Super Finding App

Chapter 1500: Democratic election

Public opinion generation.

This is the most commonly used method in the Western world.

That is, if there is a conflict or even a dispute between the two groups, an alliance will be formed in order to prevent the occurrence of civil unrest, which is the so-called representative of public opinion.

Tang Xuanyu, the second princess of the Tang Dynasty, is using this method, and this method is indeed quite useful.

Carlos Steve looked up at George Ender in the rice country and Tang Xuanyu, the second princess of the Tang Dynasty, his face became more and more low, biting his teeth one by one.

"Representatives of public opinion? Are the words you say true or false? Are they really counted? Do n’t let us agree when you turn your face and do n’t confess. After all, you belong to the royal relatives and nobles of the countries of Blue Star, and they lie to you. It's as simple as drinking water. Our little people don't have the means and the means to play politics with you. "

Obviously, Carloste is not a stupid or stupid person. It is impossible to believe that he also has his own thoughts just after hearing a few words from Tang Xuanyu, the second princess of the Tang Dynasty.

"This is of course. You should be very clear about Carloste. We are now a grasshopper tethered to a rope. Although there are many indigenous people in the ship cemetery below, you should know very well. After all, it is only the original inhabitants. There is a danger and crisis between him and us that can never be separated. It is absolutely impossible for us to reach a consensus with the original inhabitants in this ship cemetery. "

"Even as you said, we agreed with the requirements of the indigenous people in the ship's cemetery to contribute food and women. The final result was to boil the frog in warm water after all. People in the ship's cemetery kept eating. Eventually lost the use value and died. On the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship, we are truly one, we are a grasshopper on a rope, so we will never make fun of this thing. You should be very clear "

"What's more, if civil strife occurs, then you should know that the ultimate benefit will be the original inhabitants of this ship cemetery, not the royal relatives and nobles like us, we will not do such things, you should believe us"

Tang Xuanyu, the second princess of the Tang Dynasty, persuaded bitterly, and beside him, George Ender nodded heavily and said,

"It's true, you guys, don't forget it even more. We all belong to the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship. Although we are passengers and you are staff. But we are all grasshoppers on a rope. We are waiting for rescue. At this point, we are the same as you. In this ship cemetery, the identity of our royal relatives is useless at all, and the original inhabitants of these ship cemeteries are definitely not. It will respect us because we are royal and noble, and it will deepen our danger, so we are even more dangerous than you in this ship cemetery. "

"Under such circumstances, how can we meet the requirements of the indigenous people in the ship's cemetery, we are one heart, we are a grasshopper on a rope."

"Carlost, please understand that if there are any problems in the future, we can resolve them through consultations, but we must not have internal conflicts. This will only make the loved ones faster."

Carlost hesitated, he was very clear that the words of George Ender of the Rice Kingdom and Tang Xuanyu, the second princess of the Tang Dynasty, were completely correct, and he nodded heavily, turned and said

"I need to discuss it with my companions before I can decide"

"Yes, no problem at all. Since I and George End are waiting for your reply, I hope to have a satisfactory answer."

Tang Xuanyu, the second princess of the Tang Dynasty, nodded her head, looking at the staff and waiters who had apparently stabilized her emotions. And George End turned and walked out of the kitchen.

"Miss Tang, the second princess of the Kingdom of Tang Dynasty, you are really quite clever. I never thought that you came up with such a simple method. Public opinion representatives are indeed quite useful, and we can use the minority to obey the majority principle."

"But if this is the case, then the number of these service staff, as well as the public opinion representatives of the sailors and sailors will be far lower than our royal nobles. In this case, even these staff and service staff The representative was useless at all. In the end, it was up to our aristocracy. Miss Tang, you are really clever. "

George Ann's eyes lightened, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

He is very clear that the public opinion representative is just a political game. In the end, the majority of players still obey the minority, and what they have to do is to control the service of the official and the noble people with absolute votes. And most of the staff juggled with applause.

This is just a simple political game.

"No, no, George Ender, you are wrong. It is true that the minority can obey the majority, and democratic elections are absolutely okay, but you must not forget the conditions of the indigenous residents on the Suzuki luxury international cruise ship. We absolutely do not If you can agree, you won't really be naive to think that it is just a democratic election. In the end, you can appease the service staff and staff on the Shuiyue luxury international cruise ship. This is simply impossible. "

"If there is no interest relationship between them, everyone will have no problem, but if you hope to pass democratic elections, you will contribute the service personnel and even the staff on the Shuiyue International Luxury Cruise to the original residents of the ship cemetery. They will definitely Riots "

Tang Xuanyu, the second princess of the Tang Dynasty, shook his head gently. He knew very well that in the case that the so-called democratic elections must be respected, it must be guaranteed to be absolutely neutral.

Just like the US, regardless of the presidential election, the army will always be loyal to the president and not to one person. Under such circumstances, the success of democratic elections can be guaranteed.

In some countries like the West, the army is divided into factions and will only support its own sects. Under such circumstances, the elections are nonsense. Even if they are elected, the losers will not. Recognition will strongly demand re-election, otherwise it will be suppressed by force!

The end result is that you are not convinced, and I am not convinced. The civil war broke out, and after all, public opinion representatives are ultimately based on a situation of neutrality.

The so-called public opinion representatives on today's Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship can only decide simple things.

And really wanting to be able to determine the fate of others through public opinion representatives, and even women hand over to get peace, will eventually only lead to unrest and riots.

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