Super Finding App

Chapter 1501: Intensification (1)

"We agree with your suggestion and your request. We will send representatives to join the democratic elections, but as a condition of this Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship now we will have a warehouse of food completely owned by us. I will not give it to you at will "

On the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship, Carlost came out after discussions, facing the face of George End of the rice country and Tang Xuanyu, the second princess of the Tang Dynasty.

"No, no, this is absolutely not possible. This food is an important material on our Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship. It is the basis of our survival. You must let them hand it over. You control the food and warehouse in your hands. Do n’t you think it ’s too much? ”

George Ender of Riceland jumped out immediately, saying righteously, his face was full of anger.

Just kidding.

You have to know that food is very important in today's Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship. With food, everyone can survive.

And now the food is in the hands of these staff and waiters?

It is exactly the same as the lifeline of their royal relatives.

This is something that they absolutely cannot agree to.

"Dear Mr. George Ender, this cannot be changed. Don't forget it. You say nothing, you turn your face and don't confess your account. How about our staff and service staff who can help you? There is no way at all, so this food must be in our hands. Of course, if you regret it once, I'm sorry. Although we don't have the firearms in your hands, we can completely destroy the food. of"

Carlost said, he knew that the warehouse food inside the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship was their capital

Once this capital is lost, the gold aristocrats on the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship directly turn their faces, they really have no way to think "

"No, no, dear Mr. Carnoster, of course we are very aware of your concerns, but you should also know how important the food is on this Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship. If you control the food, if you turn your face and do n’t recognize it, Then we will also be quite passive "

"It has nothing to do with it at all. Dear Ms. Tang Xuanyu, do n’t forget, before the Shuiyue International Luxury Cruise was not killed, the food on the Shuiyue International Luxury Cruise was also distributed by our staff. We know this very well, and we will distribute the daily quantitative food to everyone. We will not give you more because you are royal relatives and nobles, and neither will you because you are royal relatives. You buy one, I think there should be no problem with this. "

"No one in this ship cemetery can be specialized, and everyone has only one life."

Carlost said, George Ender was angry and his face became more and more twisted. When he wanted to reprimand, I saw Tang Xuanyu, the second princess of the Tang Dynasty, reached out to stop it and took a deep breath.

"Yes, there is no problem at all. We only need to ensure the minimum level that everyone can survive on our international luxury cruise ship. After all, we don't know that the outside world wants to save us. How long does it take to find us, and the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship has so many people and dangerous existence, and can only survive by retaining food ""

"And there is only hope if you live. This is completely fine, but my only requirement is that you are protecting the food and evenly distributing the food of all the people on the Shuiyue International Luxury Cruise. Special feathering "

"Please rest assured that we will never let any of your nobles on the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship die. After all, your identity is here, although you have no identity in this ship cemetery. Any usefulness, but it is undeniable that your royal and noble identities on the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship are indeed very useful in the Aqua Blue Star. "

"As long as you are still alive, the nations of Mercury Blue will definitely spend a lot of manpower and material resources to come to the rescue, and we will be able to get out of trouble when that happens, otherwise if they find we will starve you to death, I am afraid we will We ca n’t eat and walk around. We know this very well, so we do n’t play tricks, but we also hope that you do n’t play tricks. As you said, we are grasshoppers tied to a rope. ”

Carlost said, he analyzed things very clearly.

"Mr. Carlost, if you can analyze the matter so clearly, then we can rest assured. I wish us a happy cooperation and we will definitely survive within the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship, waiting for the water blue star Rescue "

"Please rest assured that we will never agree to the requirements of the indigenous people in the ship's cemetery."

Tang Xuanyu, the second princess of the Tang Dynasty, said in a word.

At the same time, accompanied by the conversation and negotiation between the two princesses of George Ander Paradise, Tang Xuanyu and Carloste.

The liner on the Shuiyue luxury international cruise ship is also marked with a terminator.

The service staff and staff on the Suzuki International Cruise, headed by Carnoster, each selected four representatives to join the decision-making group in the Suzuki International Luxury Cruise:

Similarly, the royal nobles such as the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship also selected a round table of four decision makers and a total of eight people.

On this Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship, the internal conflict gradually stabilized, and gradually entered a stable state. All the people on the Shuiyue luxury international cruise ship are very clear, their current goal is only the ship cemetery. Of the original inhabitants.

The inhabitants of the ship's cemetery must be stabilized, waiting for the rescue from the Blue Star countries outside the water.

"Please go back and tell your boss, the people on my Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship will not give you any women. If you want food, then use information such as the ship's cemetery to exchange it. Otherwise, we will never give you any food. "

In the face of the messenger of the resurgence of the runaway tribe, the representatives dispatched from the round table on the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship were righteous.

Along with this reply, the suggestion of exchanging food and women for peace was completely eliminated.

The news instantly spread to the ears of two old tribes, Yang Lao and Carter, inside the ship's cemetery.

"Interesting and interesting, although I thought it would be possible, but I didn't expect the people on this Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship to be really strong. In that case, don't blame Carter for his cruelty."

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