Super Finding App

Chapter 1512: Not an opponent (2)

"Edward, you are the person of the most famous security group company in the world, and the person in charge of the security personnel on the international luxury cruise ship this month. What do you mean by this? I hope you can make it clear."

"The place where we are now is the ship cemetery. The original inhabitants in it are quite horrible and terrible. We do n’t know what will happen to the people who live with the inhabitants. It is also not clear what these are in the ship cemetery. What kind of means will the indigenous residents have? It can be said that everything is unknown, which makes us very scared and panicked, and the number of the other party is at least hundreds, and we, including you, have only a total of 20 or 30 security personnel. Most of them are the staff, sailors and service personnel on the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship, plus our royal relatives and nobles. If the actual number is compared, it is almost the same, but the real combat effectiveness will probably be There are many differences, so what else do you mean by your opponents? What does this mean? Does it mean that we are not the opponents of these indigenous inhabitants, or that these indigenous residents are not our opponents? There is a considerable gap in this. Hope you can figure out what is going on here. "

Tang Xuanyu, the second princess of the Tang Dynasty, said, "He really has some doubts and puzzlements. I don't know what this Edward said?"

The most important thing is that everyone on the Shuiyue luxury international cruise ship is very sincere and fearful to the original inhabitants in this round of cemeteries, and some are at a loss. Under such circumstances, Edward said that he was not an opponent. What means?

"Yes, yes, Edward, don't make a roundabout here. What do you mean by that? I hope you can tell us truthfully so that we can settle our hearts."

After hearing this, George Ender of Rice also said, with a look of embarrassment and anxiety on his face. He didn't know what Edward meant.

If he was not convinced by Edward and knew that Edward really came from a large international security group and company, he would have thought that Edward was a well-known man.

However, it is undeniable that Edward's security measures on the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship are very good. Just a few dozen people have almost closed the dead corner of the huge Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship century. Very serious and responsible, it is so that at a young age, he has become the security staff of the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship.

Only on such an important occasion will the international security company be dispatched to the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship to be responsible for safety. After all, on the Shuiyue luxury international cruise ship, there are many royal nobles with a large number of blue stars. Any problem that arises is definitely not a minor problem for Edward.

Under such circumstances, Edward was able to assume that Edward was indeed very professional.

It ’s just that what he is saying now makes everyone a little confused and puzzled.

"Calm down, guys, what I said is really true. You are very apprehensive and disturbed by the original inhabitants of this ship's cemetery. It is simply because it is unknown."

The burly Edward raised his head and showed a confident smile, and looked at the original inhabitants within the hundreds of steamer cemeteries below the steamer. Instead of having any fear, he looked ironic.

"But you forgot one thing, that is, in terms of number, the number of people on our Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship is actually not less than these indigenous residents, or even more than them."

"Wait, wait, if Edward said that, it did make some sense, but you forgot it a bit. On the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship, except for your professional security personnel, most of them are Staff waiters, sailors and cooks are not soldiers at all "

Tang Xuanyu, the second princess of the Tang Dynasty, said with a doubtful look on her face.

This is the most important thing. They are just ordinary people after all. They are not specially trained like the security personnel where Edward is located. They cannot be called fighters at all.

Edward smiled slightly and shook his head.

"Dear Miss Tang, you are wrong about this. What is a professional warrior? What is not a professional? All of this is plain without training. The most important thing is to look at our goals and our enemies. What kind of people are you, do n’t forget the original inhabitants in the shipyard cemetery, they are not the existence of specialized vocational training, after all, they are just a group of insufficient, insufficient to drink, Some beggars who ca n’t even have enough food to eat, because of some fierce strength, but in fact they are not afraid at all ”

The burly Edward raised his head as he said, his mouth slightly tilted, and a confident smile appeared.

"Don't talk about these service personnel. Just the sailors on our Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship, each of them works year round, is in good health, and all have strong physical strength and strength. There is nothing else on the cruise ship, at least it should be enough to eat and drink, and the body is very healthy. It only needs a little simple training to become a soldier. I do n’t think there are any problems with the original residents. ”

"The original inhabitants of the ship's cemetery have never had enough to eat and drink, and by looking at their physiques, they can know that they are thin and not littered without any power. With their strength, it can be said that the real fight As long as everyone desperately does not even need to desperately be able to completely resolve the original inhabitants of this ship's cemetery, you think that these beggars who are not full and warm will be a person who is full and full of energy Your opponent? "

Edward, a burly blond, said with a chuckle.

A short sentence made everyone on the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship stunned and opened their mouths a half-slam. This only reflected them, one by one stunned.

"Yeah, yeah, why did we forget, we just remember that the original inhabitants of this ship's cemetery were very cruel, and it was terrible to see it, but we forgot that this is the ship's cemetery If the ship cemetery really needs food and women as the original residents of the ship cemetery said, then it undoubtedly illustrates a problem. The food in the ship cemetery is quite scarce. In other words, It is said that the indigenous people in these ships are not full enough to eat. "

"Since you do n’t have enough food and clothes, how can you have strength?"

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