Super Finding App

Chapter 1575: Fall apart (b)

"Yes, as long as we have any chance to leave the ship's cemetery, I will accompany you, I will accompany you."

"It's ridiculous, ridiculous, we won't go, I won't go, I will stay directly in the ship cemetery. Since I know the rescue team of the Shuiyue luxury international cruise ship has a trap, I have to go to party This is simply a ridiculous thing. "

"Yes, yes, it's really ridiculous, even knowing that this might be a scam. Since you know that this might be a trap, why go there? This is simply a ridiculous thing. "

"" There is no entry or exit in this ship's cemetery. I will never be fooled. I will not go to the warship. If I really encounter a trap at that time, my life will be lost. "

"Yes, yes, it is too dangerous for us not to enter this warship."

"No, no, anyway, we have now become like this, what danger and non-danger can be said, I think it is best that we go into the warship, as long as there is hope to survive, as long as There is hope that we can leave this ship's cemetery, we must insist on it. "

The original inhabitants of the mob tribe talked quickly and split into two factions. One group of people decided to enter the rescue team of this international luxury cruise ship. They have to fight for it. This is not a trap. It is really possible to leave this ship cemetery!

The other group did not believe it at all.

For them, they did not believe that there was a way to leave the ship's cemetery.

The mob tribe was split into two in an instant. Although Li Xiaoxuan was desperately struggling and shouting, hoping that everyone would not leave this thug tribe, everyone should not be separated, and everyone could stay together, while also loudly telling the mob tribe to all It is very dangerous for people to enter or leave the ship's cemetery.

The so-called rescue team may be deceiving at all, so that everyone must not be deceived!

But it has no effect.

In his eyes, the gang of thugs fell apart into two groups.

But this is not the main thing.

Most importantly, Li Xiaoxuan knew that he had lost his leadership and prestige against the leader of the mob tribe.

Now the mob tribe has fallen apart with the separation, and even the remaining people have become several groups. They are not willing to accept his leadership at all, and they are also unwilling to accept his leadership.

The only thing he could do was hissing out loud, but it had no effect.

He knew that he had lost his right to the ship's cemetery's former inhabitant leader of the mob tribe and lost his prestige.

Thinking of Li Xiaoxuan here, he gritted his teeth and wanted to cry without tears, but there was no other way, he looked up and watched the mob tribe fall apart.

He knew that everything under his control was turned into ashes and mirages, even if the original inhabitants of this thug tribe obeyed his words and did not enter the rescue team of the Shuiyue luxury international cruise ship. How can it be?

Everything has no meaning at all.

He simply cannot be the leader of the inhabitants of this mob tribe.

The idea that he wanted to become a sole dominator in the shipyard cemetery has long since fallen apart, and those who fail can no longer fail, and have no meaning at all.

And all of this is lost by one person, and that is Cheng Yiping!

At the thought of this, Li Xiaoxuan's face had a sloppy look, gritted his teeth, and he hated itching. If his eyes could kill someone, he would be willing to kill them with his eyes.

Because it is Cheng Yiping who will lose everything, all of this is a fault of Yiping.

It's all a fault.

Thinking of here, Li Xiaoxuan raised his head, gritted his teeth and saw the fierce light, watching the disintegrated mob tribe turned and left, but the haze in his eyes became deeper, said his teeth.

"Cheng Yiping you wait, you wait, everything you bless me, I will double back to you, I will kill you, I will kill you myself!"

"You ruin everything I want, and I want to ruin everything!"

Li Xiaoxuan thought as he turned around and slowly left the original inhabitants of the mob tribe.

Regarding his departure, the original inhabitants of the mob tribe did not care at all, or even after they knew it, they did not care at all.

In their opinion, everything they do today is plunged into this predicament, all of which are Li Xiaoxuan's fault!

It is a great gift without the trouble of finding him.

And at the moment inside the warship, Yang Zi had returned to her room, her face became a bit ugly.

Feng Zhifan yawned and looked up at Yang Zi with a look of doubt.

"What's wrong? Yang Zi, what's wrong with you? Why is your face so bad? Is it uncomfortable?"

Yang Zi shook her head gently and said

"No, no, I don't feel any discomfort, I'm just thinking about the problem"

"Thinking about the problem? What are you thinking about, are you worried about your own father? Probably not, he has already solved the affairs of the mob tribe. Now we just need to wait quietly for the warship to be repaired. You will be able to leave the ship's cemetery, so what else to worry about? "

Feng Zhifan shook his head gently and said

He knows that for Yang Zi, his biggest worry is his father.

However, according to the current situation, Yang Zi's father should have completely resolved the matter. What else is there to worry about?

This made Feng Zhifan strange, and suddenly his eyes opened and he said

"Are you worried about the suicide note?"

Yang Zi nodded heavily, showing a bit of bitter smile and said

"Yes, it is a suicide note, although everything has been resolved now, but I am really worried about my father. If he insists on staying in the ship's cemetery because of the suicide note, it will be too late."

"Do you think the rescue team will stay because my father is alone? It is impossible."

Feng Zhifan nodded and said

"It's true. Now everyone on these three warships hopes to leave the ship's cemetery. If your father really wants to stay in the ship's cemetery because of a suicide note, I think they are You will never stay waiting for your father. This is really a very difficult thing to do. "

"What should we do now?"

Feng Zhifan nodded and asked with a doubtful look.

This is indeed a problem. He knows that Yang Zi has finally found her father. She will never leave her father in the ship's cemetery. On the same Shuiyue international luxury cruise ship, noble officials and rescue team members could not stay in the ship's cemetery for Yang Yang alone.

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