Super Finding App

Chapter 1554: Thug Tribe (1)

"It turns out that man is really a magical creature, no matter in the era of peace or war, whether in a city with a comfortable living environment or in a ship cemetery, human beings can survive as long as they live. The ability to adapt is very strong, maybe it is because of this ability of human beings that we can become the true masters of this world. "

Cheng Yiping suddenly felt some emotions and looked up at the endless stream of people under the Tiantang 1 warship. The number was enough to reach hundreds of people close to everything.

All this is equivalent to a small gathering place.

At this moment, unexpectedly all kinds of rundown and hysterical pessimistic atmosphere are methodical.

"Cheng Yiping, Mr. Cheng, what are you thinking here?"


A clear voice came from behind Cheng Yiping, and Tan Xueqing came slowly, with a moment of admiration in his eyes.

"It's nothing, just with some emotions. I thought the ship's cemetery would be very scary. I didn't expect that the ship's cemetery would look like a small gathering place because of your arrival. Upheaval "

Cheng Yiping said

"No, you are wrong, be equal, this is not because there are not too many moves, but because of the effect of absolute power and absolute power."

Yingxue Tan Xueqing raised her eyes and shook her head gently.

"What I've seen the most when I was at the Ministry of National Security was the darkness of human nature. You don't understand how horrible people can become without legal and moral constraints. Some people even live in peaceful cities. The laws and regulations and morals that have been abandoned for money, and all kinds of disgusting things for money, also exist in this ship cemetery. "

"Just like the survivor tribe and thug tribe in this ship's cemetery, the two sides also have the food and women who have assembled for the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship, and they have joined together to attack the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship. To the fullest extent of human greed and ignorance "

"Okay, okay, Tan Xueqing, I said you don't need to say it's so ugly, to be honest. I see now that they feel okay, at least now everyone is working together to leave the ship cemetery and Nothing has been done to hinder. "

Cheng Yiping opened his mouth and said

"It's true, but all of this is under the control of absolute strength and power. If there were no three warships we brought, and hundreds of soldiers on the warships, you think they will be obedient. Obedient? This is humanity, plus they now have the same goal to leave the ship's cemetery, so it will be so stable. If we do not have these three warships, there is no way to leave the ship's cemetery, I'm afraid it won't be long before they will riot for various reasons. So human beings are sometimes kind, but once human beings lose their moral and legal constraints, they will also become extremely cruel and cruel. More cruel than the devil "

Tan Xueqing said softly, it seems that after going through the Ministry of National Security, she has endured many, many things that Cheng Yiping said that she hasn't seen, and her thinking is changing.

"Well, don't say that, to be honest, this topic is really quite deep."

Cheng Yiping shook his head funnyly, turned his head to look at the heroic Tan Xueqing Road

"If you think of it now, when you first met with you, you were still in Zhouyang. You were just a criminal policeman. Now you are a member of the Ministry of National Security. It seems that people are in different positions and experience different things. , The idea will be completely different, the environment can change a person "

Cheng Yiping did not believe it before, but now he believes it very much.

First of all, regardless of the original inhabitants in the ship's cemetery, Tan Xueqing can clearly feel the impact of the environment on people.

What kind of environment people are in, where they are, and what kinds of things they experience really have a profound impact on a person.

In the past, Tan Yiqing impressed Cheng Yiping as a qualified criminal police officer who wanted to catch the bad guys and wanted to join the Ministry of National Security.

Nowadays, the flexibility after joining the Ministry of National Security really feels quite restrained, but it has not lost the impulse of being an Interpol in Zhouyang City. It is not clear what exactly happened.

But if you want to know with your butt, it's definitely not all good.

There are too many secrets hidden or contained in the Ministry of National Security, and Cheng Yiping has no intention to know. After all, organizations like the Ministry of National Security know as little as possible, otherwise the ghost knows whether he will Knowing something that is unclear and triggering the harmonious beast is over.

"Well, Cheng Yiping, I came here to ask, can you really find a way to leave the ship's cemetery? Now everyone is preparing anxiously when the three warships are repaired by the maintenance department At that time, we will leave the ship's cemetery. If you can't find a way to leave the ship then, I am afraid that the so-called peace you see now will disappear in an instant. "

This is Tan Xueqing's most important and most concerned matter so far.

After leaving the shipping branch safely, he needs to confirm with Cheng Yiping again.

"Okay, okay, I thought you really wanted to chat with me, but I didn't expect to leave the ship cemetery."

Cheng Yiping made a very regretful look, right?

"It doesn't matter to talk to you, even if you are dating with you, but you are sure you are willing, you are sure your girlfriend will not mind?"

Tan Xueqing laughed lightly, and suddenly showed the coquettishness of women. Cheng Yiping shivered instantly and said quickly

"Don't, don't, forget it, I'm a master of grass"

Tan Xueqing laughed

"Relax, it's okay. Since I can find this way to enter the ship's cemetery, I can also find a way to leave this ship's cemetery."

Cheng Yiping shook his head, no longer joking with Tan Xueqing, took out his mobile phone from his hand, shook and said

"What's more, don't forget that I have the Super Hidden Object App. In these three days, I am going to use the Super Hidden Object App to test it first. If the number of points is not enough, I will prepare for three days of devotion. Successfully searching for devotion will surely find a way to leave the ship's cemetery, but the same is true. Tan Xueqing, you should be very clear that it is one thing to be able to find a way to leave the ship's cemetery. Being able to leave the ship's cemetery is another matter. The hard conditions will be left to you. I do n’t want to find a way but I ca n’t leave here because of warships or other reasons. Then I will really Crazy. "

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