend the celebration, it would not be Will grab the position planned by Zhang Xiaona.

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