Super Finding App

Chapter 1513: Not an opponent (3)

"Yeah, yeah, how can we forget this. The original inhabitants of these ship cemeteries even said that they want food, and they must be the food they lack. In other words, they even The food is not full, and it ’s not warm to wear. How could we have strength? Although we are not soldiers, we are full and warm, and since we can eat and warm, we must be better than these ship graves. The original inhabitants on the field have great strength, so we have to be afraid of what they do. If we really want to fight, we really do n’t have to be afraid of anyone. ”

"Yes, yes, that's it, that's it. I really think of it now. I was scared by Carter of the original inhabitants when I negotiated here, but now I think that this Carter's figure is really not high. It ’s not too burly, even if it ’s burly, it ’s only a few. After all, not all the original residents in the ship cemetery can eat and drink. If so, they wo n’t ask me to ask We handed over the food, we were all frightened by ourselves "

"Yes, yes, yes, yes, we were really scared by the original inhabitants of the ship's cemetery. We have never encountered such a thing, so we encountered such a thing in the beginning, and the conditions were reflective. Think that the people in this ship's cemetery are very scary and terrible. Now I think that the number of people on our Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship is not less than that in this ship's cemetery. In this case, then Why should we be afraid of them? "

"We have food in the ship's cemetery, and we have bodyguards. We still have guns on the hands of the bodyguards. If we really talk about strength, we are not worse than the people in the ship's cemetery. Why? Will he be trembling with his fright, just a few words from them? "

"Yeah, yeah, even if there is no security, don't forget that we still have sailors. Sailors all live and sail out of the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship all year round. Their bodies are quite good, just take a little We can fight if we are armed. Even if there are no sailors and our service personnel, our male staff members are not afraid at all. If we had known this, we would not have to be afraid of the people in the ship's cemetery. "

"We eat better than them, we are better than them, and our conditions are better than them. Why should we be afraid? We should not be afraid at all. If we really want to be afraid, it should be the people in the ship's cemetery who are afraid of us. It's not that we are afraid of the people in the shipyard. "

"Yes, yes, yes, that's it, that's exactly what it should be. We were really frightened by the original inhabitants of the ship's cemetery. In fact, if we really want to say it, we should be better than the original in the ship's cemetery. The residents are more powerful. After all, the original residents in the shipyard cemetery did not eat or drink. I do n’t believe where they can get better under such circumstances. If their health is not good, they will have no strength or strength. How could it defeat us, this is impossible

"That is, that is, now it seems that the original inhabitants in this tire cemetery are all fierce and pretending to be more fierce. In comparison, they are not as powerful as us at all."

Really don't say, Edward's words spread instantly across the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship.

The original panic staff, the sailors and even the service staff all showed a startled expression, half awake as if they were struck by lightning, and they suddenly found that at first they felt that this belonged to the ship's grave. The fear and anxiety of the original inhabitants on the field seemed to have no reason at all, but they were blinded at once.

Blond Edward nodded and said

"It's true. You don't need to be too afraid. After all, we live in an era of peace. In the peaceful era, people like tire cemeteries should belong to thugs. Of course, everyone is very scared and afraid. Uneasy, but forgot one point, the original inhabitants in these ship cemeteries could not be called thugs at all. They could only be called a group of thugs and beggars, a group of beggars who could not eat enough, did not wear warm clothes, and wore no clothes. It's not vulnerable at all. "

"It's not that the thugs who physically exercised unusually strong in the outside reality, and then armed with guns to carry out the robbery, terrorists, these indigenous peoples inside the ship's cemetery are just some beggars."

obviously. For the blonde Edward, he really didn't take the original inhabitants of the ship's cemetery in his eyes and put it in his heart, but at the beginning, he didn't say it, just as a bodyguard.

As a bodyguard, you only need to protect the safety of the employer. Since the employer did not ask, he naturally did not take this matter to heart. Now when the employer asks it, he will naturally be clear.

Blond Edward looked up and said confidently

"As long as everyone is willing to obey my orders, together, there are hundreds of indigenous inhabitants in this area, these indigenous inhabitants like beggars are simply vulnerable."

"Hell, hell, hell, we are still high intellectuals. How did we forget this stubble, and how could we never have thought of such a problem. Indeed, the original inhabitants of this ship's cemetery were very cruel, but said After all, they are just indigenous people. How can they be our opponents when they are not full here, do n’t wear warm clothes, or even have no food? ”

"At least we can eat and warm, at least we can have the strength. The original inhabitants of the ship's cemetery are after all a group of people who advance by virtue of their own momentum and ruthlessness. Once beaten, they will be unbearable. In one blow, they rely on their ferocity, but as long as we suppress their momentum, the original inhabitants in these ship cemeteries will be vulnerable. "

"Yeah, yeah, why haven't we thought about this problem? I have always thought of this indigenous people very terrifying and terrible. Now I want to come to these indigenous people are not terrible nor terrible, they are like relying on It ’s fierce, just like the ramblings on the street outside, controlling people with cruelty, but once compared with a real sword, he is simply vulnerable. ”

The second prince of the punishment, Carrobin, nodded excitedly and raised his head. There was a look of anxiety and fear in his face at first, and he was even more excited.

On the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship, other royal relatives and nobles also made such a fuss about it. At this moment, where do they still have the fear and anxiety that they had at the beginning, looking up at the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship one by one? The indigenous inhabitants inside the ship's cemetery below are vigorous.

"The indigenous inhabitants within these ship cemeteries are not our opponents at all."

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