Super Finding App

Chapter 1310: Pressure

"Therefore, I can fully conclude that Zhou Hui didn't do it on purpose. This is a temporary intent. It is because I snatched the position of Zhang Xiaonajiang Town TV Station's annual celebration plan.

At this moment, the charming Jiang Wenxin said as if she were a detective incarnation, raising her eyes and looking at Zhou Hui with a look of sadness and indignation.

"It's just that you didn't think of it at all. Although there is no monitoring in the rest area, but because of Mr. Zhang's arrival, there are people outside the rest area who are guarding. Except you during the entire rest area period. No one else came in, or did you think it was Mr. Zhang who had lost his watch and a thief called to catch a thief, specifically to frame you?

"Zhou Hui, Zhang Xiaona, you are so disappointed. Is it because I took away your master plan of the annual celebration of the Jiangzhen City TV station? Is this such a mean means? If so, That Zhang Xiaona, you are so disappointing to us, it is also so disappointing to the leaders on the stage. "

"You are not just venting your anger by doing this. You are losing the face of our entire TV station in Jiangzhen City. You are dissatisfied with the decision of the leaders in the station, even if you are dissatisfied again, for Jiang The benefits of the employees of the town and city TV stations should also be the work of cooperating with the leaders, rather than venting their own anger, and the way to vent it is to steal Zhang Zhe ’s mobile phone. This is simply a moral issue of morality. You simply I lost all the faces of the TV people in our TV station in Jiangzhen City. "

not simple.

not simple.

It's definitely not easy.

At the moment, Jiang Wenxin's opening was a lot of commanding heights. Not only that, but also dragged Zhang Xiaona together. The left disappointed and disappointed. Even in a few words, Zhang Xiaona and Zhou Hui were pushed to the opposite side of the TV station.

This Jiang Wenxin is really not simple.

Cheng Yiping listened silently, the cold light in his eyes flashed, turned to look at Zhou Huihe with grief and indignation, even Zhang Xiaona, who had been intellectual at this moment, now with a touch of tenderness on her face. An angry look.

At this moment, the audience members of other TV stations on the TV station in Jiangzhen City also talked one by one.

"So it is. According to Jiang Wenxin's words, this is how Zhou Huiquan could do such a thing, even because Zhang Zhe's watch was stolen because of dissatisfaction, and it is still a watch worth millions, which is too careful."

"Not necessarily, not necessarily. Zhou Hui, as usual, we all know very well that the family is not so short of money. How can they steal things. Is this a mistake?"

"It's wrong, how could it be wrong, and you don't want to think about it. If it was really wrong, how could Jiang Wenxin lead a group of people to come here to provoke a teacher to plead guilty, and even the deputy director was alarmed. What's more, what Jiang Wenxin said was completely justified. Zhou Hui and Zhang Xiaona have been busy for several days and nights for the annual celebration in Jiangzhen City. As a result, Jiang Wenxin was immediately put on board first, and she said that she had no opinion in her heart. It's completely impossible. "

"It's possible, it's possible, it's definitely possible. I didn't expect Zhang Xiaona to be such a person, she would be such a deep-hearted person. She didn't want to think about it. She became a sister of Jiangzhen TV Station. I also robbed the resources of how many people I do n’t know. If everyone hates it, is it possible for everyone to steal Zhang Xiaona ’s things? It turns out that Zhang Xiaona is so disappointing to us. ”

"I don't have to say this. It's just Jiang Wenxin's words. I don't think Zhang Xiaona and Zhou Hui should do such things."

"It's impossible. I've spoken well, I don't know Zhang Xiaona and Zhou Hui always keep a very good look. That's because they have not violated their own interests, but this time is different. That ’s the position of Jiangzhen City TV ’s once-a-year celebration. It ’s definitely impossible for Zhang Xiaona to say that she does n’t feel heartache. It is because of this that Zhou Hui stole Zhang Zhe ’s watch and vented her dissatisfaction. ”

"This is entirely possible, after all, Zhang Xiaona was a sister of our Jiangzhen TV station before Jiang Wenxin came, and the annual celebration of Jiangzhen TV station was entirely in charge of Zhang Xiaona, and now she was snatched away. It is impossible to say that there is no thought in the post at hand. It is true that under impulse, people can indeed perform radical actions. "

"If this is the case, Zhou Hui is fully capable of doing this kind of behavior."

"Affirmatively, surely, it can be done, but just doing so, Zhou Hui is really too disappointing to us. How could she do such a theft within the TV station, and it is still a front-line star Zhang Even if Zhe ’s watch is not intentional, this is definitely a matter of character. Once it is spread, others think that all the people in our TV station in Jiangzhen are thieves. This effect is too bad. Now. "

"Yes, yes, Zhou Hui looked at a girl who was very cute before. I didn't expect it to turn out like this. I started to steal things because of love and hate. How could I do such a thing? I said it must have something to do with Zhang Xiaona, otherwise Zhou Hui would definitely not do things like stealing. "

"Whether it is related to Zhang Xiaona or not, but at least one problem is explained. Zhang Xiaona and Zhou Huigen don't seem to be as good as we think. The mental capacity is really bad. This matter must be dealt with seriously. , Or else if it spreads, everyone would think that the people in our TV station in Jiangzhen are thieves, and I do n’t want my reputation to be misunderstood. ”

"Yes, yes, it must be taken seriously, it must be taken seriously. This is not a small matter. Zhang Zhe is a star in the front line. Once he spreads this matter in the entertainment circle, then we Jiang I'm afraid the faces of town and city TV stations have been lost. "

"This is certainly of course. Don't forget that it is Zhang Zhe who has a lot of fans on the Internet. Once he is let out of this matter, it is estimated that the official website of our TV station in Jiangzhen City will be directly given by fans. Exploded, I wo n’t be able to cover it by then ”

"Yes, yes, yes, it may be possible. This is entirely possible. It is too horrible now, and because Zhang Xiaona and Zhou Hui have done something wrong first, we must let this happen. Deal seriously "

The numerous staff members in the aisle of Jiangzhen City TV Station talked to each other with your own words, and gradually unified the front. The targets were Zhang Xiaona and Zhou Hui.

In their opinion, it was indeed Zhou Hui who committed such a theft. Otherwise, it would not be able to explain why Zhang Zhe's watch was lost, and Zhou Hui was definitely revenge.

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