Super Finding App

Chapter 1562: One requirement (one)

Li Xiaoxuan looked inexplicably in the eyes of Tan Xueqing, with a bright smile on her face, but she was very vigilant in her heart.

He has his own abacus and plans.

As the saying goes, it is not a simple matter to negotiate. It requires a compromise between the two parties, but if you want to collapse the transaction or cooperation between the two parties, this is a very simple matter. As long as one party's behavior is unreasonable or hateful, the matter will be solved very easily.

In Li Xiaoxuan's opinion, what he has to do is very simple. When the two sides talk, they can irritate or talk to each other. Then they can go back to discuss with the original inhabitants of the thug tribe. The most important thing is to even talk with this The people on the three warships have disputes, making the original inhabitants of the mob tribe honest and horrified, and creating hostile emotions and psychology. At that time, the original inhabitants of the thug tribe will not enter the warship and will stay here. Within the steamer cemetery.

And he Li Xiaoxuan will be the only leader in this ship cemetery!

Thinking of the flash of cold light in Li Xiaoxuan's eyes here, he had no longer wanted to leave the ship's cemetery. Instead of leaving the ship's cemetery and returning to the outside world, he might as well rule the king in this ship's cemetery.

"Hello, I'm Tang Xueqing from the Ministry of National Security, please come with me, we are the rescue team of the rescue water cruise international luxury my cruise ship entering this ship cemetery, we will leave this ship cemetery, follow Yang After consultation, I am willing to rescue all your original inhabitants in the ship cemetery. Of course, on this basis, you only need to abide by the rules and systems we have formulated. If you agree, you can let the mob tribe Residents entered the Tiantang 1 warship together "

The beautiful and charming Tan Xueqing naturally did not know what Li Xiaoxuan was thinking about right now. From the perspective of Tan Xueqing or Cheng Yiping, the original inhabitants were able to leave the ship cemetery, which was their dream.

So whether it is negotiation or cooperation should be a very smooth thing, it is exactly what Tan Xueqing said straight away.

"Tiantang No. 1 has the original inhabitants of the Survivor Tribe. You will join him on this Tiantang No. 1 warship and will follow us to leave the ship cemetery with you. When you are outside, you will naturally follow your instructions. The nationality of the country to which you will be transferred through the diplomatic ambassador "

Is the diplomatic ambassador handing over?

Repatriation to your own country?

The coldness and ridicule of Li Xiaoxuan's heart, Yao got up before entering the ship cemetery.

Li Xiaoxuan's outside world, because he was obsessed with gambling, owed a huge amount of usury, and finally owed a large amount of money online to repay the usury. It can be said that the address book has been utterly messed up, and people who have been dug up have been everywhere. Pursuing, Li Xiaoxuan finally entered the fishing boat for overseas fishing under the last resort.

It is half a year or a quarter as soon as I go out. Although fishing life is very boring, the good thing is that the salary of fishing is still quite high. If it is not for the high salary of fishing, Li Xiaoxuan would not participate at all.

But there is a way that dogs ca n’t change to eat shit. When they are at sea, entertainment is very scarce. The crew at sea drink a little wine, and after eating a small meal, they will find some entertainment. Playing cards and gambling is the most exciting thing for everyone. the spirit of.

In addition, Li Xiaoxuan was originally a gambler, and soon began to gamble with the crew on this fishing boat.

One way is ten bets and nine loses. Li Xiaoxuan was able to win a little at first, and then there was a series of losses. Without the capital, you owe it. Anyway, everyone is able to get a salary after finishing the fishing operation. .

That's exactly what happened. Li Xiaoxuan was so gambling that he even lost his salary for 6 months fishing, and even owed a lot of money.

It can be said that even if Li Xiaoxuan returned completely to the shore waiting for him, the huge debt made Li Xiaoxuan cry.

Just when he was about to jump into the river and commit suicide by himself, ending his tragic life, he encountered a ghost storm on the day when he fell into the sea.

He can never forget the sight he saw at that time. The ghost storm in the sky has disappeared without trace. The rolled waves are connected to the sky. The fishing boat is like a lone boat with the same leaf in the storm. Flirty, there is no room for resistance at all.

Li Xiaoxuan and many crew members made humble wailing sounds and could only pray for God's pity, but it had no effect, and was finally caught up in the ghost storm:

Waking up again, already in the steamer cemetery.

To other crew members, it was a painful thing to stay in the ship's cemetery, but to Li Xiaoxuan, he seemed like a new life.

Because here he has no debt, the huge debt owed by the outside world is gone.

Here he will get a new life, and it is precisely because of this, that Li Xiaoxuan can quickly adjust his mindset and integrate into the mob tribe faster than everyone in the shipyard cemetery.

Expressing loyalty to Carter and Carter's father to the Thug Tribe quickly became one of them.

And Li Xiaoxuan also gradually adapted to the life of the mob tribe in the ship cemetery, and now his ambition is about to be achieved!

Carter's father was dead, Carter was shot down by people on the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship, and now Li Xiaoxuan has become the leader of this thug tribe.

Under such circumstances, I still want to return to the outside world and become a poor man with nothing.

Not only to repay that huge amount of gambling debts, but also to face the pursuit of usury!

How is this possible?

This is something that Li Xiaoxuan can no longer afford. He managed to get rid of these things, and now wants to get him back into that kind of life, which he absolutely does not allow.

It is definitely not willing!

The thought of Li Xiaoxuan raised his head, the cold light in his eyes flashed, the corner of his mouth showed a cold look, and he made a secret decision, no matter what method is used, we must let this negotiation break down, we must let These warships clashed with the original inhabitants of the mob tribe.

Only in this way can he stay in the ship's cemetery, and can also keep the hundreds of indigenous inhabitants of this stormy tribe in the ship's cemetery.

He can dominate the king in this ship cemetery!

Thinking of this, Li Xiaoxuan suddenly looked up and looked at the cool-looking Tan Xueqing, showing a cold look.

"Wait, wait, Miss Tan, right? You say you are from the Ministry of National Security, and I believe you say that you can leave this ship cemetery, and I can also believe it, but I have only one request!"

"That is, I don't want to take the Tang 1 warship. The original inhabitants of my thug tribe will live on the same warship as those on the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship!"

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