Super Finding App

Chapter 1557: Chaos (2)


Did these three warships reach the ship's cemetery here and know how to leave the ship's cemetery?

This is really fake!

As long as I agree, Yang can let us board the warship and leave the ship cemetery together?

What exactly is going on?

"Just kidding, kidding, this is fake, this is fake, how could there be such a thing"

"Can we really leave this ship cemetery? Can we really leave this ship cemetery?"

"Impossible, impossible, this is impossible, how could there be such a thing"

"Is it true or false?"

"It should be true, didn't he say that? This is a discussion between Yang Lao and the rescue team of the Shuiyue luxury international cruise ship. It should be impossible for Yang Lao to cheat us."

"That's not true. The leader of Yang Laoke's Survivor Tribe is not the leader of our thug tribe. Maybe he is deceiving us."

"No, no, we are all very clear about Yang Lao. Although he is the leader of the survivor tribe, everyone is obvious to everyone. Is he really able to leave? The method of this ship cemetery "

The way to leave the ship's cemetery is the pain in the hearts of the original inhabitants throughout the ship's cemetery.

If we can really leave here, I am afraid everyone will rejoice.

At the moment, they also started to talk about it, wanting to believe but couldn't be sure, and the whole mob tribe rumbling.

Li Xiaoxuan's eyes were all staring wide, gritted his teeth, and the only idea in his mind was impossible, impossible, impossible, which is absolutely impossible.

This is absolutely impossible.

Just kidding, I just became a leader in this thug tribe, and my wonderful life is still waiting for me.

He is about to become an emperor over tens of thousands of people. He is still trying to capture the original inhabitants of the survivor tribe, and all the food and women on the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship.

You can tell him now that the rescue team of this international cruise ship has arrived?

And also has a way to leave the ship cemetery?

Even Yang Lao promised to lead them away?

Just kidding.

Just kidding.

Who wants to leave here.

Who wants to leave here!

Ghosts are leaving here!

Li Xiaoxuan gritted his teeth and showed his fierce light. He had been struggling in this ship cemetery for more than ten years, and now he finally managed to take over. As a result, you told me how to leave the ship cemetery?

In the outside world, I know if I can still be a leader and I can control so many thugs!

This is simply impossible.

Thinking of Li Xiaoxuan gritting his teeth here, he seemed to have a kind of hard work to climb the peak, but instead told him that there was no use for climbing up, and he felt like a fool.

The thought of Li Xiaoxuan's eyes narrowed sharply here, gritted his teeth.

He would never believe this happened, and he would never allow it to happen.

I managed to climb to the peak of my life, and now I have no words because of a word!

Just kidding.

This is absolutely impossible!

Looking up, watching the original inhabitants of the mob tribe in the steamer cemetery shouted loudly and shouted loudly.

"Calm down, guys, calm down. Don't believe them. Don't believe them. This is simply impossible."

"He is lying to us, he is lying to us!"

Li Xiaoxuan's loud voice exploded in the ears of the original inhabitants of the thug tribe, turning one by one to look at Li Xiaoxuan.

Li Xiaoxuan took a deep breath and said coldly

"Everyone think about it, think about it with your head, and you know that this is simply impossible. We have just joined the survivor tribe, Shuiyue, a luxury international cruise ship. In other words, we are their life and death. Enemy, would they even forgive us under such circumstances? This is simply impossible. "

"Coupled with this so-called rescue team, if the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship really has the arrival of the so-called rescue team, there are really three warships that can really leave this round field, would they still bring us? Survival, the original inhabitants of the tribe and thug tribe? It will ignore our attack on the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship. This is simply impossible. Use your head to think about how such a thing might happen. "

"If it were you, would you be willing?"

Li Xiaoxuan's voice instantly stunned the original inhabitants of the thug tribe.

"Yeah, yeah, Li Xiaoxuan was absolutely right. We were the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship that was attacking the moment before, and the next moment they even had the so-called rescue team, which is really strange."

"I don't think it's important to have a rescue team. The most important thing is if there really is a rescue team, can you really forgive us?"

"You know we just climbed on this Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship to fight with them"

"That is, that is, this is impossible at all. If we change it, we must have left by ourselves. How could we bring our enemies to attack ourselves? This is simply impossible."

"Yes, that's impossible. How to think it's an impossible thing. Do they mean they are lying to us?"

"These people are lying to us, but don't forget, they do have firearms and wearing combat clothes."

"What is there to think about? There are a few guns on these Shuiyue international luxury cruise ships that are completely understandable, plus the so-called clothes, or they deliberately find out to deceive us, and the ghosts know how the outside world is I think Li Xiaoxuan is right, we must not be fooled, we must not be fooled. "

"That's right, everyone. Don't be fooled. Don't be fooled. Not only should we not be fooled, but we must also arrest these people."

"They must have deceived us into their ambush and killed us in one fell swoop."

"Yang Lao in the survivor's tribe actually gave us a message. How could you not want to see Yang Lao in the survivor's tribe has been completely imprisoned by Anthony and John Jones? How could he arrange for someone to come and call us, this is simply impossible "

"Don't be deceived, everyone. Don't be deceived."

Li Xiaoxuan screamed exhaustedly, bewildering the words of the original inhabitants of the mob tribe.


A crisp gunshot rang through the sky, and the entire mob tribe quieted down.

Li Xiaoxuan couldn't help but snored. Hong Liang's gunshot scared him to slump on the ground, looking up, and saw one of the soldiers in combat costumes stepped out slowly, raising his eyes and looking around , Said coldly

"Please calm me down. I don't know what you think, but what I can tell you is that we are from the Shuiyue International Luxury Cruise Ship Rescue Fleet and are responsible for informing you of the thug tribe, survivors. The tribe's retirement has reached an agreement with us and is willing to lead you out of this ship cemetery together. "

"So if you are willing to leave, then go with me to the gathering place. If you do n’t want that, there is no problem at all. You can stay in this ship cemetery by yourself."

"But I want to tell you that once you give up, you must never approach the warships, or you must not approach our gathering place. If you find any motivation that prevents us from leaving the ship's cemetery, we They will be killed. "

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