Super Finding App

Chapter 1316: Utility room

Cheng Yiping took Zhang Xiaona, Zhou Hui, the deputy director of Jiangzhen City TV Station, Jiang Wenxin with a low face, and the top star Zhang Zhe and others walking on the aisle of Jiangzhen City TV station.

However, the faces of Jiang Wenxin and Zhang Zhe who became accompanied by Cheng Yiping's lead and walking route became increasingly weird and strange.

"Why would you go here? Why would this flatness bring us all here? Did he see what Zhang Zhe and I did?"

"This is impossible, this is simply impossible. On the way, Zhang Zhe has bodyguards and agents guarding outside. If anyone finds it, he will definitely inform us. No one saw me and Zhang Ze doing it here. Things, but if not, why did he take us here? "

The tall and charming Jiang Wenxin walked while her face became more and more ugly. She couldn't help but look at the star Zhang Zhe who was wearing gorgeous clothes behind her. She also looked with surprise and doubt.

As if thinking of something, his face was shocked and changed.

Soon Cheng Yiping took them to a remote corner of Jiangzhen City TV Station. A wooden anti-theft door entered.

"Why, do you say that Zhang Zhe's lost watch is here? How is this possible? If I remember correctly, it should be a utility room. Although the outside view can be seen through the floor-to-ceiling window, but This is just a very remote place, no one will come here "

The deputy director of Jiangzhen City frowned and looked at Cheng Yiping's direction. He was slightly surprised and shook his head.

"Even if Zhou Hui really stole the watch, she would never put it here, because this security door does not have any locks at all, as long as anyone can open the door to enter it."

"It was a very risky move to steal a watch worth nearly a million dollars into this one."

"Not necessarily, not necessarily. Although it is very risky here, but if it is not a caring person, who can know that things will be hidden in this, anyway, it is just a watch, as long as it is hidden in a remote corner, it should not be People see that this is indeed a good place. Who can think of putting millions of watches here? This is really unthinkable. "

"It's possible, it's possible, it's entirely possible. If you say it is me, stealing Zhang Zhe's million-dollar watch will not be put on your body and in your office. If it is found out, it will be a hundred mouths, and it will certainly be hidden in other remote places. If this is the case, even if Zhang Zhe's lost watch is found here, it may not be certain, it is not stolen by Zhou Hui. "

There is no reason to be guilty of having the Word.

Chengyi Plain thought that everyone had been brought to this remote place. Many staff members on the aisle would dispel doubts about Zhou Hui, but did not expect that more people on the aisle would not be too embarrassing to see the fun. Talking.

It can be seen that once a person has a decision in his heart and has a prejudice, he will never admit it, even if the evidence is in front of him, this is the inferiority of man.

"Is it in there? I think everyone will be clear when we enter."

Cheng Yiping shook his head with a chuckled smile, and turned to look at Jiang Wenxin and Zhang Zhe with a playful look in his eyes. They saw the two of them creeping and shaking around.

Then Cheng Yiping pushed the door directly and walked into this utility room. After entering, there were some scattered debris piled up in the utility room. It didn't look like a large area.

Through some windows on the side, you can see the outside of Jiangzhen City TV Station. It can be considered as a good place for scenery. When Sanchawu was in, some employees of Jiangzhen City TV Station came here to smoke a cigarette and go to work. .

In this utility room, the clone stood quietly under the state of the soul.

In Cheng Yiping's mind, you can clearly see the bright red watch.

"Zhang Zhe, take a look at whether the watch you lost is on the ground ..."

When Zhang Zhe's gaze looked at the watch falling to the ground in the remote corner of the clutter, the avatar in the state of soul showed a faint smile, and the whole body disappeared like smoke.

At the same time, a message emerged in Cheng Yiping's mind.

[Super Finding App Faith Finding Success]

[Get 35 faith points ...]

"Is there only 35 points of faith?"

Cheng Yiping calmly looked at the faith points obtained by the super-hunting app in his mind, and shook his head slightly.

From the number of faith points, we can see how much this philosopher is happy to find his watch worth nearly one million.

It feels weird.

If you are an ordinary person, you will be anxious if you suddenly find that your million-dollar watch has been lost. Now, from the performance of this philosopher, it can be seen that Zhang Zhe is quite equivalent to this million-dollar watch. Otherwise, it would never be possible to come in with Jiang Wenxin and get directly to Zhang Xiaona and Zhou Hui.

But if it is really so important, why do you only get 35 points of faith after finding this million-dollar watch?

This is enough to show that Zhang Zhe's happiness when he found these nearly one million watches was not as great as when he found a watch.

Is it because of that?

The cold light flashed into Cheng Yiping's eyes, revealing a playful look.

"I found it, I found it, the watch was found, and I said that the watch was not stolen by me, it was not stolen by me, you are framed, who knows how your watch fell here?"

Zhou Hui's eyes were wide open, looking at Cheng Yiping's expression of joy.

She really did not expect that Cheng Yiping came in and found Zhang Zhe's lost watch so easily.

"No, no, although it is said that the watch was found in the utility room, there is no evidence that this watch was not put here after Zhou Hui stole it."

"Yes, indeed, who knows if Zhou Hui didn't dare to put it in her workshop or body after stealing the watch, and sneaked it into this remote place, and then waited in the dead of night, or while we were not paying attention I stole the watch again, it ’s completely possible. "

"It shouldn't be, shouldn't Zhou Hui do such a thing? ..."

"It's impossible, you can't understand if you don't know what you know, let alone Zhou Hui and Jiang Wenxin have conflicts ..."

Behind the deputy director, several staff members of the Jiangzhen TV station talked loudly, especially the group members belonging to Jiang Wenxin shouted one by one ...

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