Super Finding App

Chapter 1317: Must check

"Simple, very simple. I want to know if Zhou Hui took her watch off and put it here. This is a very simple thing."

Cheng Yiping clapped his hands, attracted everyone's attention, and raised his eyes.

"It's very simple. Although there are no monitoring probes in the utility room, one thing you should not forget is that there are monitoring probes on the aisle outside this utility room. When I first came, I I have noticed that there is indeed a monitoring probe. Although it is not facing the door of the utility room, but it clearly sees the aisle at the door of the utility room. From the time when Mr. Zhang Zhe lost his watch, as long as Take a look at the monitoring. Who and who are entering this utility room is not clear. "

"If Zhou Hui stole Mr. Zhang Zhe's watch, she would sneak into the utility room, and then the external surveillance would definitely leave a video of her entering the utility room. The deputy director will handle the specifics of how to deal with it, but if you do n’t see Zhou Hui entering the utility room, but other people enter the utility room, then who is the result? Just check the monitoring and you will know at a glance. ... "

"Yes, how did we forget this, no matter who secretly put this Mr. Zhe's watch in the utility room, we only need to check the monitoring, then everything will be true."

The deputy slaps his thighs and raises his eyes word by word, with a look of surprise on his face.

"Okay, okay, what are you doing now? Everyone else is going to the monitoring room with me. I'll see who stole Mr. Zhang Zhe's watch."

"Mr. Zhang Zhe, please rest assured that our monitoring probes are all 24 hours, and there has been no power outage. We can ensure that the aisle can be clearly identified. We only need to be there in the monitoring room. It is entirely possible to find out who actually entered the utility room, so the person who entered this utility room during the period of the lost watch may be the person who stole the watch, no matter who the person is Once I find it, I will definitely call the police and let the police take him seriously. Even the people in our TV station in Jiangzhen City will never tolerate adultery. "

The deputy director was completely ruthless. Anyway, as long as he can find the watch that Mr. Zhang Zhe lost, there is still room for recovery.

At the same time, the deputy director hated the person who stole Mr. Zhang's watch. God knew that if Mr. Zhang's million-dollar watch could not be found, the impact would be extremely great for the entire TV station in Jiangzhen City. bad.

"No, no, I do n’t think it ’s necessary. Now that the watch has been retrieved, you do n’t need to bother other people anymore. People who might steal the watch, do something wrong for a while, I have gone awry, and now I have found my watch, then I will not blame it. I do n’t think you should be too concerned about the deputy director. "

Unexpectedly, Deputy Director Zhang Zhe, dressed in gorgeous clothes, opened her mouth and said that the words and the beginning were completely upside down, which made Deputy Director Zhang have some doubts.

"No, this is definitely not possible, how can this be, Mr. Zhang Zhe, although I know your people are very good, even if they have compassion for the thief, but I think this is totally bad."

Cheng Yiping sneered, and said, showing a bright smile in Zhang Zhe's gritted teeth.

"What's more, the impact of this incident has come out. Everyone in Jiangzhen City TV Station suspects that Zhou Hui stole your watch from Mr. Zhang Zhe. Although it is said that this watch was indeed found, it is in this debris. Indeed, as they said, no one can be sure that this watch was not put by Zhou Hui, so in order to change Zhou Hui's innocence and to make the truth of the matter clear, I strongly recommend the Deputy Director to Jiangzhen The monitoring room of the TV station of the city went to check the video, and then whoever found the person who stole the watch? Then everyone has a truth. "

"Yes, yes, deputy director, I also strongly requested to go to the monitoring room to check the video. I definitely did not steal Mr. Zhang Zhe's watch. I absolutely did not steal Mr. Zhang Zhe's watch."

Zhou Hui raised her eyes and gritted her teeth, and said that the exquisite little face was exhaling at the moment.

"Cheng Yiping is right, deputy director, this matter is related to the reputation of Zhou Hui and me. I hope that I will be able to check it out clearly. Otherwise, I am afraid that everyone in Jiangzhen City TV will pass All over again, because I was not satisfied with your decision, I directed Zhou Huibao to retaliate and stole my husband's watch. This is very bad for me, for Zhou Hui, or for our TV station in Jiangzhen City. Influence, so I hope the Deputy Director can investigate the matter clearly "

Seeing Zhang Xiaona's beautiful eyes full of intellectuality, she looked at the deputy director straight and said it word by word.

It is impossible for the deputy director to pull himself down from the position of the general planning of the annual celebration of Jiangzhen City to say that there is no idea.

But this does not mean that Zhang Xiaona can be bullied casually.

This time she must ask one thing, know it clearly.

"No need, Zhang Zhe, I believe this is totally an accident. Now that Zhang Zhe's watches have been found, he doesn't want to pursue it. Why do you need to make things so big, if you finally find out this The watch was really stolen by Zhou Hui, so didn't you lift a stone and hit your own feet? "

The charming and complex Jiang Wenxin said with an unusually complex expression, if she looked carefully, she would see cold sweat flowing down her forehead.

"No, I'll tell you again. I didn't cast Zhang Zhe's watch at all. This video must be watched, it must be watched, and I must be innocent."

Jiang Wenxin didn't say it. It was okay to say that Zhou Hui immediately jumped up like a rabbit with a fur, and gritted her teeth and said

She didn't cast Zhang Zhe's watch, she just didn't!

She will never carry such a black pot

"Enough. Enough. Jiang Wenxin, no matter what, Mr. Zhang Zhe is a guest of the annual celebration in Jiangzhen City. His watch is worth nearly a million dollars and has been stolen. Here, but as Zhang Xiaona and Zhou Hui said, it ca n’t be so unclear. Now that I can check it and find out, of course, I have to see it. I ’ll see who actually dares to be in Jiangzhen. Theft within the city television station is absolutely intolerable ... "

The deputy director of Jiangzhen City TV station gritted his teeth and said with a firm finale, and then turned around with Cheng Yiping. Zhang Xiaona and Zhou Hui headed for the monitoring room of Jiangzhen City TV Station Security Department.

Behind them, Zhang Zhe and Jiang Wenxin had extremely complex faces.

At this moment they regret

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