Super Finding App

Chapter 1522: Father (1)

"What's going on? What's going on? Zheng Yingying looked at the men who got off the three motorcycles with a look of panic and confusion.

This is the second time since she was so big that she could see such a strange man in front of her.

These men are different from the original inhabitants of the ship cemetery but from other outside worlds. It must be said that these men from the outside world and the people in the ship cemeteries feel completely different, at least every time. One looks very healthy.

And the main thing is that they are very strong and full-bodied, and they are not as thin and yellow as the people in the ship cemetery. At first glance, they are chronic malnutrition.

Even as a leader in this ship's cemetery, they ate and ate well, but they were definitely not as good as those in front of them.

Also, the clothes worn by these three people in front of them are all much better than the clothes in the ship's cemetery. I don't know how many times.

Zheng Yingying tilted her head, carefully hiding her body behind Yang Lao. Watching three people on the motorcycle in front of them vigilantly, some were at a loss.

"I know, I know, I certainly know where the Shuiyue International Luxury Cruise is, and I know where the Shuiyue International Luxury Cruise is."

Compared with panic, some jealous Zheng Yingying, Yang Lao was very clever, raised his head, his original eyes showed such a look, and said excitedly.

Obviously for Mr. Yang, he seems to have thought through things very thoroughly

"It's interesting, it's really interesting. In this case, take them all back to the warship, and bring these injured people together. Maybe they can learn the specifics here from their mouths. What is going on? "

The leading man said, even the original inhabitants of the eight survivor tribes on the ground who were penetrated by bullets were also brought on board.

After all, the leading men are very clear that they are looking for the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship in this ship's cemetery, not really trying to kill.

"I understand"

The man on the side nodded, then turned his head and took out a flare from his arms, which slammed out. This was a signal to announce safety, telling them that the matter had been completely dealt with, and safety was determined.

Tan Xueqing and Secretary Wang on the warship were relieved for a long time, and then turned around and arranged the soldiers behind them to hurriedly greet the original inhabitants.

"I didn't expect such a thing to happen. After entering this vortex, I would come to this place. It is no wonder that the patrol ships of various countries outside could not find the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship. This is too strange. "

"If there is no Super Find App, it seems that this place is really not found."

Tanzi Qing's complexion became so dignified that she was more thorough and clear than others thought.

The disappearance of the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship is not a simple matter for all countries, and the countries of Mercury Star are eagerly searching through patrols, but so far, the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship has not been found at all.

I don't know exactly where I went.

I did n’t know how this happened before, but now it ’s no wonder that I ca n’t find this Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship.

Who would have thought that this Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship would actually come to this ship's cemetery.

After all, when people see a tornado storm, they must hide as far away as possible. Who will run into the storm?

This is simply the act of seeking death.

Secretary Wang raised his head and nodded.

"Yes, if you say so, it seems that this Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship should have encountered this ghost storm like us when it fell into the sea, and was directly involved in the storm when it escaped in a timely manner. , And then entered the so-called steamer cemetery. It's no wonder we couldn't find anything outside. "

While talking, Secretary Wang turned his head to look at the ship standing on the ship, snorting his mouth, it seemed that he didn't care that everything was flattened as expected, and a look of doubt flashed in his eyes.

"This Cheng Yiping is really quite powerful, isn't this the super finder app really so powerful?"

What exactly is this super finder app?

"Cheng Yiping, can you be sure? The Shuiyue International Luxury Cruise is really in this so-called steamer cemetery?"

Secretary Wang turned to look at Cheng Yiping and asked.

Although everything in front of her now caused her to be stunned, she couldn't believe it, but she still had some strangeness and doubts till now.

If this Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship is really in the ship's cemetery, then it would be fine, if not, maybe they will be trapped here.

That would be quite troublesome.

Cheng Yiping turned his head. Watching the corner of Secretary Wang's mouth slightly upturned

"Rest assured, the designated location of the Super Finding App is here. At least the Super Finding App has never failed me, so the Shuiyue International Luxury Cruise will definitely be in this ship's cemetery."

At this moment, too, because Yang Zi and his boyfriend Feng Zhifan stood up on the ship too late to return to his yacht, and looked at the scene in amazement.

The entrance is a barren land, with the wreckage of all kinds of ships everywhere, permeating the ruins.

The impression here is that the ship's cemetery!

Even if it is not entered, only the viewer can perceive the horror of the ship's cemetery.

But Yang Zi didn't have any fear, instead she showed a surprise and excitement on her face.

"Shipyard Cemetery, Shipyard Cemetery, is it actually a Shipyard Cemetery? I really didn't expect it to be a Shipyard Cemetery here, which is really amazing."

"Who can think of it, it is too surprising to enter the ship's cemetery into the eye of this ghost storm."

"Yes, it is true. If there is no accident, I am afraid that it is impossible for us to happen now. After all, the only ghost storm we can think of is to escape, not to enter this ghost storm. Among them, who can think that entering the ghost storm is the way to survive, not to escape. What is going on with these ships? How do they know that they will enter this ghost storm? In the steamer's cemetery, Yang Zizi, do you think all this is too strange? "

Feng Zhifan shook his head and said

Everything in front of him really made him stunned. If it was not because of what he saw with his own eyes, I'm afraid he would never believe what happened in front of him and swallowed the watercourse

"But then again, if you don't have absolute confidence and grasp, no one will dare to enter this ghost storm."

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