Super Finding App

Chapter 1521: This is really exciting

"What's going on? What's going on? What the **** is going on? There are outside ships entering this ship's cemetery"

"How is this possible? What a joke? What kind of situation has happened and how did a ship enter this ship's cemetery? It seems that our luck is really good"

John Jones opened his mouth wide, watching the three ships bang down on the ship's cemetery. They were not far away from them, their eyes were all fine, and the corners of his mouth were raised.

"Interesting, in general, we haven't entered a ship in the ship cemetery for a few years. I didn't expect that another ship came to our ship cemetery. This luck is very good."

The eight indigenous residents behind John Jones also talked wryly, with surprise and a look of overwhelming expression on their faces.

"Yes, yes, what's going on with John Jones? A ship has landed in our ship cemetery, what should we do now? Is it chasing Yang or going to see the ship cemetery will fall? Who is the ship? "

"Yeah, that is, if there is food in the vessel that came this time, maybe we can find a lot of supplies, and maybe even find women."

"Calm down, calm down, don't just think about it, that is, when the ship comes to our ship cemetery and stays here, we can't leave at all. First solve Yang Lao and Zheng Yingying, and then we will go to the ship and fall Place to see what's going on "

"This time is very good news for us. Anthony and Carter all went to the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship. It is estimated that they didn't find out what happened here. In other words, we have enough time to get the ship from the sky. Exploring clearly, seize Yang Lao and Zheng Yingying first "

"Yes, let's seize this old man first. As for the ship that descends from the sky, we have time and opportunity."

The crowd started to talk about Lao Yang and Zheng Yingying

"Hurry on, run on, run on, run on"

"I know, I know, Mr. Yang, we hurry up, we hurry up, they are going to catch up"

Yang Lao and Zheng Yingying ran fast, but in the final analysis, they were just an old man and a woman, and the speed of running was simply impossible.

It was gradually approached by John Jones and the eight original residents behind him.

Yang Lao gasped and said

"The coming ship, run over there, in the direction of the coming ship!"

Although Zhengying Yingying didn't know what this sentence meant, she instantly understood and nodded.

"I know, I know"

Having said that, he helped Yang Lao to quickly run forward to the three ships descending from the sky.

I think if someone really exists in the ship, it might save my life.

Shouting behind John Jones and eight neighbors

"Stop them, hurry them, don't let them go to the ship from the sky, don't let them get to the ship from the sky, otherwise things will become quite troublesome."

"We know, we know, we know"

The eight original inhabitants behind them hurriedly chased.

Yang Lao and Zheng Yingying stumbled, although his speed is already quite fast, but if it is really compared with the following John Jones and the eight indigenous residents, it is a small witch and gradually caught up.

"Run, run, Yang Laoyou and Zheng Yingying are running. I think that this ship cemetery is so big. Do you think you can really run away? It's ridiculous, or do you think Can you really escape our palms? "

John Jones looked at Yang Yang and Zheng Yingying sarcastically.


I saw Yang Lao screaming exhaustedly, shouting at the three steaming ships not far from life

"Save me, save me, I know where the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship is? I know where the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship is!"

"Save us, save us!"

John Jones's expression became hard to look instantly, and he hurriedly yelled.

"Kill Yang Lao, kill Yang Lao, don't let him talk anymore. Don't let Yang Lao be talking"

Although the eight indigenous residents behind John Jones did not know what John Jones meant, but seven people rushed forward, facing the old Yang and Zheng Yingying's imminent attack, and they saw a clear number in the sky. The sound of gunfire.

The bullet struck their feet, and the eight original inhabitants shuddered in an instant.

I saw three motorcycles galloping down from the ship's cemetery.

John Jones's expression became harder and harder, and he said quickly

"Kill Yang Lao, kill Yang Lao quickly. If you want to win, you can only kill Yang Lao. This is our only chance."

The original inhabitants of the eight survivor tribes peeped at each other, and made a sound. They were about to continue to move, but when they saw the man riding the motorcycle, they immediately took out the guns in their hands, and the bullets poured down and attacked the eight originals. Residents' bodies, on their legs, but avoided the essentials.

Let them mourn in that pain.

John Jones' face turned abnormally iron-blue, biting his teeth, turning, and fleeing wildly.

"Mr. Yang, what's going on with Mr. Yang? What's going on?"

Zheng Yingying's face was aggressive, she didn't know what happened.

Why Yang Laogao shouted a few words. I know where the people on the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship are. After this trip from the sky, three people came out to rescue them.

And they have guns in their hands!

And gun!

What exactly is going on?

When Zheng Yingying was puzzled and was at a loss, three three motorcycles suddenly appeared in front of them.

The man who walked down from the motorcycle was wearing the same uniform, showing his fortitude.

The man was holding a firearm in his hands and staring at them.

The leading man said

"Just you shouted, you know where the Shuiyue International Luxury Cruise Line is?"

At the same time, on the ship, Cheng Yiping took a telescope and looked at everything that happened. He rubbed his eyes and showed a bright smile.

"To be honest, it was really exciting to be rolled up from the sky by this tornado storm. If this ship is not strong enough, I am afraid we all have to be killed, but then again, this ship's cemetery is really very interesting."


Do you think this is exciting?

This is simply trying to die, OK?

The pale-faced secretary Wang and the cheerful and charming Tan Xueqing now wiped the sweat from their foreheads, with a look of horror on their faces.

Who can think of it?

Driving the ship into the storm will be directly rolled up by the tornado storm!

Feeling dizzy, and then descending from the sky, came to this unknown place.

Is the Water International luxury cruise ship here?

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