Super Finding App

Chapter 1509: Two-handed preparation (two)

"Contact? No, do you really want to make contact with the original inhabitants of this ship's cemetery? Honestly, although I am not discriminating against the existence of the original inhabitants, I have contact with the original people in the ship's cemetery. I think it's a very dangerous thing "

"Although I do n’t know the original inhabitants in the ship's cemetery, but through the last negotiations with the original inhabitants, I can tell that they are all a barbaric group of people, although they feel very sorry and sorry for their experience, but also Know that they are salivating in the face of the food on our Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship, but this is not the reason for them to **** at will, let alone they want us to contribute to the women, only by this How barbaric the original inhabitants of this ship's cemetery are "

The second prince of the punishment, Carrobin, shook his head and rattle, saying that the dignity in his eyes was deeper.

"It's true. If the indigenous people just wanted food, we could have negotiated, but they still wanted us to contribute women. Only by this can we know how women are in this ship's cemetery. Scarcity, and at the same time they treat people as goods rather than a person with a full personality, in other words, it is possible that this ship's cemetery is still in the primitive era, even the wild era, everything It is controlled by force, not by law. "

George Ender of Rice Country nodded heavily

After only one contact, he seems to have noticed the living conditions of the original inhabitants in the ship's cemetery, and he has to say that people with higher education are indeed smarter than ordinary people.

"It's true, but it makes sense to think about it. If this ship cemetery can't really get in touch with the outside world, it can only live in this ship cemetery, plus the lack of food and food, in the end it will only Evolved into a violent tribe, or even feudal society, which can be determined by the nature of man's adaptation to the environment, but this is not a good thing for us. "

Tang Xuanyu, the second princess of the Tang Dynasty, said, the color of vigilance in his eyes grew deeper, and he continued.

"But we are not saying that there are no gains. Of the two indigenous inhabitants representatives who negotiated with us, we can see that Carter is absolutely unavailable to us. He has shown great hostility and aggressiveness from the beginning. I dare to guarantee the ticket. If we really agree with Carter's request to exchange food and women for peace, I don't think it will take a month, only a few weeks of food on my boat, even women will be caught by Carter. All the snatches are clean. At that time, even if we want to resist again, without food, without people, the most important thing is to lose people's hearts, we will be vulnerable at all. In contrast, Yang Yang may be able to Contact him "

"Well, Mr. Yang, yes, this pension looks very charitable, and it is not too aggressive to speak when we meet and negotiate with us. Perhaps we can negotiate with Mr. Yang through food and get a boat grave. The basic conditions and skills for survival on the field, as long as we can survive in this ship cemetery, then we can persist for two months, three months, and the arrival of the rescue team outside, not only Just sit back and eat. The food on the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship must be tightened and then tightened in case of emergency. "

George Ender of Mi America said, paused

"That being the case, let's call the chef ’s representative, Carlos, as well. In the next round table, we will raise this issue to believe that we should be able to reach a consensus. Otherwise, if we let other people Suspicion or turbulence has arisen again. I am afraid that our international luxury cruise ship will soon be caught in a fight among people. Now we must be united and we can only unite. Only in this way can we get out of this ship. Only after surviving in the cemetery can you escape from the ship's cemetery, kill each other, and in the end just take your own life. "

There is a way to talk to smart people is always the most worry-free and labor-saving.

The royal family and aristocrats present were all smart people with higher education. They knew how the situation should develop now.

It is clear that the most important thing for the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship now is to stabilize, that is, to stabilize the interior. Only when everyone twists into a rope and supports each other can they survive strong.

Otherwise, once a riot is caused, the final result will be the complete collapse of the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship. All people will be buried. Not to mention that there are two original inhabitants in the ship's cemetery. Exist, God knows what will happen in the end.

"It's true, it's true, but it does require us to discuss it in detail after we put it out at the round table. After all, we have considered quite a lot of issues, but we also need to take into account the services on this Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship. Personnel. The interests of the staff and even the sailors can only survive if everyone twists into a rope "

Xuan Yuyu, the second princess of the Tang Dynasty, nodded heavily, and the dignified color in the beautiful eyes was clear at a glance.

What she didn't say is that if there is food, everyone in the international cruise ship Shuiyue may still be able to stick together and be united.

But if you really encounter a crisis, I hope that other people can stay together and help each other. It is simply a dream!

After all, everyone on the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship said that all of them were service personnel, and the staff and sailors came to work, not the army or a country.

Under the condition that everyone can guarantee their own survival, they can also cooperate with each other, but once they encounter their own crisis, then the selfishness of people will manifest itself:

Thinking of the second princess Tang Xuanyu of the Tang Dynasty, she exhaled a long breath

"One month, one month we can survive in this ship cemetery only for one month, and hope that within one month we can find a way to leave the ship cemetery, or in this month, Outer rescue teams can get here and rescue us "

"Otherwise, once a month later, the food on the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship is eaten. The consequences are unimaginable."

"Dear Miss Tang, you are absolutely right. Our Shuiyue International luxury cruise can only last for one month. This is still the case that the original residents in the ship's cemetery did not come to trouble Next, if we say that the original inhabitants of the ship's cemetery came to us to find trouble, the consequences will be even more troublesome. "

"Maybe we can't support it for a month, so we have to be prepared for both."

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