Super Finding App

Chapter 1558: Disputes (1)

Looking at the group of soldiers wearing battle costumes in front of them, the light from the firearms in their hands was like death, and it was extremely cold and shocking.

All the inhabitants of the Thug Tribe suddenly calmed down and looked at the five combatants in front of them.

The leading soldier looked around slowly, and finally turned his eyes on Li Xiaoxuan's words.

"You should be fortunate. If it wasn't for the survivor tribe Yang and Mr. Cheng to take you away from this ship cemetery, we will definitely not take you away from this ship cemetery. After all, your existence is important to the water. It ’s a danger for everyone on the International Luxury Cruise

"But after all, you are humans. Our rescue team will not give up any rescuer according to the principle of maritime rescue. But if you give up yourself, then it has nothing to do with us."

"Three days. There are only three days. You have three days to consider. If you want to go to the three warships and register, we will only arrange you to board the warship and leave the ship cemetery with us. Also, if you do n’t want to do so, please do n’t appear within the scope of the warship. Once we find that you have any actions that are not good for the warship or destroy the warship and prevent us from leaving the ship's cemetery, we will execute a shootout against you amnesty."

Peace is only used in areas bound by laws and regulations. There are no laws and regulations in the ship cemetery. The soldiers are very clear that they have more guns in their hands!

Never expect all people to be saints, nor to expect all people to be kind. The horror of this world is beyond your imagination.

As the saying goes, the most terrifying thing in this world is not demons and ghosts, but people in the world.

Regardless of whether it is Tan Xueqing of the Ministry of National Security or Secretary Wang, or even the noble officers and soldiers on the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship and the soldiers on the warship, they are very clear about what their first job is.

It is their mission to leave the ship's cemetery and safely remove the dignitaries on the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship from the ship's cemetery!

The original inhabitants of both the Survivor Tribe and the Thug Tribe are only incidental.

It is impossible for them to ignore the safety of the many dignitaries of the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship in order to survive the original inhabitants of the tribe and the mob tribe, and the chance of leaving the ship's cemetery.

This is absolutely impossible.

After all, these soldiers did not want to stay in the ship's cemetery.

After a while

Five soldiers slowly faded away before disappearing in front of the mob tribe.

Suddenly the atmosphere of the mob tribe suddenly solidified.

After all, what happened in front of them far beyond their imagination, stunned them, and completely disrupted all their plans.

"It's really fake, do you hear it? Did you hear it? This rescue team has a warship and can leave the ship's cemetery. Is this true or false?"

"It may be fake, it may be fake, how could there be such a thing, I want to say that it is to attract us together and then kill it as much as possible."

"Leaving this ship's cemetery, stop joking, how is this possible? You don't want to watch the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship with a lot of food. Do they still need this broken place for us? The main thing is us. The place is not a good place, why should they come to rob us here? "

"This Shuiyue and International Luxury Cruises are much better than where we live."

"This is not necessarily the case, it is not necessarily the case. That being said, but you must not forget that the ship cemetery is so large and so many resources to survive. If you say this Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship plus these three warships The number of people on board has basically reached hundreds. If they want to survive in the ship cemetery, they will definitely need a lot of resources. It is simply impossible to rely on the supplies on the Shuiyue International Luxury Cruise. , And our existence will certainly occupy the resources of the ship cemetery. They will definitely kill us in order to survive. "

"Impossible, impossible, how is this possible, and you don't want to think about what I think is simply impossible, not so much as robbing us of our resources, it's more likely that I will leave them, but these three ships Warship, this is true. "

"The three search warships are much more sturdy than our ordinary ships. If I can really leave the ship cemetery, I will definitely leave. I will never want to stay here again, as long as I can leave the ship cemetery. I will be able to go back home, to my loved ones "

"That is, if we can really leave the ship's cemetery, even if there is only a 10,000 chance, we will never give up."

"What to do? What to do? Is it true or false?"

"What else can I do? Let me say that we should go and have a look, just look at the side of this warship, whether it is real or fake, we just have to go and see."

"There is a way to hear what is false and see what is true"

The original inhabitants of the mob tribe talked wistfully, with an uneasy look on their faces, and the news brought by the five soldiers was too shocking for them.

Being able to leave the ship's cemetery is something many indigenous residents dream of.

Of course, this definitely does not include Li Xiaoxuan.

"Impossible. Impossible. It's impossible. What's going on? What's going on?"

Li Xiaoxuan's face became abnormally dignified and gritted. After Carter was killed, he became the ruler of this thug tribe and was about to live a life of Jinyiyushi. As a result, you now tell him that he can leave the ship. Cemetery?

How could he be called the leader of the mob tribe after leaving the ship cemetery?

"Impossible, impossible. This is absolutely impossible"

Li Xiaoxuan gritted his teeth and his somber face squeezed out water, but he was clearly facing the original inhabitants of the thug tribe. Leaving the ship's cemetery is all their dream.

Forcibly stopping is simply impossible.

Li Xiaoxuan immediately said

"Listen to me, listen to me. Although the news brought by the five soldiers is true and false, it is the best thing to be able to leave the ship cemetery, but we cannot believe it."

"In fact, the best way is for us to go to the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship and take a look. It will be clear. If these soldiers are telling the truth, they really have the so-called rescue team coming, really If there are so-called warships that can leave the ship's cemetery, then this Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship should be empty! "

"But do you think this is possible?"

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