Super Finding App

Chapter 1555: Thug Tribe (2)

"Rest assured, Cheng Yiping, I understand what you mean, so a lot of materials and maintenance materials have been prepared on these three warships. As long as you have a way to leave the ship cemetery, you will definitely be able to leave here, and you will definitely be able to let Shuiyue Luxury International Cruise Ship Leaves Steam Cemetery Safely "

Yingxue Tan Xueqing nodded and said, her eyes flashed a cold look.

Cheng Yiping looked at Tan Xueqing, who seemed to be icing in front of his eyes, opened his mouth, shook his head, and turned without speaking.

Cheng Yiping understood what Tan Xueqing said.

In any case, as long as you can find a way to leave the ship's cemetery, you must first rescue the dignitaries on the Shuiyue International Luxury Cruise.

In other words, the rescue is only for the officials and nobles on the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship, and the original inhabitants of the ship's cemetery are probably another matter, even those of themselves or even the rescue team can give up. .

Although this is just Cheng Yiping's own thoughts, Cheng Yiping uses his **** to think and know that this is indeed something that the personnel of the Ministry of National Security can completely do.

For Tan Xueqing of the Ministry of National Security, responsibility is everything, and their mission is to rescue the noble officials on the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship. This is their priority.

It is not the original inhabitants of the ship's cemetery, nor is it a rescue team member. Although it is very cruel to say, it is undeniable that people have been born unfairly.

The effects and impacts of the deaths of hundreds of indigenous people in the ship cemetery and the deaths of dignitaries of many countries on the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship are completely different.

Thinking of Cheng Yiping here, he smiled bitterly and shook his head.

I am afraid that in the heart of Tan Xueqing, it should not be said that the original inhabitants of this ship's cemetery are even within the scope that she can give up.

However, Cheng Yiping felt that he didn't have to worry too much.

This is not because of how important and lofty you are, so that you have a super-hunting app. Only you can know the way to leave the ship's cemetery. Therefore, even with this, Tan Xueqing has reached the most dangerous moment. It will never be abandoned.

"If I think so, do I feel that I am very important?"

Thinking of Cheng Yiping here, he smiled bitterly, looked up, and looked at the blue sky, suddenly his thoughts returned to Jiangzhen City.

The new year is over. I don't know how Zhang Xiaona is now!

Steamship cemetery, mob tribe.

"Who is not convinced, and who is not convinced, now the thug tribe of the whole ship cemetery is taken over by Li Xiaoxuan, who is not convinced, and who is not convinced"

In the dilapidated steamship cemetery, within the thug tribe, the burly Li Xiaoxuan yelled, gritted his teeth, and the two fists were covered with blood and mud mixed together. The whole body exuded a strong breath, lying on the ground Eight strong men fell on the ground in constant sorrow and pain.

The original inhabitants of the many mob tribes all around looked at each other, but no one dared to take a step forward.

Obviously they were all deterred by Li Xiaoxuan's violence and cruelty.

"Very good, since no one of you is opposed, from now on, I will take over the thug tribe."

Li Xiaoxuan showed a cruel look.

In Carter's reign, he was Carter's left and right arm, but this did not mean that he had surrendered Carter to 100%.

He has always been very jealous or has strong ambitions for Carter, but Li Xiaoxuan knows that Carter has the support of his father. In the era when Carter's father ruled the mob tribe, everyone was used to Carter's father. .

Even after Carter's father died, Carter's succession had some riots, but it was quickly suppressed.

But since opening Li Xiaoxuan, he can know very clearly that if he wants to control the mob tribe, he must solve Carter.

Carter and his father have been ingrained in the entire thug tribe for more than two decades, so you Xiaoxuan is very deliberate, he is waiting, waiting in silence.

While struggling Carter to become Carter's left and right arm, the other side gathered his minions in this thug tribe, quietly waiting for the opportunity.

And now the time has finally come!

Carter would be shot down when he attacked the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship. This kind of death scene really has some child drama for Carter, but for Li Xiaoxuan, this is his best chance. .

Li Xiaoxuan took a deep breath, raised his head, his eyes lightened, watching the thugs of the thug tribe surrendered with grin and grinned proudly.

He thought of the beauty.

Without Carter, he will become the highest leader of this thug tribe. It won't be long before he will live a life like Jin Carter and become a real boss like Carter!

The thought of Li Xiaoxuan couldn't help licking his lips, raising his eyes, and looking at the original inhabitants of the thug tribe, he decided to add a strong tooth with a cracked mouth and said

"All of us, I know some of you still miss Carter, but have you thought about it? If not Carter, would our mob tribe become what it is today? Our mob tribe attacking the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship is the most brave Yes, I do n’t know how many times more brave than that **** survivor, but again we lost almost 13 people, more or less were injured, and some people were even killed directly, all of which are Carter ’s Wrong, if it was n’t for Carter, our thug tribe would not have suffered such a heavy blow, but you guys believe that I, Li Xiaoxuan, is not Carter. Under my leadership, the thug tribe can definitely accomplish what Carter has not done and lead everyone Attack the survivor tribe, and completely take the survivor tribe into your own. "

"At that time, there will be only one tribe in the entire ship cemetery, that is, our mob tribe, and I assure everyone that I will find a way to attack the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship with all the food and women on it. Predatory, and everyone will have food and women! "

After every leader wants to take office, he will guarantee the people below, whether it is tempted by force or lured by interests, Li Xiaoxuan is very clear about this.

He knew that if he could rule the mob tribe by force alone, he would succeed for a while, but it was impossible at all for a long time. The original inhabitants of the tribe were all brutal, and they could conquer them for a while, but they could not conquer them forever.

But if they bring great benefits to them, food and women, I believe that the original inhabitants of the thug tribe will obey them all.

And he was able to take advantage of the fishermen through these indigenous inhabitants of the mob tribe.

Become the true emperor in this ship cemetery.

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