Super Finding App

Chapter 1507: Different

"Haha, Anthony, Anthony, you are here. I know you are a person doing big things. Now the times have changed. The old age has passed. Only our young talents can keep up with the times. The Shuiyue International Luxury Cruise is the best gift from heaven to us. It has food and many women on it. If you miss this opportunity, then it will be incompatible. "

Carter watched everyone in the more than 100 survivor tribes in front of him come under the leadership of Anthony, his face was filled with a bright smile, and the fart patted out without money, his pupils flashing inexplicable brilliance.

"Carter, do n’t bring this big hat. Although I do n’t agree with Yang Lao ’s approach, Yang Lao ’s philosophy is quite good. After all, if I continue to stay in your thug tribe, I ’m afraid I do n’t know it now. How long it has been dead, the corpse will turn into a pile of bones, instead of as it is now "

Anthony said with a low expression, that he betrayed Lao Yang, which did not mean that he agreed with Carter's method of governance, and he also had deeper fears about Carter.

If it were not for the emergence of the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship, it would be impossible for him to betray Yang, and it would be impossible to cooperate with Carter. He knows better than anyone that the cooperation with Carter is totally equivalent to seeking skin with tigers.

"Anthony, Anthony, you are out of sight. At first, everyone lived in the ship's cemetery in order to survive, and food resources are limited, and it is impossible for everyone to eat and drink. Under such circumstances, the law of the jungle, weak meat and strong food are also recognized by everyone, and the strongest can survive, nothing more, just like the current Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship. "

Carter didn't care. Haha laughed, raised his head, and looked at the Shuiyue International Luxury Cruise Ship not far away, with a greedy look in his eyes.

"Although we can continue to wait like this, we can wait for the royal and aristocrats on the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship and even the waiters to reject our conditions and let them wait for death on the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship. "

"I am very clear that the ideas on the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship are nothing more than hoping to wait for the rescue team to come outside, but how can they think that the rescue team after entering the ship's cemetery is It's impossible to come in, and there will never be a rescue team, and the hundreds of people on this Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship will end up sitting in the air. "

"When they ate up all the food on the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship, it will happen like the riots that happened 20 years ago. The end result will be blood flow, and they can only walk obediently. The launch of the international luxury cruise ship, seize resources and food with us, and we will be transformed into beasts. "

As Carter said, a cold light appeared at the corners of his mouth. Such a thing was almost a reincarnation in the ship's cemetery, and it happened more than once or twice.

Therefore, Carter and Anthony are very clear, Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship continues to wait like this for their results.

Carter took a deep breath

"Although we can just watch the development of the incident in this way, when the Shuiyue International luxury cruiser riots himself, those who escape the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship can only join our tribe, but among these, In addition to time constraints, the most important thing is that the food on the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship will definitely be squandered by them, which is the most unforgivable for us. "

"In the ship's cemetery, food is the root of everything."

Anthony nodded heavily. It was also based on such considerations that he agreed with Carter's mutual cooperation and alliance relationship.

Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship, but there is no outside rescue, only food is needed. This Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship will fall apart, and those who have lost their food will completely become beasts. Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship It will become a Shura battlefield, and blood will flow into the river.

But such a prerequisite is that the food on the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship will be squandered, which is the least Anthony can't forgive.

Food, Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship has food on it. People on the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship need it, as do the runaway tribes and survivor tribes in the ship cemetery.

Not to mention women in addition to food.

"Cart, of course, I understand all of what you said. Now we have no meaning to say these things, so let's go to attack and completely occupy this Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship and occupy the food inside. I have, as we said, the food and the woman should have me choose first "

Anthony twisted the first word and said.

"Hee hee, no problem, no problem, of course there is no problem at all, as we said, as long as you can capture the food and women of the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship, you will choose first, but this Shuiyue International The luxury cruise ship belongs to me and is owned by the Tribe "

Carter nodded heavily, showing a cruel look. He looked at Anthony at once, and the two of them suddenly had a bad heart. No one would believe each other, but because of the interests, the two became an alliance relationship.

"Very good, so, let's attack this Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship and fix it earlier!"

Anthony nodded heavily and Carter gave Han a glance. The two turned around and gathered behind them to reach two or three hundred people swarming towards the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship. What revealed in his eyes was crazy murderousness.

On the other side, within the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship, the democratic election proposed by the second princess Tang Xuanyu of Tiantang Kingdom created a delicate balance between Huangquan nobles and staff and even service personnel and sailors. Settle down within the Suzuki International Luxury Cruise.

It was just that the atmosphere of the people was suddenly tense. After all, they were trapped in the ship's cemetery. Even if there was no danger of life and food concerns, the human spirit was still highly nervous.

"The chef's side has completely settled over. Now the food on the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship plus the staffing configuration can, at a minimum, only support one month."

Tang Xuanyu, the second princess of the Tang Dynasty, looked up and looked at the statistics in her hand. She rubbed her temples with a headache, and sighed quietly.

George Ender of Riceland frowned and said

"There is only one month. This is too short. Can it be said that there is no more food on this large Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship?"

"It can only be for one month, in other words, all of us will be starved to death after one month."

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