Super Finding App

Chapter 1506: For tribal development

Bare Anthony walked in the swamp with his companions within the tribe of survivors behind him, walking carefully.

While stepping on the muddy river, while looking at the wreckage of the dilapidated ship, there was a clear view of the dignity in his eyes, and he breathed out a long breath and said

"This ship's cemetery is big or small, it's all whirlpools and tornadoes on all sides, and there are more reefs hidden in the sea. It can be said that it is difficult to leave the sky, even though It is Yang Lao who has been looking for a full ten years and has not found the opportunity to leave the ship's cemetery. Not only that, in this ship's cemetery, there are ship wrecks everywhere. With the passage of time These wrecks have made them rusty and white. Fortunately, this ship cemetery has living supplies, otherwise the place where we live is basically a hell. "

Anthony exhaled a long breath as he spoke, and struck the wreckage of the ship on the side with his feet. The weight in his eyes was deeper and his teeth were gritted. Behind him, the companions nodded.

"It's true, Anthony. Although we believe in Yang Lao's approach, we also thank Yang Lao for the survivor tribe established in this ship cemetery to allow us to live a good life, but in this life we ​​really have already It ’s enough. Without food, we can only eat some of the simplest foods. Without women, we ca n’t survive at all. Even if there are only these women in the camp of the survivors, they are occupied by those who have the right. And under the rule of Yang, we ca n’t use these strong things to pursue these women. It ’s just ridiculous. ”

"There are many female waiters on the International Luxury Cruise of the Water Year, as well as royal relatives and nobles. It is conservatively estimated that the number of women has definitely reached tens of people or even more than 100 people. This is a real woman. We must rob them. come"

"Say Carter will really be what he and us said, let us choose first? Don't you Carter regret it?"

"We need to be careful about this Carter. The ghost knows exactly what this Carter thinks, and may use us as cannon fodder."

It was Anthony's companion who spoke, flat-topped chucks.

"Chaks, you are absolutely right, so although Carter said vocally that he had reached an alliance with our Anton, but Carter is a person we know quite well. There is a way to be close to Zhu Zhechi and close to Mo Zhehe. Twenty years ago in the shipyard cemetery, Carter's father ruled the whole shipyard cemetery violently. At that time, everyone had a miserable life. If it wasn't for Yang Lao who finally led us to rebel and established the present The words of the Survivor Tribe, and Carter ’s Thug Tribe Chamber, I am afraid we will not do so now, at least the freedom we get "

"Although Carter's father is dead now, Carter inherits the mob tribe. Although his style of behavior is slightly relaxed than his father, it is also completely a violent policy. Therefore, we must beware of this and beware of it. "

"As Mr. Yang said, it is absolutely impossible for us to use Carter of this mob tribe as cannon fodder. If he really wants to use us as cannon fodder, then we must see if this carter treats us as Cannon fodder, we still use Carter's mob tribe as cannon fodder. I do n’t have Anthony Yang ’s charity. ”

There is no way to be detrimental to the heart, nor is it to be deterrent. Anthony is very clear that he and Carter are allied with each other. To put it bluntly, it is only to fight with the tiger.

Both sides have the idea of ​​treating each other as cannon fodder, otherwise. Carter's mob tribe can completely attack the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship alone.

Of course, this is because of the large number of people on the international luxury cruise ship Shuiyue. In terms of the number of Carter who run away from the tribe, it is not easy to suppress it completely at one time.

"Brother Anthony, you're absolutely right, but can we really treat Mr. Yang this way? Honestly Mr. Yang has always been quite good for us, but this time, although we said that we are for the tribe of survivors, but always I think this is very bad for Yang Lao, I do n’t know what will happen to Yang Lao. "

Chucks hesitated. Until now, he still feels that he feels betrayed by the old people in the camp of the survivors, and by Zheng Yingying and the followers of the old man, which makes him very sad. Not comfortable.

"Calm down, calm down, I said that we are doing this entirely for the survivor tribe, and not like Carter to use the people on the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship as slaves, we just use Shuiyue International The food and personnel on the luxury cruise ship go to the survivor's tribe, and then you can use Yang Lao to manage it. I believe that we do everything for their benefit. After all, today's Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship uses ass. Know they must be counting on an outside rescue team to come and rescue them "

"I hope that the rescue team can be supported by the food on the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship, but how can they know that after entering the ship's cemetery, there is always nowhere to go, and there will be no rescue at all. The arrival of the team "

Anthony twisted his head and said with a miserable smile.

"If the rescue team really arrived, Yang Lao in our survivor tribe and we would not have lived in this ship cemetery for more than ten years. For more than ten years, I know that the outside world has become how is it"

"Boss Anthony, you are absolutely right. Without our help, the people on the Shuiyue International Luxury Cruise would have already eaten all the food in the Shuiyue International Luxury Cruise. Food riots happened, just like what happened to the Carter tribe 20 years ago. At that time, it was really a life-threatening charcoal. In contrast, we rescued them now, also for their good. I believe Yang Lao Will definitely figure it out "

After thinking for a moment, Chax nodded heavily, and they always thought that their decision was absolutely correct.

"Yes, yes, the decision we made must be correct. Tell the followers, we must be uplifted. We are in front of where we met with Carter. Remember not to let Carter underestimate us. , And we must never be Carter ’s cannon fodder. "

"Be careful sailing the 10,000-year ship, everything we do is for the development of the survivor tribe, and everything we do is to save the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship."

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