Super Finding App

Chapter 1311: I'm good

"Nonsense, you are lying when talking. I did n’t steal the watch. I did n’t say anything about the watch. I just left the file and I left. I definitely did n’t steal the watch. Do n’t frame me. You are framed. No Nonsense of evidence "

Zhou Hui's face flushed, and she argued aloud, but his excuse seemed pale and weak in the eyes of many staff members.

In Jiang Wenxin's explanation, Zhou Hui did have the time to commit the crime, and she also had the motivation to do so.

"Enough, Zhou Hui calm down, whether it is real or fake, as long as you investigate it, it will be clear, don't yell here"

The deputy director of Jiangzhen City TV Station became more and more cold, and raised his eyes and said loudly.

As the deputy director who has the highest status here, he immediately suppressed the crowd as soon as he opened his mouth and turned to look at Zhang Zhedao.

"Mr. Zhang, this matter is related to our reputation in Jiangzhen City, and if your watch was stolen inside our Jiangzhen rest area, then we will definitely give you an account, the same week If Hui really stole it, you can take it out now. We can still do it lightly. After all, you should know that this gentleman's watch is worth nearly one million. If you refuse, it will be found out by then. You really stole it, then we can only report it to the case. If the police come, things wo n’t be so easy, so Zhou Hui, I ’ll ask you again, have you stolen, if you have stolen Things can be resolved now

The deputy director's face was cold, and there was such a scandal in Jiangzhen City TV Station.

If it can be solved internally, that would be the best thing to do. Otherwise, once the police are really reported, it will definitely become a laughingstock among major colleagues. In addition, Zhang Zhe belongs to the front-line stars and is a guest of the Jiangzhen TV station celebration. Once this happens, Zhang Zhe is willing to cooperate with Jiangzhen TV station again.

This is a very painful thing.

When thinking of this, the deputy director saw the eyes of Zhang Xiaona and Zhou Hui and became very unfriendly, although he knew that taking Zhang Xiaona from the position of Jiangzhen City TV's annual celebration planning would definitely cause some Human dissatisfaction, but what about that?

He is the deputy director of Jiangzhen City TV Station. The celebration is originally within his responsibility. If Zhang Xiaona can't do it, it's normal for substitutions.

Moreover, the deputy director thought that he had given Zhang Xiaona a chance, but Zhang Xiaona could not invite the stars from the front line, so no matter what it did, the deputy director would not have any responsibility.

But he never expected that theft would happen, such a **** thing.

This really caught him off guard.

"No, no, please believe me, please believe me, deputy head, I really didn't steal, I really didn't steal, although I took our group director Zhang Xiaona from Jiangzhen TV once a year I was very dissatisfied when I took it off during the celebration, but I would never do anything like stealing. They are framed, they are framed. "

Zhou Hui gritted her teeth and said, her slightly delicate face was filled with sorrow and bleakness at the moment, and there was a feeling that she wanted to justify, but could not say anything.

"Enough. Enough. In that case, Zhang Xiaona and Zhou Hui, please follow me to the meeting room now. Don't be ashamed here. I will let the security guard conduct a comprehensive search of your daily necessities. If you find it, then do n’t blame me for business. ”

The deputy director is very clear that no matter how this matter develops, the main thing now is to suppress this public opinion to the lowest point. Everyone who is noisy on the aisle here will probably spread to the entire industry.

After all, in addition to the employees of Jiangzhen City TV Station, there are outsiders who talk about business, or guests who do all kinds of programs. Once they are spread out, it becomes a joke.

"and many more……"

The deputy director's voice just arrived, but Cheng Yiping stepped forward, shrugged his shoulders, raised his eyes, and looked at the charming and moving Jiang Wenxin and the star Zhang Zhe behind him.

Cheng Yiping can also see that it was Jiang Wenxin who snatched away his girlfriend Zhang Xiaona from the position of the general planner of the formal celebration once a year, and because of the front-line stars behind it, now he has made another theft. It's just ridiculous.

"Although I'm an outsider, I still know Zhou Hui and I don't think the time is short. I think it's absolutely impossible for Zhou Hui to steal."

"This gentleman, I don't know who you are, but this is an internal matter of our TV station in Jiangzhen City, not to mention whether Zhou Hui has stolen. You need to investigate to find out, not just one word."

The deputy director said coldly.

"I know, I know, in fact, this thing is also very simple. Since all the words say that Zhou Hui stole this gentleman's watch worth nearly one million, it is very simple, just need our watch to find it out. Then, the truth of who steals will be clear by then. "

Cheng Yiping smiled brightly and laughed

"It ’s easier than you sing. If it ’s really that easy to find this watch, do you think we will still be here? I have already found the real evidence. Where is Zhou Hui's turn here? Justification and non-recognition "

Jiang Wenxin said with a scornful abandonment, if she really had evidence, she had already entered Zhang Xiaona and Zhou Hui into the eighteenth floor of **** through this incident, so that they could no longer threaten their status

"Calm, calm, indeed, if it was changed to the past, I don't think there is any other way. I can only find out where the watch that Mr. Zhang dropped is only by calling the police or conducting a search. You seem to have forgotten, now that this is the idea to find something, but it is quite simple. Do n’t you know the Super Find App? "

Cheng Yiping laughed. If it was something else, he really didn't have much to do, but he had to find something. For Cheng Yiping, it was really unbelievable.

"Well, it turned out that you had such an idea, but what can you do? If you really have a Super Hidden App, you should also know that the Super Hidden App can only be found if it has faith points, and faith points It's quite rare, do you think you can? Or who is willing to use the Super Find App to find lost and stolen watches, can you? "

Jiang Wenxin opened her mouth and ridiculed her sarcasm. When she said the words had just fallen, she saw a flat crack and smiled, showing a bright smile.

"Sorry, you are really right. I have no other ability. I have a lot of faith points in the Super Hidden App, so if you do n’t mind, let me help you find it. Let's see where is this Mr. Zhang's stolen watch "

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