Super Finding App

Chapter 1561: Over (two)


Cheng Yiping's twin pupils shrank sharply. This Yang Zi is really quite smart. Indeed, since his super-hunting app can find Anthony and John Jones who stole the testament, he can also find the testament alone. Where exactly is it.

In other words, as long as Cheng Yiping is willing, regardless of where Anthony and John Jones hid the testament, or even burned it to ashes, Cheng Yiping can find the burned testament by using the Super Finding App. Where exactly is the wreckage.

This is where the Super Hidden Object app is the worst. Maybe to some extent, the Super Hidden App is just an auxiliary system, and it cannot be regarded as almighty, but it is undeniable that the Super Hidden App that is leveled in some ways is definitely almighty. .

"Using the Super Hidden App is indeed possible, but Yang Zi, if you can, I hope you still use the Super Hidden App yourself, after all, my belief points are quite limited, and I still need to keep this belief points to look for How to leave the ship's cemetery "

The cold light flashed into Cheng Yiping's eyes. It is safety that comes first.

Cheng Yiping knows that he took part in the rescue of the international luxury cruise ship Shuiyue this time, and he used pious search for things, which is reasonable:

But after entering, they are looking for the old man and the person who stole the testament. Now if you are helping Yang Zi to find the testament, the faith points are already consumed by others. Finally, there is a way to leave the ship cemetery. Absolutely. Will cause people to doubt.

After all, Cheng Yiping used the Super Finder in the mobile phone in front of the Ministry of National Security, Qin Xueqing, and others. He used belief finder points. Like ordinary people with a lot of blue stars, he only has the use of the Super Finder. It's just the right, not the user of the real super-hunting app.

Cheng Yiping is clear at this point, and he must not be able to make any flaws or doubts.

Faith points are very scarce as the chips used by the Super Find App. Helping people to use the Super Allow APP three or five times within the ship's cemetery will definitely cause everyone's suspicion. Therefore, under such circumstances, it becomes a regular performance. I do n’t have many faith points. I can only find ways to leave the ship cemetery.

As for the others, I can't help it.

Of course, if Yang Zi in front of her lacks belief points, she can use pious search to find a complete copy of the super-finding app in Yang Zi ’s mobile phone that can be controlled remotely through the super-finding app in her mind. The system performs super seek.

It's just that Yiping is willing or unwilling.

Yang Zi's face suddenly changed slightly, and she raised her teeth and opened her mouth.

She was very clear that what Cheng Yiping said was indeed true. For them now, it is very important to find a suicide note, but leaving the ship cemetery is the most important thing.

Otherwise, even if you find a suicide note but you can't leave the ship's cemetery, it's sad, hesitated, and asked.

"Mr. Cheng, I naturally know that I can use the Super Hidden Object App, but my belief points are not too many, I'm afraid I don't have enough."

Cheng Yiping shook his head and shrugged his shoulders.

"I do n’t have enough faith points, but I do n’t have any way, but then you have n’t tried how to know that the faith points are not enough. In addition, if not enough, you can pray religiously, increase the number of faith points, or search for godliness. Maybe there will be the advent of the **** who seeks things, isn't it time to help you find things? "

"Are you praying prayerfully or searching for things religiously?"

Yang Zi lowered her head and opened her mouth, revealing some strange looks, then raised her head and said, word by word.

"I see, Mr. Cheng, I will try it"

At this moment, I saw a rushing footstep from a staff member, rushed in and said.

"Mr. Cheng, Mr. Cheng, Miss Tan and Secretary Wang ask you to come over, the original inhabitants of the runaway tribe have sent you over."

"Have the original inhabitants of the runaway tribe come over? Sure enough, it looks exactly like Yang Lao said"

Cheng Yiping stood up with his eyes brightened, turned his head and looked at Yang Lao and Yang Zi, etc.

"Since you are so, let's take a look. Old Yang, you are the leader of the survivor tribe in the ship cemetery. I think it is most suitable for you to negotiate with the original inhabitants of the thug tribe. Yes, if you can, let's leave this ship cemetery together, but if the people of the mob tribe are not willing, then we don't force you, you should know that everything is safe for us to leave the old ship cemetery. "

"I understand, I understand, I will talk to the representatives of the mob tribe, and I will definitely tell them that the best way and opportunity to leave the ship cemetery"

Mr. Yang nodded, he was very clear what Cheng Yiping said in front of him. I am afraid that everyone on the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship and the rescue team would leave the ship's cemetery.

Although it has been agreed to bring the original inhabitants of the ship's cemetery, if the original people in the ship's cemetery have other ideas or are unwilling to leave, or have some hesitation, then the people of the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship and the rescue team It will never stay in this ship cemetery for one or two indigenous residents.

"Warships, warships, this is really a warship. I didn't expect these people to say that they were all true."

Not far from the Tian Tang 1, Tian Tang 2 and Tian Tang 3 warships, the people of the mob tribe gathered together and stopped at some distance from the warship.

Li Xiaoxuan led everyone straight to the place where the three warships were located, his eyes widened, and a look of astonishment on his face.

He really didn't think that all this turned out to be real.

It turned out that the rescue team on the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship came to this ship's cemetery, which was really surprising and stunned.

When Li Xiaoxuan was at a loss, I saw the warship in front slowly opening and a jeep rushing forward.

With a squeak, he stopped in front of Li Xiaoxuan and others, and walked down from the car a heroic woman. Looked up and asked

. "You are the original inhabitants of the mob tribe, introduce yourself, I am Tan Xue from the Ministry of National Security of the Kingdom of Tang Dynasty"

Ministry of National Security!

Heaven and Tang Kingdom!

Li Xiaoxuan's twin pupils shrank suddenly, and there was some hesitation in his heart. He really did not expect that it would be the National Security Ministry of the Tang Dynasty when he came to the ship's cemetery.

Even if he spent more than ten years in the ship's cemetery, it is very clear what a country's Ministry of National Security represents.

Li Xiaoxuan couldn't help taking a sip of air-conditioning, and at the same time seemed to have some confidence that the three warships could leave the ship's cemetery.

"Hello, I'm Li Xiaoxuan from the Thug Tribe. Listen to your people and say that you can leave this ship cemetery and take us out of here. I want to know if this is true or not!"

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