Super Finding App

Chapter 1560: Excessive (1)

"Have the mob tribe been notified?"

In the conference room of the warship Tiantang No. 1, Tan Xueqing of the Ministry of National Security sat on the main seat and looked up at Han Lei, the military officer in charge of security.

"The original inhabitants of the mob tribe have been notified. A team I arranged and the survivor tribe sent by Lao Yang went to the mob tribe. According to the team's reply, the number of the original inhabitants in the whole mob tribe There are more than 100 people, but they are very unfriendly and may become an obstacle for us. "

Han Lei raised his head and showed a tenacious light in his eyes. For Han Lei, ensuring that Tangtang 1, Tiantang 2 and Tiantang 3 can safely leave the ship's cemetery is his main job.

"It's true. Although I don't like to admit it, some of the indigenous people in the shipyard cemetery have lived here for more than ten years. They have been deeply entrenched and have their own rules and ideas. I want them to believe us easily. It ’s not a simple thing, but it ’s not the most important thing for us. ”

"Han Lei, we have only one purpose, that is to safely take the people on the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship away from the ship cemetery, and even we have to leave here safely, this is the main thing. In short, if The original inhabitants of this ship's cemetery did not pose any threat to us. We can naturally ignore them, but also if they really pose any threat to our leaving the ship's cemetery, it's your turn to play. "

Tan Xueqing of the Ministry of National Security raised his head with a cold look on his face.

How can Tan Xueqing of the Ministry of National Security really speak so well as he looks?

When he was at the Ministry of National Security, he had seen too many desperate and horrible things. She knew better than anyone. The world is not black and white. In many cases, people are for greater benefit. There must be a lot to lose for the ultimate purpose.

The original inhabitants of the ship's cemetery are indeed very poor, trapped in the ship's cemetery, but this is not Tan Xueqing of the Ministry of National Security, which means that the original inhabitants of the mob tribe in the ship's cemetery can bring them three The reason why all the people on the warship and the people on the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship gave up and abandoned.

This is simply impossible.

In other words, for Tan Xueqing of the Ministry of National Security, this is the most important and main goal of the people on the Shuiyue International Luxury Cruise.

Han Lei, the head of security responsible for the three warships, nodded heavily, raised his head, and said word by word.

"I know, I know what to do next. If the original inhabitants of this ship cemetery, the original inhabitants of the mob tribe did not hinder us in any way, we would not start against them, but if they To prevent us from leaving the ship's cemetery, even the most urgent situation is at our disposal! "

"Did the original inhabitants of the Thug Tribe not believe it? It seems that this is indeed some trouble, but then if I changed it to me, I am afraid it will not be so easy to believe, Mr. Yang, it seems that what you have The person you are looking for doesn't have much prestige among the mob tribe. "

As soon as the team returned to the mob tribe, Cheng Yiping naturally received it. He shook his head and turned to look at the old Yang Lao and said.

Mr. Yang shook his head and said

"This is the inevitable thing. If it was Carter, he would be more disbelieving than that. Carter has always practiced absolute force in the mob tribe. By contrast, Carter is dead now. The leadership of the mob tribe has become Li Xiaoxuan He is smarter than Carter, and now it ’s just a little skeptical. I believe it wo n’t be long before he sends someone here to investigate the situation. Once we are sure that we can really take them out of the ship cemetery, Li Xiaoxuan Bai One hundred percent will bring the original inhabitants of the mob tribe together. "

Mr. Yang seems to be very clear about the leader of the mob tribe. It is completely understandable when you think about it. There are only two tribes in the whole ship cemetery.

One is the Survivor Tribe, and the other is the Thug Tribe. Both parties are very clear about who is in them, and who are prestigious and major.

"I hope so, but this has nothing to do with me. I just want to repair the ship now and leave the ship's cemetery. Honestly, the ship's cemetery is really desolate. I really admire you that you can live here for more than 20 years. "

Cheng Yiping shook his head gently. The ship's cemetery is very desolate. It feels like a deserted island without any living resources. Let alone live here for more than 20 years. Cheng Yiping estimates that if Within a few days of staying in the ship's cemetery, he would be starved to death.

"I understand, I understand, Mr. Cheng, although the original inhabitants of the mob tribe and the inhabitants of the mob tribe are indeed more hostile, but in the final analysis, everyone is a group of poor people, and they all want to be in this ship. Living in the cemetery is to fight for the material in the ship cemetery, which is not too much material, everything is to get the qualifications and ability to survive, everyone is a group of poor people. "

With regard to what Yang Lao said, Cheng Yiping shook his head gently and stopped talking.

It can only be said that existence is reasonable. Perhaps the original inhabitants of this ship's cemetery are indeed very poor. Their survival supplies are very urgent, but this is definitely not completely leveled so that they can leave their lives or leave the ship's grave. Opportunity and safety are one of the reasons for rejection.

"By the way, Mr. Cheng, I would like to ask you again, since you can help us find my grandpa and find where the testament is, then can you find where the testament is really located?"

Sitting next to his father, Yang Lao, Yang Zi thought for a moment, then suddenly said, attracting Cheng Yiping and Yang Lao's attention.

Yang Zi's face became slightly red, and she said quickly

"Mr. Cheng, although we did find the testament now, it was hidden by Anthony and John Jones, but can they find the place where the testament is hidden? If we can know where they help the testament, we can now send the testament to Take it back so you can be sure. "

Obviously for Yang Zi, what she cared about most was his father Yang Lao.

She was very worried. If there was a dispute between the original inhabitants of the ship cemetery and the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship, and eventually the talks broke down, then her father really wanted to stay here for the testament. Is the ship cemetery?

This is something that Yang Zi is absolutely reluctant to happen. Her hard-searching father has been here for more than 20 years, and now he has finally found him. He will never leave his father in the ship's cemetery. He wants all the dangers. All situations, all sudden situations are strangled in the bud.

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