Super Finding App

Chapter 1508: Two-handed preparation (1)

"Dear Mr. George End, the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship was originally designated for a 4 days and 5 nights trip. On the entire Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship, a reserve of food and materials for nearly one month has been prepared. It is very extravagant and luxurious. After all, none of us had thought that the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship would encounter a storm, and we would be trapped in the ship's cemetery. We should be thankful that Shuiyue International The food reserves on luxury cruises can be supported for a month, and if the usual food reserves are supported, they can only be supported for up to a week. "

"In seven days, we have been able to improve our support for three weeks, which is already a big misfortune."

Tang Xuanyu, the second princess of the Tang Dynasty, raised her head and said, there was a lingering light in her beautiful eyes.

She knows that the original Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship was used for sightseeing. If it were not for this cruise ship with their royal family and nobles, they would not have stored so much food, so much. food.

To put it bluntly, it is exclusively for their royal and nobles to enjoy on this Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship. I did not expect that it will become an occasional need now.

"I understand, I understand Miss Tang. I naturally understand everything you said. I just have some concerns. After all, now that we are on the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship, our royal aristocracy plus many sailors and waiters. And the number of staff members has reached hundreds, supporting a month, the food consumption is indeed amazing, but we cannot guarantee that there will be an outside rescue team to come to the rescue in one month. Once the food is consumed, I am afraid we will be quite Trouble and danger "

George Ender of Riceland raised his head and said it word by word.

He is not a fool or an aristocratic relative of aquamarine nations. Although ordinary people seem to have nothing but food, drink, and fun, it is undeniable that he is an aristocratic relative of aquamarine nations. They are educated by elites, they are educated higher than ordinary people, and naturally they will not be stupid and stupid than ordinary people.

And the stupid rich second generation appearing on the network are only a few minority after all, or can only be called upstarts!

And the truly valuable senior officials and nobles pay great attention to the cultivation of their son-in-law, and have to say that their educational level and even their IQ far exceed those of ordinary people. This is the reality.

"Mr. George Ender, your consideration is indeed quite realistic, but in a month, I think that the rescue team of the water blue star countries should be able to find it. If we can't find us for even a month, then We really have to be prepared for long-term survival in this ship's cemetery. At that time, I'm afraid we really have to deal with the original residents in the ship's cemetery. "

"Compared to us after all. They have only lived in this ship cemetery for so many years and should be able to understand life skills"

Tang Xuanyu said, her eyes flickered with inexplicable brilliance. She analyzed the situation very clearly, but if she really lived in the ship's cemetery, it would be a lot of trouble.

"I do n’t, I do n’t, I do n’t want to live in this ship's cemetery, absolutely not, absolutely not, you haven't seen the original inhabitants in this ship's cemetery, seeing our eyes, they all want to swallow us Go on, if we really live in the ship cemetery, God knows what will happen "

"That group of people is a thug but a full thug. If we live with them, God knows what will happen."

The second princess of the punishment, Carosan, shakes her head and rattle. Generally, she still thinks of Carter looking at her own eyes in the ship cemetery, which is deeper and more evil than the evil spirit, until now I think of it She would be cold and creepy.

"Sister, don't worry, I will never let anyone bully you"

The second prince of the punishment, Carrobin, looked up, biting his teeth.

"The original inhabitants of this ship's cemetery are indeed very strange. If they really lived in this ship's cemetery for more than ten years, then they have completely transformed from humans into beasts. Do not think that this is impossible. The reason why we human beings are called human beings, and the reason why we become civilized human beings is that besides having wisdom, we are living in a world with a legal system. Restraint, suppress human evil and demons, and show human goodness "

"But within this ship's cemetery, there is no such legal system. The violent factors contained in the human body, coupled with its own greed and desire, will eventually turn into the Shura battlefield. This has been done a lot in reality. Experiment, do n’t try to challenge humanity, humanity is far more evil and lower than we think "

"Dear Mr. Carnost is absolutely right. If we really insist that no rescue team will arrive after one month, we must start to plan now, otherwise, when the food is completely depleted, I am afraid that by then What kind of things do the inhabitants of the ship cemetery need to do to us? Our entire Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship will completely fall apart. Today, many sailors, waiters and even staff can keep everyone safe. I stay together because I can still maintain a balance, and I can also eat and eat. "

"If a food crisis does occur, the consequences will be unthinkable"

The second princess of the Tang Dynasty nodded heavily, and the dignity on her face was clear.

She knows better than anyone. Once a person is hungry, it will truly become a hungry ghost and everything can be done.

The so-called moral morality and the so-called conscience of human beings are not worth mentioning in the face of survival problems.

And the most terrifying thing is that once the desperate atmosphere spreads on the Shuiyue luxury international cruise ship, it will make everyone hysterical and even crazy, like an explosive package about to be ignited, just a little It will explode completely when touched, blasting people on the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship incomplete and broken.

"I understand, I understand, in other words, one month, and now we have only one month, and within this month we must prepare for both hands, or wait within one month. When the rescue team of Aqua Blue Star arrives, then it will naturally be a great joy, or it will be to find the source of food within a month, and the basis for our life in this ship cemetery. "

"If this is really the case, then it seems that we really need to make contact with the indigenous people in the ship cemetery within this month"

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