Super Finding App

Chapter 1574: Fall apart (1)

There is something hateful to the poor.

For Yang Zi, what she was most worried about was that her father would really be stranded in the ship's cemetery because of the original inhabitants of the mob tribe.

This is absolutely unacceptable to Yang Zi. In Yang Zi's view, everything that his father has done now has been fulfilled.

If the original inhabitants of this thug tribe still refuse to accept the conditions, they will have to live and die with the dignitaries on the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship before they can leave the ship's branch factory, Yang Zi is sure. Tan Xueqing and others from the Ministry of National Security will never agree.

It can only be said that the conditions of choice have been given to the original inhabitants of the mob tribe and others. Whether they can accept it or not, they will choose whether to leave here.

At this moment, Yang Zi has more important things to do.

"I understand, I understand, but everyone has lived in the ship cemetery for so many years together, if possible, I still hope that they can leave the ship cemetery and return to the outside together safely This is the most important thing in the world. "

Yang Lao shook his head gently, revealing a look of bitter smile.

In any case, he has lived in this ship cemetery for more than two decades, which is not a simple matter.

It can be said that he has lived the longest time in the whole ship cemetery. He has also seen many things. For this ship cemetery, it is not only the original inhabitants of the surviving tribe, but also the original inhabitants of the thug tribe. No matter they have their own thoughts or even a lot of feelings.

I hope that everyone can leave this ship cemetery in peace, without leaving any regrets.

But now it seems that this is not a simple matter.

After all, the minds of the original inhabitants of the mob tribe were full of cranky thoughts.

Thinking of Yang Lao raising his head here, he sighed quietly

"Hope they can make the right choice."

At this moment, the original inhabitants of the thug tribe who had been leveled down to the ultimatum did not return to their original place of residence, but instead stayed together and talked about it. For them, everything in front of them is developing. Has completely exceeded their expectations.

After all, what Cheng Yiping said was indeed understandable. Originally, they thought that Yang Lao and others were imprisoned in the shipyard cemetery, but it seems that this is not the case at all.

"Everyone, I don't think we should believe what Yang Lao said. They should not believe what they said. They just said that they wanted to persecute us."

"If they do anything in this ship's cemetery and on this so-called warship, we have no way at all, and then we can only bear it passively, which is really too dangerous for us. Things up "

"I don't think we should believe them. Don't believe them at all."

"It's ridiculous, ridiculous. This is really ridiculous. I don't believe what else they can do. I think we should go to the warship of Tiantang No. 1. As long as we can leave the ship's cemetery, even if there is only 11,000 points, we absolutely cannot Give up, after all, if we can really leave the ship's cemetery, we will be able to return to the outside world. What a great opportunity! "

"Don't forget, if we really lose this opportunity and next time we really have to leave this ship's cemetery, then we don't know what time to wait."

"No, no, you ca n’t say that. If we do n’t participate, we still have a hope of living, but if we participate, we will be completely killed by them. By then, it will be quite troublesome. Once a person dies, there is no point in saying anything. There is hope for a person when he is alive. Once a person dies, there is no hope. "

"Yes, yes, we at least show that we are still alive in this ship's cemetery. If we leave the ship's cemetery, once we are deceived and waiting for us, there is only a dead end. I don't want to. dead"

"Just go if you want to die, but I definitely don't want to die. I definitely won't participate. It's too dangerous."

"A really boring group of people, dangerous? What kind of things are not dangerous in the ship's cemetery? Or that sentence, as long as we can leave the ship's cemetery, I believe that as long as there is a 10,000 chance, we all need to try it. Even if it fails, the big deal is just death. What ’s so great, but if we can succeed, then we can leave this ship's cemetery and return to the outside world. I definitely can't let this opportunity go. "

"I'm leaving this ship's cemetery. I'm going to the warship. As long as I have a chance of 11,000, I will never give up. I want to join this warship."

"I think we should obey Cheng Yiping's words. After all, we only have more than 100 people, but their number is much higher than ours. They should not lie, I decided!"

"No, no, can't go, can't go, this must be a trap, this is a trap, this is a trap!"

The original inhabitants of the mob tribe talked enthusiastically, and the two sides formed a trend. Some people thought that this was definitely a trap, while others thought it was not a trap at all. It seems that the talkers on both sides could not convince anyone. .

"Enough, we do n’t need to discuss so much here. What is the point of discussing so much outside? I think we should follow our own ideas and be willing to stay in this ship cemetery and stay in this thug tribe. Just stay here. If you do n’t want it, do n’t want it. I decided. I ’m going to the rescue team. ”

The original inhabitants of one of the mob tribes seem to have made a decision, raising their heads and gritting their teeth.


Li Xiaoxuan raised his head beside him and said rightly

"Wait, wait, no, no, absolutely no, this must be a trap, this must be a trap, everyone must listen to me, everyone must listen to me, I am the leader of the mob tribe, I am the mob tribe Chief, you must listen to me, you must listen to me! "

In response to Li Xiaoxuan, he came to this ridiculous voice and ridiculous smile.

"Li Xiaoxuan, Li Xiaoxuan, do you still have the right to say that you are the leader of our original inhabitants of the mob tribe? You have no qualifications at all. If you are successful in this duel with the so-called Cheng Yiping, we should now be in the Shuiyue The aristocrats of the international luxury cruise ship live on the same warship. At that time, no matter whether they are using any conspiracy or not, we can rest assured. Now all of this is caused by you. You have not become this at all. Qualifications of the Indigenous Chief of Our Thug Tribe "

"You can't control me now!"

"And everyone, I don't care if you really think this is a trap, or whether you want to stay in the ship cemetery, it has nothing to do with me, I want to go back, I want to go to the rescue team, As long as there is any opportunity to leave the ship's cemetery, I will never give up! "

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