Super Finding App

Chapter 1573: Bet (2)

Accompanied by Jin Ge's thumping sound, Li Xiaoxuan's brain fluttered instantly, and he fell to the ground with a thump. Li Xiaoxuan had his right arm completely broken, and was only able to rush over with a dagger in his left hand.

And under the emotional situation, Li Xiaoxuan could not make any evasion.

Cheng Yiping only needs to use Jeet Kune Do to easily knock down the angry Li Xiaoxuan instantly.

This once again shows that people must keep calm.

In the case of anger, I can't care about anything at all, and can only put myself in a passive position in the end.

"Really, Li Xiaoxuan, you still don't really think I have any defense against you, although I thought you would regret it, but I really never thought you would often use a dagger, sure enough, in the ship grave Are everyone on the field turned into a beast? "

The haze in Cheng Yiping's eyes flashed. He thought about everything and thought that Li Xiaoxuan would fight back, but he didn't really think that Li Xiaoxuan would use a dagger.

This suffices to show that in the situation where the morals and laws of the ship's cemetery have completely disappeared, there is really only a thin line between man and beast.

"Wait, wait, I'm not convinced, I'm not convinced, Li Xiaoxuan can only represent himself, he can't represent our mob tribe, he can't represent our mob tribe"


One of the original inhabitants of the mob tribe cried out suddenly.

This is a slightly burly man, angrily.

"Li Xiaoxuan can only represent himself, he can't represent us at all, he can't represent our thug tribe, let alone the so-called gambling contract between you and Li Xiaoxuan is only between you and Li Xiaoxuan and we have nothing at all Relationship, it is simply impossible for us to obey you like this. "

"We don't believe you at all. If we want to board the warship, we must live on the same warship with the noble people on the Shuiyue International Luxury Cruise."

The original inhabitants of the mob tribes who screamed and shouted as the original inhabitants of the thug tribe screamed at the same time.

"Yes, yes, we do n’t recognize the duel between you and Li Xiaoxuan, do you think we do n’t recognize it at all?"

"We want to live on the same warship with the people on the Shuiyue International Luxury Cruise. We want to live on the same warship with the people on the Shuiyue International Luxury Cruise."

In an instant

The atmosphere of the original inhabitants of the mob tribe was suddenly excited, waving their arms and making their own demands.

Cheng Yiping's face became abnormally dignified, he smiled, raised his eyes, and said aloud

"Shut up for me!"

In an instant

Hong Liang's voice suddenly shook the original inhabitants of the mob tribe.

I saw Cheng Yiping move his shoulder and said

"Give you a face, you still shame, don't you? I asked you all to leave this ship cemetery, originally I just wanted to give you a step down Hello everyone, I will leave this ship cemetery earlier together , But I did n’t expect you to do this or not. ”

"Well, okay. Since that's the case, I don't say much. After a long fight, you didn't admit it, and you were so careless. Then you have nothing to do with leaving the ship cemetery!"

"one day!"

"I only give you one day. If you want to leave the ship's cemetery and come to these three warships, naturally Tan Xueqing will take you to the warship. If you don't want that, it doesn't matter, then Just how far away from the warship, if one day later, if there are any more people in front of the warship, then I will doubt how you will make it possible to destroy the possibility that we leave the ship's cemetery. Don't blame our cruelty. "

Cheng Yiping said coldly, his face was dignified, and his patience was gradually exhausted.

He knew very well that the original inhabitants of the mob tribe in front of him had no choice whatsoever to say as long as he believed what he thought.

The duel between him and Li Xiaoxuan was not recognized by the original inhabitants of the thug tribe, so what use is there any more?

Is it true that for the original inhabitants of this mob tribe, the people on the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship, even the rescue team and even the survivor tribe, have even left themselves in this ship cemetery?

This is simply impossible.

Thinking of this, Cheng Yiping glanced coldly at the thugs and turned his head. Looking to Qin Xueqing Road

"Tan Xueqing, I think there is no problem at all. One day, give them one day for them to consider. If the person who has not boarded the warship after one day is regarded as giving up leaving the ship's cemetery, then any one of them will approach the warship It's up to you "

"It should have been so long"

The heroic Tan Xueqing nodded heavily, raised her eyes, and raised the corner of her mouth slightly.

Cold light flashed in the eyes.

"No problem, what you said, Mr. Cheng, is what I said. I will give you a day to consider the original inhabitants of the thug tribe. Within one day, if you want to leave the ship cemetery and come to the warship, I will Send you to board the Tangtang No. 1 ship. If you have not come one day later, it will be regarded as abandonment. I will definitely disagree if I want to get on the ship again at that time. "

"A day later, if any of you approach the warship again, I will be regarded as an enemy. Don't blame us for forcibly expelling you."

After Tan Xueqing finished speaking, no matter what the original inhabitants of the thug tribe thought, he turned away instantly.

Cheng Yiping looked coldly at the original inhabitants of the mob tribe and left immediately.

Mr. Yang opened his mouth. Although hesitated, he was finally pulled back to the warship by his daughter Wang Ting, leaving only a face of the aboriginal people of the thug tribe and no one to faint at the moment. Li Xiaoxuan.

"It should have been so long. If the original inhabitants of this mob tribe delayed us from leaving the ship's cemetery, or even prevented us from leaving the ship's cemetery, it would be worthless."

The heroic Han Xueqing walked and instructed Han Lei, who was at the Ministry of National Security, beside her.

"Han Lei, you must strengthen your vigilance in this period of time. If the original inhabitants of the mob tribe come over, then take them to the warship No. 1 of Tangtang. If a mob tribe comes back one day later, all will be expelled Anyway, we must ensure that we can safely leave the ship cemetery. "

Han Lei, the Ministry of National Security in a combat suit, nodded heavily.

"Understand, I know what to do."

How could they do this?

How could they do this?

Why not believe it?

Why not believe it?

Older man sighed as he walked. Some of him really couldn't understand. Everyone in the shipyard cemetery wanted to leave the ship cemetery. Now the method of leaving has been sent to them. Why are the original inhabitants of the thug tribe? Not willing?

"Okay, okay, dad do n’t think about it, do n’t think about it anymore, everyone has the right to make their own choices, we have done everything right, and as the saying goes, poor people must have hatred, we have given They don't fight for opportunities, do we want them to fail? "

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